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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by ScottishJohn

  1. Have we got a new packing tent or is it an old pic. PS i'll be back down south on Friday TTFN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  2. try doing a right mouse click on it or just post the URL of where the pic is Here's another one for ya. BEDTIME PRAYER (for women) Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep. One who's handsome, smart and strong. He's not afraid to admit when he's wrong. One who thinks before he speaks. When he promises to call, he doesn't wait 6 weeks. I pray that he is gainfully employed, won't lose his cool when he's annoyed. Pulls out my chair & opens my door, massages my back & begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man who will make love to my mind. Knows just what to say when I ask "How fat is my behind?" One who'll make love till my body's a twitchin' He brings ME a sandwich too, when he goes to the kitchen! I pray that this man will love me to no end, And would never compare me with my best girlfriend. Thank You in advance and now I'll just wait, for I know You will send him before it's too late. Amen BEDTIME PRAYER (for men) As I lay me down to sleep I pray for a woman, who's very cheap. One who's sexy, blonde and long.Who notices that she's mostly wrong. One who sucks And doesn't speak. And promises to do so, Once a week. I pray that she is very randy, 'cause one like that would come in handy. Opens her leg and lies on the floor, and once I'm done, she begs for more. Oh! Send me a woman who will not play with my mind. Who knows what she wants and that's lots from behind! One who'll make love till my body's a twitchin' and brings ME a beer, when she comes from the kitchen! I pray that she'll last right up to the end, And would never complain when I do her best friend. Thanks in advance and you know I can't wait, so I'll screw all the rest 'cause it's never too late. Amen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  3. LMAO, I think he is planning on keeping them for mor than 12 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  4. Tiger Woods drives his huge Volvo into a petrol station near Cork, on his tour of Ireland. The attendant at the pump greets him in a typical Irish manner, unaware as to who the golf pro. is... "Top of the morning to you sir." Tiger Woods bends down to pick up the pump, but two tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground. "What are dey Son?" ask the attendant. "They're called tees" replies Tiger Woods. "What're they for?" enquires the Irishman. "They're for putting my balls on while I'm driving" says Tiger Woods. "Jaysus", says the Cork man, "Dem boys at Volvo tink of everyting! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  5. It was only a suggestion. Be sure to keep another browser window open so you can stay logged onto We wouldn't want you to miss anything. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  6. I used to keep fish years ago the undergravel filter works well with a power head that will give you a good water flow. I used to use an external canister filter as well as UG to remove any solid waste from the water as well. why not check out the rec.aquarium news group ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  7. I'll cut your hair for you Jo , i'm sure theres a pudding bowl in the kitchen I could use to cut around ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  8. OMG It's Friday ----------------------- Wooooo Hoooooo The start of 2 weeks vacation. Weekend at DZ jumpin then 10 days in Scotland then back to the DZ for another weekends fun & games before going back to work. Bad news about your job Jo but i'm sure a girl with your skills will find something soon. TTFN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  9. Today, i tried cutting my own hair to save some $$ ROFLMAO Why didn't you get a friend to do it for you in the first place. There would have been less chance of it going so wrong. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  10. No one licks a naval that looks like a cartoon character's arse ________________________________________________ So if I don't get it done your gonna lick my belly button ? Can't wait. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  11. To all those people who rushed out and got a tat of my face, here is the real tattoo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  12. Ok , i'm having a few problems sending an attachment . I keep getting the following error Your attatchment did not upload. A system error occured while attempting to save your attatchment. temporary attachment directory does not exist ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  13. Thinking of getting a tattoo, why not get a belly button tattoo like this one.
  14. I would have kicked his arse all around the DZ for doing something so stupid. Not only did he put you at risk but also put one of your other friends at risk when she nearly went into your canopy. I wouldn't jump with this guy again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers
  15. that was soooo funny ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  16. Welcome to Europe. I hope we will get the chance to meet when you come to Hinton. You will have a great time. TTFN ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  17. A cool flash site. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  18. How many John Kings are there who skydive. Well there's me for one. and if you go to this site you will find another one and if you go to this site there are another 3 (middle column, 5th pic down) (none of the other john kings are me) ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  19. I tend to stay out of football gloating since our team was so shit they never even made it to the world cup. but on friday I will only do tech support jobs if peple speak portugese ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  20. maybe he can get some nice skydiver girlie to polish it for him PS welcome back to this side of the pond. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  21. LOL ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  22. Yeah , show her your purple helmet that should keep her happy ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  23. Check this out. What a great idea ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  24. Try driving in the middle of the road with your car straddling both lanes , this will make it difficult for the "Cutter" to pass you and the pearcon behind you won't be able to overtake you either. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  25. Read a story once on the web about a USAF pilot who ejected during a thunder storm. Not a plesent thing to do He was quite high and the convection in the cloud kept taking him upwards into the cloud. I think he landed in a forrest and was prety beat up. I cant remember the address but someone else must have read it as well. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================