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Everything posted by jellob

  1. Just turn on the news - it is ripe with material to parody these days... 1. politics (the campaigns, conspiracy theories, lame duck administrations) 2. the war(s) 3. gas prices 4. the green movement 5. crazy weather 6. the polygamist cult in Texas 7. sports (not a sports person, but I am sure something is happening) 8. the economy (and the housing market) 9. any number of horrible movies out now 10. the Mars' Lander 11. tomato salmonella outbreak 12. I'm sure some celebrity has done something idiotic and worthy of mocking Enjoy your Sunday.
  2. Mine is definitely lighter now, but given that I paid almost $2000, it should be completely gone! I've seen ads for Wrecking Balm, but am always a little skeptical about things like that. I called them once and the woman on the other end was too pushy and I wanted more info. It sounds like banesura got the treatment like what I had the first time round. I went for multiple sessions and saw no relief and it felt like rubber bands snapping. My second round treatment I was completely numbed for (20 pokes in my side!) and felt nothing, but did smell my skin burning at one point. Good luck and sorry I have nothing good to say!
  3. First, I handle pain very, very well. I have several tattoos and multiple piercings. I've had the removal done - twice actually. The first time was 12 years ago and the technology was not quite was it is today and did nothing but make the skin under the ink swell and stay that way for 9 years. Then I tried again 3 years ago with a different technique (an isolated laserlight technique). I ended up with some significant scarring, but probably more because of what happened from the first time. It didn't hurt during the process, but was excrutiating for about 4 weeks after and very painful for about 8 weeks after that. The tattoo was over my ribs and I would have these outrageous sharp pangs that would temporarily stun me for several seconds at a time. I passed out twice from the pain changing the bandages. I had to wear these special bandages for about 4 months after and they were not cheap. The lotion I had to wear under the bandages burned like a bitch! To top it all off, I still have a decent amount of ink left and it looks like braille now. I know it depends on skin type and ink how a person and the tattoo will respond, but unless you are dead set on getting it completely removed, you might want to get it covered with a different tattoo...
  4. I just got back this one: 29 year old married female, good health, non-smoker, no children; 500K 30 year policy ..... $54,000 over the term in premiums
  5. How about Lucy or Mya? I always tend to add McFuzzyPants to the end of any of my cat's names, so feel free to use that too.
  6. I'm sooo excited about NKOTB reuniting!
  7. You know what would go well with this Zima? A five... five dollar foot long.
  8. Uhh, make sure you ask for the year's supply of prop wash, too. Then it will be a GREAT deal!!
  9. I just jumped with my dad this past weekend. He is almost 57. I asked once if he wanted to go with me and he said the next time he visited, he would. He came for a visit and made good on his word. He really liked it, but seemed to think once was enough! A friend told me once to not get my hopes up or my feelings hurt if he didn't like it. Even though we really enjoy it and seem to think everyone else should, doesn't mean they will. Ask him, show him your videos, and take him to the dz so he can see what happens. Then he can decide without pressure.
  10. It really is not that difficult to navigate one's way through the classifieds or through common sense. I bought my reserve through the classifieds. I contacted the seller, got all his info, then contacted a friend in the area for anything he would know, told my rigger to expect the canopy, refused payment until I got the go ahead from my rigger, and a nice sale was eventually made. Truly not tough. I'm a newbie, but can still read the warnings on the website and can use my education to help. How much more in the way of a warning needs to be on the classifieds?!
  11. :1:1 Owed for jumping brand new gear and graduating from radio.
  12. I just bought my first rig in the beginning of March and it still sits. Think the shitty weather in my area must be my fault. Is it Murphy's Law or a Catch-22?
  13. Honestly, no. I don't think I would be that interested in getting designer skydiver clothing. I liked this one shirt and got it as a gift. That being said, though, this shirt looks like a regular woman's cotton shirt and I could easily wear it out. I don't think it screams skydiving at first glance. I am extremely new in the sport, so take my observations for what they are worth, but it seems that a majority of the focus on 'fashion' comes down to which container you own or the design on your jumpsuit.
  14. I love my shirt which reads: Get High, Drop Out. First, it makes me giggle simply because it is funny. Second, I'm a teacher so there is a little bit of irony there. Third, I like the fit and color.
  15. I agree that $10 sounds like too little. Also, if you go the route of the business cards, there are a bunch of websites where you can get them for just shipping and handling. Or, you can buy the templates at office supply places (but I would think the cost of the ink would really add up). What about posting a flyer at your local grocery story with the little rip-off phone number tags? Or ask other local stores if you can hang flyers or leave business cards in their windows or on their counters?
  16. Gosh, I hope he was wearing one of those baritone-tuned safety whistles I hear are great for avoiding collisions...
  17. I got a freefly suit with flat grips (from Freak N Suits) since I assumed it would be multifunctional and I could use the additional help of the grips, if needed or wanted. I like the flat grips since they are not bulky, but still can be easily grabbed.