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Everything posted by scottbre

  1. My TPS reports are fine. What does that have to do with the website? "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  2. Where is it? When is it coming back? How am I supposed to check for interesting things that may be going on there in the near future? (Well ones that can be posted publicly anyway). Who's in charge and who's been slacking off? "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  3. I jumped a borrowed GTi. Might have been able to slow down a bit more, but my mentor was carving away because he realized we needed to burn off some altitude lest we land far off the DZ. So I only got to play with the suit a little before I had to start following the other person back to the DZ. On a related note, does the software for the protrack that lets you download your jumps, show the fall rate speed fluctuations throughout the dive. Hadn't really cared until now, but I could definately see how that could be beneficially in determining slowest speed, etc. on a Birdman jump.
  4. Average speed of 61 for you, my protrack said 58. Seriously though, thanks so much for guiding me into the flock. I love it. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  5. Bridge Day did rock (and I didn't even jump), but for me, it was still a skydiving weekend, cause I stopped by SGC on my way home from Bridge Day. 1*:3:2 *funny video of a friend streaking through the Holiday Inn at Bridge Day on Sat. Night Firsts: I had several first this weekend, but if we're only talking skydiving firsts then just two. Did my first Birdman jump on Sunday. Jump one: Average speed of 58 mph Jump two: Average speed of 69 mph, and had my first Birdman dock on a fellow Birdman. Thanks Pete for letting me borrow your GTi suit and thanks Phree for training and flying with me. Funny thing is that I did a freefly jump before my two birdman jumps that I completely forgot about until I saw it on my video camera when I was reviewing my footage from the birdman jumps...
  6. maybe everyone should just find somewhere else to put their food... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  7. hmm... now that I think about it, I guess that some of the jumpers probably put their lunch in the fridge to keep it cold. We have a water cooler system that keeps the water nice and cold, so no need to waste fridge space with that... I'm not missing anything, jumpers at my DZ just don't generally make a habit of bringing so much meat to the DZ that it would require cold storage. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  8. I vote something else... Here's my suggestion: You should be my benefactor. Follow me around all night paying for stuff and handing me $100 bills. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  9. We generally put beer and whipped cream in our DZ refridgerator. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  10. Neither. It's probably dead, or soon to be... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  11. scottbre


    I'm sure this is a little creepy to most people, but having seen Suicide Club, it is especially creepy to me (as it probably is to anyone else who's seen this movie). "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  12. Where's the "who cares?" option of the poll. EDIT: edited for unnecessarily harsh language... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  13. No, I was meaning Vic Cooper. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  14. Did you meet Vic, Redline and Turbo? Oh wait, Redline and Turbo are dead... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  15. That's pretty funny. I guess something redeeming did come out of Farenheit 9/11. hehe. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  16. Maybe it's time for you to explore that edge that your signature talks so eloquently about.... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  17. Bet it has something to do with This. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  18. messenger has been off and on all day. Which is why I prefer yahooIM. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  19. scottbre

    Hand sex

    yea "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  20. scottbre


    Yep, that's too bad. Oh well, that just means you'll have to have another one sometime. What about a Halloween Costume party theme? Seems appropriate enough. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  21. Sounds like someone needs to take a nice long motorcycle ride. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  22. scottbre


    By "next saturday" do you mean October 16, or October 23. If it's the 16th. I'll be out of town partying with all the BASE jumper at Bridge Day, otherwise, I could probably show up. So which date do you mean?
  23. There's a difference between being a nice guy and being a doormat. Doormats are there to be walked all over, so that's what happens to them, even if they are nice. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  24. Oh yea? Well I became an uncle, twice (twins) on friday. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  25. I would raise my hand, but I don't want to draw the attention of my coworkers. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project