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Everything posted by Snowflake

  1. Jess IMHO I think that you would be best served by getting a zp of the same size especially since you've just added weights into the equation. I'll let you jump my spectre 170 next time were out there. I don't think you should downsize until you can stand up most if not all of your landings even with going to zp especially since you don't get an opportunity to jump much. just my .02 JG
  2. [/quote}The 1/2 cartwheel is good if you're in a sit/stand at breakoff. If you're head down you just want to gradually track out of it.*** I was aiming this at new people that are probably just starting to sit like me . I would have at least tried to start transitioning if I had known, although a little thought tells you thats exactly what needs to happen if you ever want to jump with groups. I had just never heard these before and it's possible everyone else knows but me (conspiracy theory?) JG
  3. I'm outta here I just called and Carrie said "head on out" so get you ass on the road I'll be there by 10:30 JG
  4. I called right after you did and Carrie told me you called. Then I called you at home at got your voicemail. There will be some weekday jumping this month and since I'm unemployed I can go whenever I want until the $$$ runs out. JG
  5. thats what you get for not coming out yesterday. It was awesome I did nothing but sit. who knows maybe it will clear up JG
  6. We had a FF Seminar last night and a couple points were brought up that most expirienced FF'ers already know that we newbies don't so here they are. 1 after deployment don't fly up or down jump run because you've beat the belly flyers to deployment altitude and if you open and fly up or down jump run you might get a "show" they played a video of someone flying up jump run and they look up and coming down right in front of them is someone getting ready to open (and I mean right in front of them) 2 Don't go belly to earth at break off transition to a track by doing half a catrwheel and a 180 this way your not decelerating real fast before your track which would be real bad if someone is directly above you which they shouldn't be but shit happens. 3 If there are high pullers behind you make sure you tell them to pull where they say there gonna pull so they aren't flyng through your space. The guys who gave the seminar said that they got a bunch of the info from monkeyclaws seminar so if you get the chance to go to one I would highly recomend it Blue ones JG
  7. Off topic whats up bro you gonna be down to SSM anytime soon? JG
  8. (first verse) It's not the liars they can't set you free It's not the riches that you can't forsee it's not the monkey or the LSD it's not the powers that be (chorus) it's always in the air it's always in the air and it always will be there it's always in the air "Always in the air" Fishbone I always loved this song but it took on new meaning whan I started skydiving kinda summed it up for me JG
  9. okay got it I looked at the rest of the page. I believe it's a misprint dot guy needs to be 540 and cross guy needs to be 360. I think JG
  10. Okay I'm looking at these and I cant figure them out could someone please enlighten me. I'm trying to understand the movement. Take for instance block 13 if you look at the movement it doesn't equal the next hammer lower down am I reading this wrong (highly likely). JG
  11. Jess talk to Allen Flynn if you go to SSM this weekend. He should be able to help ya out and you don't need your A to get your B you just have to pass the exam (or did that change too?) JG
  12. My .02 I'm almost at 100 jumps and am just getting ready to buy an audible. The reason I've waited this long is I wanted to be sure of my AA with a visual altimeter. There is no way I wanted to become used to something telling me when to pull what if it doesn't beep (I realize the chances of this are almost nil but it could happen). I also wanted looking at my alti to become reflex. that way my Audible is a backup besides I've gotten so used to looking at my alti I don't know if I could jump with an audible and not look at my wrist even if nothing was there. A couple of suggestions first slide your alti towards your forefinger and thumb when you put it on that way you don't have to turn your wrist much (I really don't need to but I still twist my wrist a little). Second practice looking at your alti when you dirt dive that way it really gets ingrained. When I first got of student status my mentor always made me look at my alti when we were dirt diving if I forgot he would jump my shit(in a nice way....but his point was always made). a good way to practice dive flow would be point ..grips... AA ...point ...grips... AA. This is a little bit of overkill but after a while you start to get a feel for time in freefall and can adjust how often you check your alti. Don't know if this helps but it worked for me Blue ones PS if the horizon starts turning green your low or so I've been told JG
  13. convenient time for someone who sounds like they have a conciense (SP) to get whacked...err I mean kill themselves JG
  14. would you prefer that they make a big fuss and beg you not to do it and then threaten to disown you if you do? My parents would probably have helped if I needed it but I didn't. My dad thought it was very cool and loved watching people match fall rates (especially Olav in Crosswind). Your parents telling you not to do it is like pushing the I must do it button on you most of the time so I've never been able to fathom that technique.....Be safe up there JG
  15. my sequence was out in arch exit the plane stand straight up and run as fast as i could for a few seconds then flip to stable (I actually didn't stop the running man thing till around #40). The debrief always started like this JM "tell me about the dive" Me "well I exited standing straight up and.." JM "...and then you were of to the races....where exactly did you think you were running to?" this question was usually followed by laughing by anyone that was around to hear the debrief. Oh the joys of AFF JG
  16. I like down in it would go good with video of people taking out the base.... In the air---Fishbone....Awesome song and the lyrics really fit JG
  17. I'm impressed thanks a lot for the info. I knew was true but have never seen the formula (way cool) JG
  18. My mistake I guess I should learn to click properly......the cheddar curtain too funny JG
  19. I wanna take you higher by Sly Stone JG
  20. Well since both of you live in Elgin why don't you ride together....just a thought JG
  21. I'll pass on the pam I'm just gonna crazy glue the puppy :-P Seriously I guess it's back to Sunrise for a week (so they said and so I hope) for some new PDF buckles. I guess it's part of the price for trying to be sexy in the sky ....ROTFL Thanks for the help JG JG
  22. Born Cleveland OH Grew up in Rochester NY Currently live in Austin TX Home DZ Skydive SanMarcos First jump Skydive San Marcos 3/4/01 JG
  23. Saturday I get in the plane on my last load and I look down and the leg strap has come loose a few inches I tighten it up and don't think about it well sunday same thing I think I must be bumping the buckle, but when I open it has come loose again (makes me glad I can't jump an elliptical yet might have been hairy). Next jump I try wedging the elastic strap in the buckle and that didn't work I called sunrise rigging and they said I could ship it back and they would put the newer buckles on (they have changed the manufacturer) I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or knows of a fix until I send it back next week (or not if someone has a good fix) Blue Ones JG
  24. Thats as far as you know you might wanna start checking adams apples and such JG
  25. I would hazard to guess that there are a lot of reasons there aren't a lot of brothers jumping. A little economic what group has the most disposable income in this country?(although when people decide they want to do something they usually find a way.....but the idea has to be there ie lack of exposure), a little bit cultural, and a little bit (Searching for a word) ummm of well let me put it this way I grew up in predominantly middle class white America and most of my freinds were white and when I took them to a party that was mainly black people they would get real uncomfortable and remark to me that they felt uncomfortable being the only white person there, well the reverse is true also, a majority of people tend to want to stay in their own groups which also leads to lack of exposure to activities that the group doesn't participate in(kinda boring if you ask me). On a side note my 2 tandems were with a brother (we accused manifest of segragation when he did my second ;-P) . Lets face it most people think were nuts no matter what color they are. PS being poor in college can in no way be construed as the same as being poor and undereducated. I've seen white people that can jump (thats all the rise you get out of me with that assinine comment) Blue Ones JG