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Everything posted by Snowflake

  1. The situation I demoed a Cobalt 150 a few weeks ago and really loved it. I had the chance to demo a 135 but didn't because I thought it may be to much for me and I knew I would love it. Well some how a mistake was made and there is a brand new 135 in my colors at the DZ. The long and skinny is that I ended up jumping a 135 and the performance in terms of being ground hungry in turns is what I expected out of the 150. I was able to sink it and land where I wanted and I stood it up (the wind was around 18 so thats no big deal). My question is if I jump this 135 and can land it downwind in light 6-10MPH wind and put it within 5-10 meters of my target am I bitting of more then I can chew? the stats 130 jumps 1 on a Cobalt 135, 10 on a Cobalt 150, 60-70 on a Spectre 170, 7 on a PD 150, 12 on a Triathalon 160, the rest mostly on a Falcon 195. I'm 205-210 out the door that would put me at 1.5:1 under the 135. My plan would be to jump the 135 on a light wind day and at the end of the day land a few downwinders, if I can't stand it up then go with the 150 (I know I can land it downwind) if I can stand it up 3 times then I consider going with the 135. am I being stupid to even consider this? I by no means consider myself a 100 jump wonder and the fact that I'm writing this probably means I'll get the 150 but a little reinforcment never hurts JG
  2. I can't wait to see video and you know I'll be getting in on some of that next year at the 2nd annual JG
  3. Snowflake

    rat practice

    I will try to be there at 9:00 but will definitly be there by 10:00. Gotta practice my Solo expression exit HAHAHAHA!!!! JG
  4. Snowflake


    One word LAKERS!!!!!! Jess did you really want to see the Mavs get abused by the Lakers? :-P JG
  5. Whats a Cessna? Is that like a small otter or something? I've never jumped anything but otters in my short career, but I'll be fixing that this summer JG
  6. Michele you might want to put your old hard drive in your new PC that way you can get to all your old files although your gonna have to reinstall all your applications Blue Ones JG
  7. Welcome to Tejas!!!!! Come on up to San Marcos if you get a chance Hookit is correct it is around 3.5 hours to SSM but 6.5 hours sounds a little long to spaceland, prolly more like 5 hours. Theres bunk rooms at SSM and if you need a place to stay your more then welcome at me casa, which is about a half hour away in A town "don't do a drug be a drug" JG
  8. Ziinger don't quit your day job :-P. I would highly recommend Fandango it's one of the Top's best albums one side is live and it's probably the best album they ever put out including greatist hits On another note I just heard one of the coolest raps it comes from good stuff and it's killin me. Heres what I've been able to figure out so far Bass synth voice your flyin with the Notorious R.I.G end Bass synth voice East coast west coast freefliers hate us jealous cause I got gold plated three ring release system and a pro rating ray ban goggles and ---- made of gold. chillin Javelin brand new DeHaviland my boy sits right seat. Swoop doggy dog and Dr drouge --- ----- ------- ------- leather skin booties velvet grips altimeter by rolex my gear is TSO'd. Theres a couple more verses but I do have other things to do (just joking I'm just lazy)if anyone knows exactly what their saying or which song it is in the credits please post PS ---- indicates I can't figure out what the fack their saying JG
  9. Phree I will say this after some long thought, just imagine the situation I was in when I took that downwinder. now put a jumper who is not confident in their landings and who gets nervous doing fast landings in that situation. I don't think the result would be good. It's actually been making me rethink my Cobalt post although I'll still be getting one JG
  10. OK Zinger you've pissed me off. I can't find my Fandango disc and I can't stop thinking about "If I ever get back those blue jeans" and worse I can't find it on morpheus. As we used to say back in da hood may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. JG
  11. WFFC, but I'll probably go to Chi town for a day or two.....gotta spread the love JG
  12. This is in response to a few comments made in another post. "Do new skydivers care about safety?" At first this statement annoyed me because I was taking it personal being a new skydiver myself. Then I thought about it and I started to wonder the same thing. I'll share a couple of observations with you. 1 On my second AFF jump I was doing a gear check(I really didn't know what problems I was looking for but I checked the rings, bridle pin and handles while waiting for the instructor). one of the packers looks up at me and says "A student doing a gear check I don't believe it". 2 I know of 2 people that finished AFF around the same time as me and they don't know how to pack (which is no major sin except how else do you get to know your gear). I see a lot of new jumpers myself included without hookknives and worse yet would they know what to do with it if needed?(I include myself in this group, but mine should be in tommorow) Now the one thing that I think links these things together is not enough equipment awareness during the student process. There is quit a bit of information to ingest and I think maybe (ohhh I hate to say this because while I can't see all of them I realize this would create problems for somebody) there should be some form mandatory equipment training. Lets say the cirriculem covers operation and maintaince of the Three ring release system. Physics of deployment and how they should affect main and reserve choice. Canopy operation and maintianance(I had my canopy for a few months before anyone told me to undo the twists in my brake lines before the last pack of the day). Container operation and mantainance. I think if there was some form of book with all the above information and require the student to read a portion of the the information and pass a small verbal/practical test before each AFF jump or you could have the student do it at their leisure and take a written/practical test before getting their A This is just a thought. I do realize that it really is every jumpers responsability to seek out this information on their own, but since that doesn't happen in the real world maybe creating more awareness during their student jumps would help Just a thought JG
  13. 120 jumps/211 posts .57 and let me add I think that at 200 jumps I'll still be a toddeler as far as skydiving is concerned. I think it should be a combination say 500 jumps within the last four years JG
  14. Are you makling fun of me? huh? Why I oughtta........ JG
  15. Snowflake


