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Everything posted by scottbre

  1. Based on the "rules" google has to link it to, which it does. Doesn't say anything about being an acronym. If you check out, and look at the stack you'll see that it was run through their checker and qualifies.
  2. I'll not comment on your number of jumps since that isn't what you're asking about, and plenty of people here will no doubt feel that it's their duty to offer this type of un-asked-for advice anyway. I also have a pc105 (I LOVE it) and I have a Rawa helmet. It looks great, has no snag points and I consider it better than the FF2 because it's much lighter. However I would say that it probably isn't the type of helmet to start drilling into to add more cameras too. It's perfection for for a side-mount pc105, and that's about it. Very comfortable (I prefer it over my other non-camera mindwarp) and if you get the appropriate size it won't shift around at all. Hope that helps. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  3. Damn! I will edit my post then, to make it say something more meaningful. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  4. Rebecca is so awesome. She can read web news and post links from it faster than I'll ever be able to. I bow down. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  5. :5:0 The angelic face just means that I'm apparently as celibate as one. hehe. Had 5 jumps and to my knowledge, no firsts.
  6. The problem with this is that people who claim that they are quitting don't usually carry their own pack of cigarettes around with them. They usually just bum one off of someone who isn't kidding themselves about the fact that they smoke.
  7. *twirling finger in the air in a "whoop-dee-do" fashion* "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  8. If you truly want to quit, you will. If you find that you "keep quitting" then you're not quitting, you just haven't convinced yourself that you really want to quit yet. Of course if you've taken on the responsibility of holding someone accountable for their smoking while that person says they are quitting, then you are to blame too (I'm looking at you Chrissay ), because you should be walking up to that person and knocking the cigarette out of their mouth when you see them smoking. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  9. Yea you do suck. "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda
  10. Actually, if you could somehow "smoke urine" it would probably be much less damaging to your body than smoking cigarettes. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  11. I can send you the one I used to get my job as well, which also happened to be about a year and a half ago. Let me know what email address to send it to.
  12. Right, isn't that what we're discussing? "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  13. Upon further review, I think the poll needs to be modified further. It should say: Would you screw someone who is married to someone other than yourself? The way it is right now, I could see how you could get 'yes' answers from some smartasses out there. Conundrum is still cool.
  14. I gottem. If you wantem, PM me. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  15. In this world of "sexual openness" it seems like there ought to be an "it depends" option in your poll. Because there are married couples out there who look for a third person to add to the mix.
  16. Anyone know of specific SIMs or manufacturer rules regarding how many jumps (with and without a camera) a person has to have to fly video for a tandem? "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  17. Yep, and all you have to do is cut up your camera and/or helmet to install it.... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  18. If by love you mean "avoid at all cost". "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  19. I was wondering if that were the case... figured he deserved the benefit of the doubt. Not sure why thought.... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  20. I was considering trying to PM all the people I know who might be interested in this, but that's too many PM's. Anyway, I will be at Bridge Day this year, and am planning on going whitewater rafting on the new river on the Friday before. Anyone who might be interested in joining me and another skydiving buddy in a day of getting soggy before the day of watching or jumping from the bridge, send me a PM, (or reply to this) and we'll see if we can get on the same raft. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  21. Looks like the hellfish are at it again. I was trying to get to the skydive tecumseh site to see if anything is going on there in the next month or so, and the site seems to have disappeared. I suspect that in some way this is weegegirl's fault but I got no proof. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  22. 1 : 3 : 2 1: person that I met at the dropzone that I found out lives across the parking lot from me. 3: fun jumps Firsts: First time leading a tracking dive on my back First time hanging/standing in a hybrid
  23. "Dried fruits, wholegrains (including wholemeal bread), nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds and pulses (chickpeas, baked beans, lentils etc.)are rich sources of iron. These foods are generally consumed in reasonable quantities so can provide a good proportion of daily iron requirements. Also of relevance are parsley, watercress, edible seaweeds and black molasses, although none of these are usually consumed in large quantities. Iron is absorbed less well from plant based foods than from meat, as it is in the non-haem form, but it's absorption is improved by the presence of Vitamin C, malic acid and citric acid. Good Vitamin C sources are green leafy vegetables (including cauliflower), citrus fruits, mangoes, tomatoes and potatoes. Citrus fruit is also a source of citric acid, whilst malic acid is found in apples, plums and pumpkins (amongst other foods). Phytates (such as in nuts, grains and seeds) can reduce iron absorption, as can tannins (from tea). Generally, because of the high dietary intake of iron rich foods in a balanced vegan diet, these two negative factors are not usually a problem but iron deficiency can occur as a result of heavy menstruation. The use of iron cookware can also increase iron intake."