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Everything posted by scottbre

  1. You want some fucked up dreams... Try watching Suicide Club right before going to bed. hehe. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  2. Just another sex related poll. You buncha pervs.... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  3. Yep, I definately spent way more money my first year. But I think that might come in cycles. I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot on skydiving next year as well.
  4. Well, this is interesting. I bought a RAWA at Rantoul and the only accessories that it came with were a couple extra d-box screws and a helmet bag. Should I call up Aerostore and ask why I didn't get the bite switch, top mount platform, and shark fin? I wonder why I didn't get that stuff, if they are considered "standard" accessories... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  5. True, I edited my last post to more accurately reflect what I was trying to say.
  6. The odds of hitting the jackpot on Powerball are 1 in 120,526,770. Not very good. I look at it this way: When I buy one powerball ticket for $1. I now have the chance to win the jackpot. Odds are good that I won't. But the hope of winning and the consideration of the "what if" I did win, is worth a dollar to me, especially when that dollar isn't going to affect my life one way or the other whether I keep it or spend it. Everyone likes to imagine what it would be like if they had more money than they knew what to do with. What's truly stupid is imagining that without opening the door for that possibility, even if it is just the tiniest bit. When I buy a ticket I still assume that I won't win, but there's that tiny little part of me saying, "but what if you do win?" Because I've made it become a possibility, however slim, I'm justified in considering that possibility. EDIT: replaced "know" with "assume" in the above paragraph. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  7. scottbre

    Which one?

    This was easy for me. I gave up caffeine (for all intents and purposes) years ago, and barely watch tv or use my cell phone. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  8. I'd like some new gear, and my student loans paid off.... Oh wait, you said suggestions, not requests eh? "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  9. Nicole, I know way more about this than I would like to. I've had tubes so many times that I can't even remember the exact number (7 - 9 I think). My first set was before I was even a year old, and I continued having to get them put back in (they eventually grow out, for those of you not familiar with them) until I was 18, when the doctors finally decided that maybe I my eustation tubes might not ever grow into the correct position that they need to be in to drain efficiently. Nothing like spending you childhood getting ear infections... Anyway, when I was 18 (or somewhere around there) I went into surgery, yet again. But this time, instead of putting more tubes in, they took out my abnoids. I haven't had any ear problems or ear infections since. Hope that helps. I've been where you are and it sucks!
  10. Either/Or... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  11. I just wish I were closer to the top of the bell curve... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  12. *Bumpity* "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  13. I'd hate to be a doctor making $3 a year. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  14. I'm with Zenister on this one. Don't really want to think about it, but it's a lot more than 5%.
  15. Ok, I'm sure we're all curious. So since this poll can be as anonymous as you want it to be, let's find out what the stats on skydivers' gross (before tax) income is. No point in being dishonest since noone will know you said one thing or the other.
  16. Sounds about right, from what I know of the Rawa. Never got a close up look at a 2K helmet. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  17. Using Firefox instead of IE will prevent a lot of that from happening in the future. Good luck with "fixing" it all.
  18. I'll be there. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  19. Well then of course I'll be there. ... just sort of figured a helicopter would be a bigger draw than me.... ....mmmm Penn Station.... "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  20. I don't have one right now. Any cute female volunteers out there?
  21. Well it depends. Would my being there keep you away, or keep you from leaving once you got there? "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project
  22. So, hypothetically, if you could come to my DZ and make helicopter jumps from 5k for around 20 bucks, would you? For reference' sake my DZ is just south of Indianapolis, IN, and has 3 182's for jumping from as well. "Your mother's full of stupidjuice!" My Art Project