    Nac it's gonna be a tricky exit you have to go straight down or you'll hit the props ;-). what if someone sabatoged your project? wouldn't you have to stay a little longer like say until August could happen(wink wink nudge nudge) JG
  16. Snowflake


    Phree we'll definitly have to get some jumps in you won't have to chase my backslidding ass around this time and as a bonus I'll land into the wind ;-P PS first round of margaritas is on me JG
  17. Snowflake


    In my quest to keep my mind of the negative. I ran across this little piece of info. Keep your fingers crossed check out the carvair here what a weird looking plane. I hope I get to jump out of it. JG
  18. An awesome skydiver and an even better human being Blue Ones forever...... JG
  19. Just got done coughing up around a grand for jump tickets (I had to buy 4 Helicoptor rides.....thats right there will be a whirly gig this year), registration, and RV hookups. fixin to reserve the RV and find a margarita machine. Yes preperations are in full force for my first WFFC (no beer ....but margaritas and body shots will be offered for the occasion). 92 days and counting looking foreward to jumping with you that will be there it's gonna be a blast JG
  20. Does anyone know if there will be any Canopy training available at WFFC, and if so who will be offering it? JG
  21. Marc you know what your too right although I do have some white friends ;-P. I must say that it is like calling the kettle black......lemme rephrase that sounds like the usual mindless mob logic JG
  22. ***heh, this reminds of that time that this one extreme feminist group decided that since the maths and sciences were mostly advanced through white men that they must be biased. lol. logic is logic is logic.[\quote] Author tries to discredit idea by lumping it together with some fanatics crazy logic. ***while i have some male muslim friends and try not to discriminate based on race or ethnicity, etc, only a fool would disregard where the bulk of the threat of terrorism historically comes from. if it was white males that matched my description i would have no problem with profiling even if it meant i got searched every time. that's life and reality. [\quote] I love this.......I distrust any statement that starts "I have some friends", because that usually means that the next sentence will be why it's ok to infringe on those peoples rights because of the way they look. followed by I would put up with it which is easy to say when you know you won't be asked to put up with it. your reality would probably lead to interment camps for all male muslims and I will have no part of it thanks for offering JG
  23. Makes me think typical white male logic.....why not just round up all muslim males between 17-40 and shot them, wouldn't that be a lot easier? JG
  24. Snowflake


    Try logging in even though I don't have to log in to post replies I do have to log in to reply to my PM's even though I can look at em.....kinda weird huh? JG
  25. I'm gonna pass on tommorw and go Wednesday.cause we have water training tuesday night. Hope theres enough people to get the otter running JG