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Everything posted by Snowflake

  1. sounds like a good idea except once you get over 2or3 to 1 ratio it becomes hard for 1 person to coach. When I started jumping last year Jeff McVey told me to jump with up jumpers and not do to many jumps with low people like myself at this point. I took it to heart and would sit all day waiting for Mike to finish 4 way practice. He would finish and we'd usually get 2 or 3 jumps in he would make me dirt dive for like 15 minutes always drilling the basics into my head. He never asked for any payment although I would buy him jumps every once and a while and he would always insist that I didn't have to. There are a lot of good RW people that will jump with you if you express an interest and can be patient at times remember their trying to improve too. Now lemme see Dave and Lynaea, RD and Kara, Dennis, Tony, Marshall, Mark, Harry, Mike, and theres lots more. All of these people would probably be more then happy to jump with you but ya gotta ask
  2. Yea it does I was thinking line over although like I said the canopy was square and a line over would deform the canopy.....wouldn't it? I have a camera and I'm getting measured for my helmet this evening because it's not enough to suck at RW and FF'ing now I'm gonna really muddy the water
  3. Work it girl......I would suggest they do a before and after . They do a bunch of stuff now and then pay for you to do a couple hundred coach jumps and then come back and film you all your coach jumps would be videoed. "We'll call this peice skygoddess rising"(might as well go for the moon). Even if it never airs get lots of free jumps that is your mission should you decide to accept it. Good luck
  4. I really don't energy to learn a new OS yet......I'm a lazy SOB plus learning just the basics of video editing is a major pain in my ass christ now I need a faster machine.......I wonder if I can render to video in real time? probably not
  5. just in case you ever use this and need a smaller file size. If you export to an .avi and then use TEMPGEnc to covert it you will get a much smaller file size and the quality is not to bad. 6.4 MB vs 21MB on the same project . You can get it here
  6. I'm going to get measured for my helmet it will be a full face top mount with the latches at the bottom rear of the helmet the camera will be a TRV50. It's a Skypimp helmet built by one of the guys at the DZ and he's built quite a few so he knows what he's doing and can probably cwnser most of these questions. I just want to make sure I don't miss anything. Now to the questions 1) do I want to consicer some type of covering for the camera? is the possibility of a snag on a top mount worth the hassle? I'm going to freefly with this also anything I need to be aware of especially in a headdown with a top mount? I'm sure that there are a ton of things that I havent thought of so any input is welcome
  7. I will not support bill gates in his quest to have total control. MP3 is an open format besides I can always use a lower rate if I want a smaller file size
  8. Thanks all.........I used to use real juke box but it now seems all the MP3's I made with it will not import into Adobe I upgraded to real player and it upgraded my jukebox and then would only let me burn at 96k when I asked them about it they said to give them more money. I told the cock wallopers that "they wern't microsoft and to quit acting like them" screw them I pay for something and then when I upgrade a totally different app it upgrades my jukebox for me without asking grrrr time for a beer
  9. Ok I've got my project set up I export it with ezcleaner and no transitions show up. I then export it as and .avi and only one transition shows up. I have the videoclips overlapping in the video 1a and 1b area I have the transitions placed between the clips I'm using and when I preview the transitions with the use source box checked it looks right. Any thoughts? Also would throwing more horsepower decrease my rendering time and if so by how much if lets say I move from a p-4 1.4GB to 256 MB memory to a twin athalon? Peace out This shits a little frustrating wait all that time for rendering then find a mistake and have to do it over
  10. I need a good app to rip CD's to MP3's anyone know of anything preferably free
  11. thanks that got it......I didn't have ezcleaner it is and that option is there
  12. I'm sitting here tryig to figure out how to export my project to MPEG format. The crappy help says that all I have to do is chosse file>Timeline>movie and then choose MPEG format but when I do there is no MPEG format in the dropdown box for filetype anyone out ther have info on how to do this without buying a plug in grrrrrrr this is pissin me off
  13. WFFC for the duration with a few days at summer fest to rest
  14. ahhh sorry about that post it was more suitable for talkback......I was still a little spazzed out and kinda drunk a few things 1) I was stowing my excess brake line thru the top of my risers and then around the tip of my toggle before it's inserted into the keeper. I think that for whatever reason the canopy opened funny (I'm still trying to figure out why) and the tension pulled the toggle from the keeper amplifying what ever caused this. At this point in time I'm seeking new ways to stow the excess brake line without it being lose so I dont stick my hand through it before I get in the toggle any ideas would be appreciated. 2) It was definitly a weird opening from the beggining. The riseres are always in my hands as soon as I get vertical to the ground, I don't even think about it anymore. This time the riseres were out in front of me and it took me one revolution to even reach one and for some strange reason I couldn't seem to get to my toggles(I think I was fixated on the canopy a little) by the time I tried input I was on my second revolution and it was time to go. any ideas as to what caused this. I've had a brake come unstowed before and it was a gentle dive nothing close to the spin I opened into. I'm pretty anal about my brakes since it happend the first time but when I get main and hang it up the only thing thats apparent is that the left brake is unstowed. let me also say that the canopy appeared to be quite square at the time that I cut away. Is there anything else that could have caused this or was it just simply that the brake was unstowed?
