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Everything posted by jclalor

  1. Europe 1945 wasn't a civil war. It was part of a declared war between nations. Panama - wasn't a war. We just snatched a leader we didn't like. Bosnia - UNPROFOR was not a predominantly US operation. Who is "we"? Did England do much in Panama? The USA invaded Panama 26 years ago. Nice small country, easy pickings. Isn't Noriega still in a US federal prison somewhere? Or did he die in one? That was back when men were men. And the USA really knew how to do a proper regime change. Manny is alive and well in a Panamanian prison.
  2. What verse was this? “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."
  3. 10 years we were told that billions were being spent to train the Iraqi army. When the Iraqi army "Stood up" we would stand down. The Iraqi army was, is and will always be a joke. The only units of the Iraqi army that are worth a shit, are the units being led by Iranian officers. http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2015/10/iraqi-army-shiite-militias-report-success-in-baiji.php
  4. It's a bit ironic that France was on the right side of history and opposed the US led invasion of Iraq. Now they have to pay the price for the shithole that we created. Freedom fries anyone?
  5. After watching tonight's debate, no question that John Kasich would be the best match against Hillary. Donald just looked like a stooge, particularly on immigration and operation "Wetback".
  6. That's some pretty nice grouping considering that he was just a little guy. http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/06/us/louisiana-child-shooting-officers-arrested/
  7. That was true until the middle of W's 2nd term when he began wising up. That was when Rumsfeld was pushed out, and Cheney's wings were clipped. A good article on it: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/magazine/the-final-insult-in-the-bush-cheney-marriage.html When Scooter never got his pardon, you knew the love affair was over.
  8. You should really try using a different source, you might acually look like you were truly interested in the subject.
  9. In related news, Mr. Trump sure looked happy this morning.
  10. I had never heard of Mannatech before now. Apparently, it is yet another multi-level-marketing snake-oil producer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannatech ABC "20/20" report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q-OUC7z8eI Here is a video Carson did for them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQSoHRwtwvI Some of comments are hilarious! And here he is saying he welcomes hard questions: youtu.be/0gO8ny1jins?t=375 Rather funny when compared with his attitude this morning. This is what he said about Mannatech during the October 28 debate: “I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda and this is what happens in our society. Total propaganda.” The lowest pieces of shit on this planet are snake oil salesman.
  11. What you really need is a moment of clarity, At the current rate, the remainder of your life is going to be a miserable dissipointment. You hardly project the joy and happiness of someone on the verge of eternal bliss. I really hope you get your moment of clarity.
  12. The narrator of your doomsday video claims to have a masters in theology from "Freedom Bible College". http://www.freedombiblecollege.org/tuition.html Why didn't you watch the video by Senator Ted Cruz? It is more relevant at this time. However, both videos are relevant to each other. Not everyone who looks sees. Not everyone who listens hears. Those who have eyes to see will see. Those who have ears to hear will hear. What makes you think I didn't watch Rafeal's speech? I bet you're a big fan of his pops.
  13. The narrator of your doomsday video claims to have a masters in theology from "Freedom Bible College". http://www.freedombiblecollege.org/tuition.html
  14. When is the last time that you even pondered for one second to consider another view? Didn't you predict that the world was going to end a few months ago? Have some self dignity.
  15. http://youtu.be/lCc8IEvh70w
  16. Watching CNN now, it appears that they are just getting started with the good doctor.
  17. Actually the study doesn't say much about atheists at all. From Study: So given the above, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus were not included because of small sample sizes. Were the Agnostics excluded as well for having an even smaller sample size - and why weren't they included with the 27.6% of the sample size that was non-religious? How did they determine the non-religious? Was it just a conglomerate of those who were atheists, spiritual, multi-theistic, and those who chose "other" or refused to answer? They don't even give the sample size of each of those groups, so how do you know if there were any atheists to begin with? Do you really believe that the non-religious in the study were all atheists and outnumbered the Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and agnostics combined? It should also be noted that the study does make a distinction between fundamentalists and non-fundamentalists but then they lump them all together. Of course Islamic extremists are going to be less altruistic and more punitive thus skewing the results - duh. Why do you have to go and ruin the fun?
  18. I often hear it said that if a few people die from accidentally discharged firearms every year, it's just the price we have to pay for the 2nd. I'd be willing to let a few drown every year to be free from militarized police departments.
  19. Meh... I kicked a ton of ass when I was in high school, but I doubt any of my friends or classmates would remember.
  20. John Kasick. He appears to be a serious person who doesn't pander to the nutty right.
  21. What do all you educators think about this? http://m.tulsaworld.com/news/courts/former-thoreau-teacher-gets-years-in-prison-for-molesting-/article_c702782f-bdd9-5738-bbd8-c566f976c1ff.html?mode=JQM
  22. Have you ever wondered why you guys always end up on the loosing side of scientific debate?
  23. We've brought interpreters back with us. Many of them stayed to continue working with the replacement units or went on to work with private contractors. It just takes a couple of recommendation letter and they apply for a visa and all that. In 2009 I wrote a letter for my terp and in 2014 I was interviewed by an investigator for his TS clearance. He came here and enlisted in the Army as a linguist and ended up in 10th SF group in Carson. A lot of them stayed by choice to help better their country. They were working with us for that very reason. They a truly passionate patriots. And some would refuse their entry to this country based on nothing more than their religion.