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Everything posted by E150

  1. Cool - your a brave man Mike. Good luck. I wanna do BASE, but not quite yet!
  2. I was in a 'rigged' aircraft emergany at 5k. Great experiance, superb training.
  3. Wooaaah - Think I've got the wrong end of the stick on this one
  4. It's a small roof, your ass might be too big!
  5. Oh and if it goes up the pavement, it did it itself!! LOL .
  6. Nice colours. . . . . (seeing as my rig is red/yellow and canopy red/white/black). LOL
  7. E150


    I still want to get a little balck Elephant. But seeing as I've onyl just had my first tattoo done. . . . . I think I'll leave it a while.
  8. Me too. I'll be back after this weekend! Fancy a ride in my car?
  9. I get the impression that its fairly common to be anxious in the plane. I myself, put it down to the fact that it is not always easy to control your imagination.Whereas, during/after exit, its happening and you get on with it (no time for imagination). During my AFF, the plane ride was definately the scariest bit (I used to edge towards the door and never look down). I'm fine now, but after a few weeks off jumping, the anxiety comes flooding back. Relax, breath and think about what a laugh the jump will be. Works for me!
  10. How strange! It seems to be the way things have been going for the last month or two! Whats happened?
  11. Er - yer, and SS, cos video footage of the naked skydive was bad enough.
  12. Cool! I know that feeling (no money). I love mine.
  13. Yer, come on guys, we want gossip and scandal. Seeing as there was none at Nethers, there has got to have been some at Hinton!
  14. 182 jumps, 1 cutaway (jump no 81), yes recognised immediately.
  15. I've changed my mind anyway - I don't want to know.
  16. I'd say that men's willies are all rather unique too.
  17. **and guys mean it when they say that!** So, do I when I say it. It's what you do with it thats more improtant.
  18. **"Size doesn't matter baby" ** I quite agree
  19. Well now we all have size to live up to, you definately wont get much responce.
  20. E150

    Damn Skychicks!

    LOL Thats funny. Priorities huh.