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Everything posted by likestojump

  1. easy solution - wear an empty harness with 3 rings and trashbag something that vaguely resembles a canopy. Fly that for a bit and then chop.
  2. oh BTW, BASE is banned from NATIONAL parks (the NPS - Nazi Park Service), not state parks. I have made BASE jumps in a number of State and City parks, and none of these jumps were illegal.
  3. My reply was meant to be sarcastic. I am very much interested in how petejones45 would have answered. I am very well aware of the failed USPA Yosemite program :(
  4. Ohhhh, I'm scared! Private messages are private - the moderators have no business enforcing anything with them. If you don't like 'em, don't read 'em, block the users from whom you don't want to receive 'em. If you don't want private nasty-grams, don't make public nasty-grams. Look at the post footer. It was edited by LouDiamond, and everything written after the EDIT part (basically what you quoted) is written by him.
  5. Is there something wrong with flat-packing? - "My favorite color is blue" JR - "what do you have against yellow ?" You didn't answer the question - why are you interested in why someone chooses to flat pack? actually, you asked me if there's something wrong with flat packing. so here's my answer to that one : Nothing wrong with it. many people still use it. I personally use a combination of a flat prostack when I do my reserves and BASE canopies. As far as your second question - It's very uncommon for new jumpers of today (in the US) to know what flat packing is, or to learn how. So that's why I asked. PS Than you for the PM, and congrats on acting 1/3 your age for blocking me from replying. EDIT: posting content from PMs/e-mails in the open forums is not acceptable. If you are having issues with a user via PMs that you feel has gotten out of control please notify one of the MODS and we look into it. John Rich, I do not know why you would send a PM like the one I just removed but I will tell you this one time, choose what you write in your posts and PMs on this entire forum wisely in the future as you have gained the attention of the MOD staff with your posting behavior.
  6. Crossfire2 opened really nice. Competition (or H-modded) Cobalt with HMA lines opened really well. But neither are good for a beginner. People seem to like Pilots and Safire2's. If you get a Pilot I would try to go with HMA rather than Spectra lines.
  7. Is there something wrong with flat-packing? - "My favorite color is blue" JR - "what do you have against yellow ?"
  8. I can't help with the guide, but I am very interested in knowing why you want to be flat-packing ?
  9. a slider has more to it than just size a slider that has a higher profile will let the nose open up more and thus (in theory) will have the canopy open up "better and from the nose". it can be made from ZP, F111, large mesh, marquisette mesh or hybrid with mesh panels (like the PD Katanas use for 135/150/170). It can be domed, or it can have pockets added like Ronaldo said it can also be holey with a varying size holes put into it If you really like everything about your canopy except for the openings, I suggest some asking around of the maker and experienced users /riggers. And if you are daring enough some experimentation ! :) Good luck !
  10. It is indicative of RSL ring pull, but most riggers don't have a problem packing it as long as it's undamaged. If in doubt- send it to the manufacturer for an assessment.
  11. you got it quite backwards. Europe is far more open minded about BASE and many other things. The US loves to enact laws to protects people from themselves.
  12. PP2 traces to WHITE, JERRY WAYNE whose current address is listed in Santa Rosa FL
  13. here : ?
  14. that's easy - the photo is grainy and low resolution. The guy was cheap enough not to use a DSLR glove !
  15. weird. the article didn't mention the word GUN a single time...
  16. In college we were doing first day introductions, one of the things was "cool fact about yourself". One guy said that he is a certified skydiver. Of course, I asked him where he jumps - he said he hasn't jumped in a bit, but when he did he was jumping in Missouri. He couldn't name the place or recall what kind of gear he was using (keep in mind this is a guy in his early 20s, so there could not have been that much time passed). I invited him to come out and make some jumps at local DZs, but he never took me on the offer. Funny, he also has never mentioned skydiving in class or to me again. I bet it was the case of someone doing a tandem and getting a first jump certificate :)
  17. And then when the unit fails due to “cheapass” batteries the company gets sued. Skydivers are not always the sharpest tool in the box. Sparky I agree with you 100% percent. Just because something is possible, doesn't mean it's recommended. I keep a stock of name brand batteries for Argus units that I insist I change for people who come to me with those AADs.
  18. Correct Cypres has a specific 2 pin container cutter, but I don't know the differences with the 1 pin cutter. the manual specifies fingertrapping the two closing loops into one line, which would mean to use a single cutter for the single closing loop with two heads.
  19. My mistake. Anyone who wants to can change the batteries in their AAD at any time. But the FAA requires that the container be packed and closed by a “certificated parachute rigger.” As a rigger I thought you would know that. Sparky exactly. And yes, I do know that. as opposed to an Argus, where a user can buy it used and put in some cheapass set of batteries, the Vigil uses a proprietary power pack, so it would be impossible for a user to install an unapproved set of batteries. I don't see how it's wrong or improper for an end user to replace the battery, and then hand the unit of to their rigger for an install. You know, kinda like they can buy a new reserve canopy, new reserve slinks, new reserve handle and then their rigger can install those for the end user ....
  20. Notice it says CAN. I believe its stated purely out of convenience. In other words the manual does not specify the mandate for who changes the battery.
  21. But the FAA does not allow you to do that. Sparky what does FAA have to do with a device that carries no FAA certifications ?
  22. it's a TERRIBLE idea, ESPECIALLY if done for the reason that you mention. Harness=load bearing, TSO'd component = NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH
  23. This is why your cutaway cables are different length, so the 'NON-RSL' side is disconnected first..... Not true. Your cutaway cables are designed to release both 3-rings at the same time when you cut away. The different cable lengths are simply meant to accomodate the design of the rig and the single-handle release, as the right cable goes in a straight line to the right 3-rings and the other has to go all the way around the yoke and then U-turn back up to the left 3-rings. Even if the cables were different lengths to make the risers release one at a time, the difference would be so slight it wouldn't make a difference. If the non-RSL side hangs up it doesn't matter if it happens at the same moment the RSL side releases or a split-second earlier or later. Either way you will have a "two out" situation. absolutely incorrect. The specs say to have the RSL side cable to have more excess. quick search shows this doc from CPS : where section 3.3.1 is of note