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Everything posted by skymick

  1. Shuddup..get back to work ya bludger...
  2. Ah yeah I heard about that certain jumper...and if im rigth didnt he ring up JJJ about that too? dont think the local BASE crew were too happy about that hehe
  3. skymick

    Dwaine Weston.

    Damn...RIP Dwain...
  4. The only reason its not a negative article is because that BASE jump was a legal one as opposed to the Westgate ones (really gotta give that a shot someday seems im just about the only one at my DZ that hasnt down a SL jump of the bridge) Just hope the papers arnt filled with neagtive stories about BASE jumping tomorrow after Dwain Weston's demise
  5. Hmm when it comes to religion I agree with Karl Marx..."Religion is the opiate of the masses"
  6. Broken back from being stupid (my orginal excuse was the ground came out of nowhere...that doesnt cut it anymore )
  7. Did you have any metal in your back at the time? I think the main worry is having another accident and dislodging or breaking the metal rather then just general forces placed on the back from opening shock etc (from what I was told my back will be strong enough to support this assuming i dont smack in again). Doc said the bone was healing fine and actually moved forward the date (well date I would be put on a waiting list
  8. The surgeon I had is apparently one of the best in the state (or so im told). I only know of 1 person so is a doc and jumps (well an ex-jumper anyway) but does not specialise in orthopedics. I dont know if my doc is just being very conservative like thay usually are...and him being a whuffo (he seems to be the type to say why the hell would you do a stupid thing like jump out of a plane?
  9. Well finally got to see my doc today about my busted back...good news is I got the brace off but when I asked if I can go jumping by december (6 months since the accident) with the metal inside me still...well just say it wasnt quite the answer I was hopeing for (it was expected though). The doc basically told me not to do any major activities, especially skydivng. Not meant to even lift anything over 5kg and restrict bending until I see him again in 6 months. Strangely enough he said dont do any physio as well! said there was no point (apart maybe from some swimming). This basically contradicts what I've been told by doctors who also jump and also from experiences other people have had with similar injuries. Obviously my doc knows my history better then anyone (supposably ) so i should listen to him...but damn im am very tempted to jump again by december, cant decide what to do though
  10. I find with stuff like that you will keep trying and trying to get a certain point or whatever done and then finally get it and wonder how the hell did I stuff it up all the time its so easy!
  11. I dont see anything wrong with it if the guy knew what he was doing. Its like a skydiver who busted himself up and then went back to jumping again. A whuffo who say that guy is an idiot but we all know why you would go back to it again. Same goes for this guy...
  12. I think you'll find most people here would of started alone, dont worry about it just have fun
  13. 4 months since breaking my back...hopefully be back in another 2 months at least (or over a year if i decide to wait till I get all the metal out of me ) I've realised how boring the DZ is during the day if you're not jumping...I only go down on shitty days now
  14. Hey Daz how do you find out how hard the ground is at Nagambie?...ah thats right..dont flare!
  15. Check out and click on the souldflyer II link...says it will be out mid september for 30 Euros (very tempted to order a copy!)
  16. Sorry to bump this up, but I thought of another possible problem...terminal reserve openings. If my back is good enough to survice standard opening shock will it be ok for a terminal resever deployment. I dont want to jump again, have a high speed mal then to be chicken to dump out my reserve cause im too scared of hurting my back
  17. I think it depends on the situation, but in most cases as long as the jumper is counselled about what happened and makes a good effort to rectify the problem then I dont see any reason why not to continue...just maybe under some supervision for a while. Then again I heard of one jumper who had a mal (linetwists?) and cutaway (had about 80 jumps) when the jumper felt the canopy come off her rig she felt she had dont something wrong and actually tried to reach up and grad hold of the canopy! She obviously did'nt get it so went back to a stable position and prepared to die (this is all her own words too!) until the cypres fired. \ Someone like like on the other hard should be told to take up golf (and luckily i think she did too )
  18. Ummm...would probably say yes on that..would want the spot to be good though..dont think you'll have much time to setup for landing!
  19. I found I was the same for a while, after about 40 jumps or so to about 150 jumps, i would do jumps where they wernt debreifed properly (or at all) and not well organised so I didnt learn squat. I finally did the 4 way team thing, got proper coaching and after that I though those 100 or so jumps early were basically a waste. I learnt shitloads in such a short time. So the moral of the story is get coaching in whatever disipline you are doing...they may cost more in the shit term but its cheaper overall rather then wasting money on more jumps.
  20. Dont know if its just me but I seem to get a lot more tired doing 3-4 jumps spread over a whole day rather then doing jumps non stop all day...wierd!
  21. Dont you start! Carlton cold is like drinking fermented water Anyway dont you guys up there stick to the XXXX mainly...that stuff belongs with the Fosters...export only !
  22. Sounds like you could of been doing a hard spiral one direction then quickly performing a hard spiral in the opposite direction. Because when you turn you and the canopy are both basically facing the same direction but then you turn the other dir the canopy turns but the inertia of your body keeps you in the orginal direction you were facing until the canopy pulls you in the other direction. But if its quick enough your body wont 'catch' up to the canopy and you get line twists. Hope that makes sense
  23. Amen to that! No Aussies drink that Fosters crap..we just export it to the US and UK cause you guys dont know what good beer tastes like anyway haha
  24. I know what was I thinking! Well I was damn bored in that lecture...needed something to do!