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Everything posted by E150

  1. Atom legend - as my mate right said, it was a feekin myth for a long while. Sorry, I was not having a go
  2. Don't complain, mine was supposed to take 12-14 weeks but actualy took 6 MONTHS! So, count yourselfves lucky!
  3. Nar - my tits arn't big enough!!
  4. Cool. Your still planning a tatto then Phil? I want to get two elephants with their trunks linked. Having only had a tattoo done a while back, i'm gonna leave it a while - besides I have no idea where I'd get this put!
  5. Excellent, I'd love to see that footage.
  6. Blimey, thats funny, and I thought I was exagerating a little.
  7. I heard he spotted himself out about 4 miles early!! LOL
  8. E150

    Revenge is sweet

    Was that cos you were angry at your grounding Will??
  9. Cadburys flake easter egg :) yummi (ooo - just rememberd I have it with me here at work - cool)
  10. E150

    License Survey

    Hope to get my C licence this wekend (200 jumps). Think it is all different in the USA.
  11. Call the airline up. I flew with Virgin and they told me it had to go in as luggage (not hand luggage). This is what Airtech say: From Airtech website: December, 2001 Dear Skydiver: In case you intend to travel via commercial airline with your rig in the future, please follow these tips and hopefully you will not experience any difficulties. CYPRES is a non-dangerous good, this has been certified by various authorities. However, airlines may take this into consideration or not, their usual reaction when asked is that they are very restrictive and start a long-lasting procedure where the outcome is uncertain. We therefore advise you to simply pack your rig into a hardshell suitcase, such as a "Samsonite" case, and check your suitcase in without mentioning anything about a rig or CYPRES. We recommend that you do not draw the security staff's attention or volunteer the contents (unless specifically ask). Above all do not phone in advance or ask on the day of your flight if it is "OK". Do not try to carry your rig on board as carry-on luggage. Under actual circumstances, especially in regard to the situation in the United States, this likely will not be successful. You can rest assured that the CYPRES is a non-dangerous good and that carrying this device is therefore legal.
  12. "yes, of course women result to low-down tactics" Do they? Can't say that I ever have!
  13. Yer, go for it, you have nothing to loose. But, don't if he is married or in a relationship. Ya know, you would not like it! Good luck
  14. Just tell him you'r wet for him and walk off!
  15. It's not that hard to let a guy know you want his boner! You can make it obvious by the way you look at him and direct conversation his way?! If that fails, just get drunk and snog him!
  16. I said no . . mut maybe on a v special occasion and only if we got about 5k extra!
  17. E150

    Turkey Dropzone?

    The only Turkish DZ that I know of . . . . http://www.parachute.8k.com/index2.htm
  18. E150

    Night Jump

    Wicked - nice one. Im doing my first one on Saturday (I hope). Can't wait.
  19. E150


    Fair enough, maybe its just 'some' DZ's?????
  20. Dont understand it myself, but have had the same problems. I was owed money, so filled in all the forms, only to receive a letter saying, they owed me nothing and I owed them nothing! Apparently I had not been in work for a year! Righto. After many a confusing phone call, form filling and letter writing . . . eventually I got £90 (which was spent in a weekend on jump tickets). Bastards - its all bloody hassel - hope you get it sorted.
  21. I did a 4500ft jump from a chopper for $45. It was great, the chopper was hovering and you do get a falling feeling, but not for very long.
  22. ***0 (Wrong time of the month): 0 (working): 0 (Dunno why really)*** Does it matter? . . . . . . Skive! . . . . . . . Invent something!