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Everything posted by jclalor

  1. While keeping your handles are nice, it's not what you should be worrying about.
  2. The year I made my first jump. A pretty good flick, even if they are Austrailian. https://youtu.be/P6j5GvXxpFg
  3. This latest cable news network makes Fox News look moderate. https://youtu.be/HeSOGinQciE
  4. "Interested in how Project Hercules can Interested in how Project Hercules can help you pursue your passion for human flight?" I am I am.
  5. Because we all know what a bastion of liberalism Berkeley was in 1943.
  6. "I got nothing against no Viet Cong. No Vietnamese ever called me a nigger."
  7. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/muhammad-ali-greatest-all-time-dead-74-n584776
  8. What is this zero G maneuver for hang ups?
  9. I know this is a bit old, but I had no idea you could be self taught in this kind of thing. http://www.ihmc.us/groups/jbaxter/
  10. Faith is a " Thought Experiment". As with science when the means of proving a fact is lacking, thought experiments helps to bridge the gap. There are many scientific phenomenon that were first conceived by thought experiments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_experiment Since there is no way of disproving God, atheism and agnosticism are also thought experiments. As one who has found faith in God through such a process, the psycho-spiritual rewards I have gained are my most valued possessions. ... "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours" Stephen Roberts
  11. A long long time ago (1982) in a land far far away (Kapowsin) I vouched for a fellow sailor to the DZO and gave him his static line FJC course during the one hour drive to the DZ. I helped him Gear up and then attempted to explained to him the more pertinent features of his gear on the walk to the plane. Outside of my third wife, the dumbest thing I've ever done. He did great.
  12. It's astounding how many memes I've seen in the last couple of days accusing Obama of apologizing to Japan, and not Being at Arlington on Memorial Day. Both of these being absolutely false.
  13. My understanding is that a couple of TM's got the chance to find out.
  14. Go on then. Eating pork, drinking beer, never once pulled out a prayer rug in public, completely blows off Ramadan and let's his wife and daughter dress how ever they want... And they have a dog, and on occasion attend Christian service. He appears a devout Muslim. He also kills copious amounts of them.
  15. It's nice to known that racism is gone in this country. http://reverbpress.com/politics/vile-racism-forces-fox-news-to-close-comments-on-malia-obama-article/
  16. It reminds me of this. http://youtu.be/RLQeb5NGt3E
  17. He better do it soon, because I really thought I would be unarmed and sitting in a fema camp by now.
  18. Perhaps if the GOP really wanted a SCOTUS appontment in 2016, they should have won the 2012 presidential election.
  19. And now if we could get Ginsberg to take one for the team and retire, we could have the court packed for quite a few years.
  20. And yet when Americans form volunteer border guards to assist the U.S. Border Patrol you referred to them as immature and playing Army. Actually, watch the trailer and you will see that the Portrayal of the Arizona militia is favorable. I still think these guys have a screw loose. The portrayal of the Mexican militias starts out as favorable, but as they grow, they become just as corrupt as the cartels they are tying to eliminate. The governments idea on how to fix the militias is to convert them to speacial government military units. This just completes the full circle of corruption.