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    ez,sigma370,cobolt350,pd421,icarus and p

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    Skydive Toledo
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  1. This post has turned disgusting. The video was awesome to see the vk in action, probably one of the best current ones of it being rung out and truly tested. Its sad to see in such a small community people being so negative and hateful. Charlie is a great canopy pilot and so are other folks on this forum, no one should be putting anybody down for their personal style. I also want to say to see a factory team guy be so hateful and ridiculing disturbs me your supposed to be professional at all times end of story. To the people who just sit on here and stir the pot get a life try skydiving some time instead of judging. Let's get back to having fun and swooping our butts off instead of trying to demean and put people down that we are either jealous of or wish we had half the talent of. To charlie, I hope you choose to compete and out swoop all your nay sayers it would be your sweetest revenge... He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  2. no no no since the advent of the hand cam ti have gotten less an less money for there jobs we are now shooting hand cam an doing tandems for less its bull my friends are out a vid job i dont get to shoot vid an the dzo gets to put more money on the airplane its bull ti should get 60 a jump with hand cam ......... we need a ti union to stop greedy dzo from getting rich off are back pain.. i dont mind hand cam but i want to get paid for it you want to run discount skydives you eat the cost DZO's...........or just keep the outside vid so we keep skydiving alive....... greedy dzos are killing the sport. He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  3. fire the T\I he did not do a good gear check He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  4. what is the shelf life on a vigil one battery thats new but made in o7 a dealer sent us a new batt but it was made in 07 is it still good an under manfacturer rules? He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  5. yes you can get the v line set i use to get v lines put on sigmas two three years ago He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  6. try pacific coast skydiving in san diego at brown field ask for andy He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  7. thanks for the info glad to see people talking an learning from that an not shine it on like i lived no big deal.. i hope we all know that was a close one. He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  8. scrub

    TI study guide

    when you take your ti rating course there will be some vidio that will be helpful but te dont want you see them till the course for good reason. you need to learn from them in that setting with proper traing,like a first jump course when you get wethered out and your students come back the next day,now you have to worry about them practicing wrong an building bad habits,talk with only te at first they are the ones that know or 5 to 10 thousand just tandem guys they have seen most. always remember the old guys know best the bold guys are not with us anymore and only the good die young so be bad an have fun blue skies. He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  9. this is one of ves little men that all hate sin city cause the little guy is still gettin er done in the big sharks world ha ha ha suckers brad is a good guy and is trying more than i can say for tn farm whores He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  10. just wanted to tell you im so happy that i met michy she got me to come to star and there i will always have friends thank you prays and thoughts are with you blue skies He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  11. if i have a line twist on a 330 or any canopy i make my student arch line twist come out way better if He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  12. hey i happen to no packin jerret and he is a dam good pilot i have about 400 more jumps then him and he will out swoop me n e day may though i learened what the ground felt like young in the sport i dont push it He who hesitates shall inherit the earth
  13. u no if u just jump precision u wont have n e problems He who hesitates shall inherit the earth