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Everything posted by ifell

  1. first hour of freefall has to the most expensive hour of fun for sure... but I sorta recall hitting Vegas this one time...
  2. ifell

    fun with boobies

    These would be awesome if they worked on iPod touch LOL
  3. Turns out I thought I could connect it as wireless but I can't so I had to order the USB cable!
  4. Yeah I read through all the relevant support pages for Paralog and Pro-Track So do you guys have it set to file or a COM port?
  5. Ok so I just got some new toys today and now I am getting very impatient with them, I emailed asking how to get Paralog to read my logger (Pro-Track) in which I logged all my previous jumps but like I said... I am very impatient so please help me get Paralog on my laptop to see my Pro-Track. I set Paralog to file AND COM3 port but nothing goes. Not to mention the forum from the Pro-Track company is down, I went there first.
  6. would be funny if the title to this thread would do it too
  7. In doubt just buy beer and discuss over cold ones!
  8. I only have one but it keeps coming back allot, I am in FF and when I pull nothing happens, I pull and pull and it keeps getting longer and longer untill everything goes black! I don't think I need to analyse too long to find out what it means but I am a bit concerned about the fact that I never go for the cut/reserve handles
  9. If you zoom in behind Obama (2nd row) there a bald black man that appears to be sleeping lol
  10. ifell

    +1 replies

    +1 is actually a good reply when browsing on iPod, cause typing sucks on those things
  11. Which story did you prefer? I thought the married couple was the best!
  12. ifell

    Texas Hold 'Em

    You wanna win? Think cleavage! You wanna drink? Throw your chips in every hand till you have none left, one way or another cleavage is the way to go!
  13. ifell

    Penis Power

    That's it! I'm getting me some jewlery
  14. Recently as I was showing a a few ppl at work some footage of me I was asked how we keep up with the plane... What? Well the guy with the camera is on the plane right? Immediately thought of this thread before sitting that person down for a chat!
  15. Pretty nice list right here in case you are looking for that extra crappy movie: http://www.imdb.com/chart/bottom
  16. My main problem is getting other jumpers to go for a 2 way with me since most B holders will usually be doing 4 ways (at my DZ anyway). They usually call each other up before hand so it's harder to a 2 way going specially when you have to wait like 5 loads every time you jump and I still need to do a couple 2 ways to get my B (CSPA says I need 15 2 ways)
  17. I would really like to get a canopy course, does anyone know an excellent coach in eastern Canada (Quebec or Ontario) or maybe way up the east coast like Maine or something? I have never seen anyone give a canopy course except to AFF students and that's not really what I am looking for.
  18. Good job on those 14 lbs. keep in that direction and you will be flying in no time, I just wanted to add that I did my AFF in may but finnished in june (damn weather) in that time with no change of diet or any work out I lost 15lbs... I suppose it was all the stress
  19. Yeah I like to get close (but too close) in case I can be of assisstance! Getting there just to see is a bad idea, i'll keep my distance but stay within hear shot so I can hear the "get some ice" or "grab the rig"... Which is about all I am qualified to do!
  20. The whole reason I was asking this is because there is a Heli pilot school like 5 minutes from where I live so I emailed them about doing some heli jumps in the huge feilds just by their hanger... hopefully one of the pilots there will respond to the email in a positive fashion! I might be broke by the time spring comes around but who cares if heli is more fun than airplanes then I won't need to drive an hour to and from the DZ. I might also get to jump all winter long if this works out!
  21. Its just that going for my A I learned that it takes 12seconds to reach max speed, which is around 1500' so I figure it would be good to know since I thought jumping from an airplane you are already in the wind but heli/balloon there is no resistance for the initial part of it so I thought that would have an affect on the jump... Other than making it more fun
  22. Ok so if you jump from a heli or balloon does it take the same time to reach max freefall speed? Since you don't get the initial blast I guess it would affect fall rate? Since I won't be going much more than 5k I figure it would be important info! Oh and could we keep the bitching about who said what to a minimum please... Really, no one cares!