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Everything posted by E150

  1. I've got 3 jumps to make at Hinton on Friday (to take me to 199) - so I'll see you there. Can't wait to catch up with everybody - hope my hearing has come back by then! The fore-cast looks good
  2. Yer - I can't wait (getting video too!!)
  3. E150


    BTW - A ride up and down in the UK, is a jump ticket! Unfortunately, we don't get that for free like you guys seem to in America. Same applies for refusals. (Dont get me wrong, of corse your health comes before £17)
  4. E150


    Your right, but, I knew the risks, so on my head be it. I have jumped with a cold before and that was 100% fine. For this reason, I thought I would be OK. Now I realise that jumping with sinusitus is a different story from jumping with a cold! I had already seen a doctor (Dad is a Doctor). I was (and still am) on antibiotics. Nope, I won't jump with sinusitus again. I'll be OK, thanks.
  5. 2:6:1 First CF jump, scary but exhilarating. Managed 1 stack - wicked. Then landed off DZ!
  6. E150


    Yer, I guess. I was off work last week for sinusitus. I am on antibiotics for it. I did 6 jumps at the weekend and now I am deaf. The first jump hurt like fuck, but by the next morning my hearing had come back. So, me being stupid does 5 more jumps and now I can hardly here anything. I'm really worried incase I have damaged my hearing for life. I'm not seeing the funny side anymore. Yer - Roll on Friday, nice long weekend of jumping
  7. Ahh, would love a bit of shunshine jumping. Have a good time if you go.
  8. There is also North London Parachute centre (Chatteris, Nr March)
  9. Hey Mike, Maybe you should ensure that you are very seinsible for the next 6 months (no rad hook turns)! You have only come off a longish ban 3 weeks ago!. Maybe this way the bad vibes will calm down a bit?? I dunno . tricky one. Good luck and see ya in 2 weeks
  10. E150

    Helmet Padding

    Hi, Does anyone know of somewhere you can buy decent padding for a helmet that is a little large?? Only small (thin) strips of padding needed. If there is some where I can buy on-line - would be perfect. Thanks
  11. 6 - thats knackering enough and expensive.
  12. Post deleted by E150
  13. My first jump . . . No arch, No comment!
  14. 3:3:0 Great weekend. But, today is hell, have a nasty cold and feel like shit
  15. BUGGER! Cos I know it's in my advantage!
  16. I can understand why she is giving it another go (not that I think she nesc should). In my long wrong relationship, I stayed to 'give it another go' on numerous occasions. Having bawled my eyes out to my friends/sister. I'd use the same reasoning ... 'I told you all the bad, cos he had upset me, there is more good than bad, we have a great time mostly ect'. Looking back, it was definatly a cover up to make myself feel better for being weak. Although, I still say we did have great times, but that was not enough to make up for the crap parts. People dont really change. Thing is, Skystorm has got to make her own mistakes. If that is staying with him, then let it be. All I can say, is good luck to you. No doubt you will look back and wonder why you stayed so long. But hey, if you prove us all wrong, then great
  17. High Reward Driven (HRD) means that you are a motivated person who actively seeks to work the hardest. Some people might think of you as a 'Type A' personality: someone who takes charge of a situation, someone who is firm in his or her convictions, and above all someone who is committed to winning. And the motivating factor here is the reward: whether it’s money, higher standing, or first place. People who know you probably think of you as professional, solid, and a high-performace person. !!!!!! And there is me thinking I'm a lazy so and so! I dont mind loosing either! Wierd.
  18. Im getting more than fed up with the weather now. Can actually say that it's depressing me now and not just cos we can't jump! Tired, run-down, pale and worn out.
  19. I want to do a bird-man jump just as soon as I have the critera and am ready for it. Wehhey
  20. E150


    You got it