  15. Jinx........ congrats you did what you had to....although(now take this with a grain of salt cause I only have 160 jumps) did you think of jabing your rig once to see if you could get the bag out if it was a PC in tow? My main reason for asking is what if it had been a PC in tow and during the reserve deployment your bag came lose into your deploying reserve. Good job I wish I had made it that far before my first reserve ride
  16. Last year when I first met Jessica she told me about her first reserve ride and how it happened because a brake was unstowed. At the time I had like 40 jumps and had a toggle come undone and it was no big I teased her about it I shoulda aughta nota done that. Yesterday first jump O the day. I do a sit it goes fairly well I pull and as my canopy is opening I'm looking at it and thinking I might get some twists then bam it's open and I'm in a left handed spin I grab the right riser no bueno. I'm looking for the brakes cause my first thought is one is unstowed but I can't seem to find them try to reach and get nothing fuck this I'm outta here. I immediatly go to plan B....ya'll know the drill and bam my reserve is out. I land with no probs and find my main low and behold one of my brakes came unstowed. Now upon finding this out I have conflicting feelings. 1 I feel emberrased cause I could of fixed the problem (I think) and I didn't check my alti at any point during the sequence. 2 confidence because when I felt it was time to go to plan B there was no hesitation no thought other then this sucks and it's gotta go. So that was my first cutaway and it cost me I had to replace my cypress batterys too......I will never tease Jessica again.....okay I probably will but I will use discretion from now on......oh yea if it had been a line over there is no way I would have been able to get my hook knife out and cut it I couldn't even find my brakes after I let go of my riser let alone find a single line and cut it before I spin into the ground. I t happewned that fast so there goes that line of thinking for me
  17. You have to have a license to drive but not to reproduce
  18. I realize we needed rain but I've had quit enough. it hasn't stopped since Saturday it feels like permanant dusk. This shit better clear up by Thursday or I may get suicidal and I don't like to play alone
  19. not that I'm an expert I had the same problem (still do sometimes)but the best advice I got was put your leg in his hand don't think about what you have to do in the air just do it. Look over your sholder and look your leg into his hand don't think "I'm going to do a 180 and back in". I think this makes me use my legs more so I don't float off and then have to back in. Hope this helps It's helped me a ton
  20. like they said let me add that when you get de-arch right you'll start seeing everyone opening below you. I have just started getting the hang of it and last weekend I watched the three people on my side of the formation just fall away at breakoff (thats what it seemed like) I tracked for five seconds and checked alti I was at 3700 and everyone was opening well below me it was sweet now to work on the distance
  21. That sux!!!! but it'll be a funny story in a few years
  22. I don't have the slightest idea but when you get an awnser I'll be more then happy to try it with ya or I'll be more then happy to do a 2 way with ya I need to work on my speed and proximity hint hint
  23. no not really.....I don't disbelieve either, but don't expect me to have "faith" in something that has no evidence. In my opinion organized religion breeds everything that it says is wrong, but as long as you don't need to judge, kill or be mean spirited you can believe in the tooth fairy and you won't get any argument from me PS everything that groks is God
  24. yea thats what I figured my one worry is what if nothing is snagged when I cut away and then something snags as I cut away. I'm wondering should I cut away and freefall long enough to make sure nothing is snagged then pull silver? I have a month or two before I actually start jumping my camera but I like to think ahead
  25. Alright my camcorder is here and I'll be getting a helmet soon so now I'm thinking about how I'm going to need to change my emergency procedures and I'm hoping to get some ideas from you folks. I have a vauge idea of what I'd need to do but I would appreciate some informed input