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Everything posted by jtnesbitt

  1. I understand what you are saying, but isn't the USPA supposed to protect our interests and the growth of the sport? I guess I just feel that the USPA should do it's part to prevent something from happening that could hurt the sport instead of just wiping it's hands clean. However, even as I write this, I can think of another time that the USPA did try to prevent something for the sake of helping the sport and that certainly backfired... "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  2. And that should be the main reason for why this is a bad idea and shouldnt happen. Even if there is an accident NOT involving the crowd the negative attention it would draw to our sport is not worth it. We've all seen examples of people getting hurt doing things they shouldnt have been doing and the media is all over it yet we never have the opportunity to explain why the instance was extraordinary. We already know if something goes wrong it will make our sport look bad and I don't see ANYTHING we could possibly gain from this so why allow it? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  3. When did ZZ Top start skydiving? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  4. You could be looking at two different models. The NvertigoX has external mounts for audibles and the V has internal mounts and some other design differences. This could be why the lines look different. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  5. Just strap them into a suspended training harness and that will keep them entertained (and tied up) for hours. That's what my parents did at least and I turned out okay "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  6. Some still do: ie: every Aerodyne canopy except for their tandem A2 and their Smart Reserve. I don't think it's all of them. My Triathalon didn't but my lovely Pilot does. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  7. Hahahaha, thats great. I used to come up with really length and total bullshit answers to questions I didn't know during Philosophy exams. I especially liked the kids paper on El Nino and the teachers response! "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  8. Buy a Pilot, my flaking is VERY easy "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  9. Very good point. My ex actually pointed out to me that she knew I was going to break up with her because I stopped doing that and other little things. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  10. They eventually have to use throw outs though, wouldnt you rather have the student make the switch with instructors still there just for this reason? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  11. They actually made it obvious at the end of the last episode, but they had already dropped a million clues so I was ready and waiting for it "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  12. So do you think it was Karma for drinking or for having a perfect on heading opening and rubbing it someone's face who had a terrible one? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  13. My favorite is still: "If someone else's parachute doesnt work can you fly over and hold on to them?" Although I have had someone ask me once: "What happens if you die?" I told them at that point it no longer concerns me "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  14. Not only is this a great series (based on the Stookie Stackhouse books), but you get to see Anna Paquin's tits in just about all the episodes. I find them quite attractive. If she played her cards right, I might let her touch me inappropriately if she promised to go make me a sandwich afterwards. Haha, I love that show. That brunette that sookie's brother is dating has a slamming body too. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  15. lol, it think they did that on purpose since his character and everything he does is a walking contradiction. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  16. I also have to concur on their quality and customer service. I recently go my suit and it rocks. Perfect fit and very high quality. Plus Liam has been exchanging emails with me for a little while now making sure I am happy with the entire ordering process and the product and seeing if there is anything they can improve upon. I would definately recomend deepseed. In fact there were a lot of us at my DZ that ordered them and now the ones that didn't order are wishing they had :) I will post some pics of my new FF pants and jacket later tonight. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  17. Yeah, I have actually done the exact same thing. What was really embarassing though was I didnt realize I took it and I was dating one of the tellers at the time. So she calls me at work frantic thinking I did it as a joke... ...which i totally claimed was true since no one would honestly drive away with the thing and not realize it "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  18. OK, i think we might be misunstanding one another. If you look at my initial arguement you can see that I don't beleive that choosing the less of two evils is right, and that in those cases one has a right to decide not to vote. It has nothing to do with laziness since to come to that decision they must have done the appropriate research. For some reason you seem to think I am saying if people want they can stay home and say screw the whole thing. That is not what I am saying at all. THAT is laziness. I am not saying voting is bad and that people who don't want to shouldnt have to, thats stupid. If someone however is faced with a decision between two things and neither one is in their interest then they do in fact have the right to not take part. Of course I am making the assumption here that people know what their options are and are doing research. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  19. http://files.myopera.com/fammcdon/files/kills_a_kitten.jpg Haha, I think some people on this forum would rather it say "Every time you choose not to vote God kills a kitten." "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  20. Yes, one has the right to be a non contributing member of our society. In other words, the right to be a bum. Hardly something to take pride in. If you say there is nothing on the ballot you can support, you're lying. It means you didn't even look at it. FTR, I oppose mandatory voting as done in many other nations, but that doesn't mean I respect those who decline to vote. So you are picking and choosing which rights we should exercise and which ones we should not? How does that make sense? So according to you someone not voting makes them a noncontributing member of society? I think there are many people here that contribute to society in many others ways that has a much larger impact that would disagree with you. Maybe I should stop volunteering my services and town for all the benefits around time, stop recycling, and kill stray little kittens while I am at it... (Edit for spelling.) "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  21. I couldnt disagree with this statement more and I agree completely with the original poster. (Even though I did vote this year.) I recently had a conversation with some very liberal people at a local pub. (Actually i was fending off attacks.) Anway, when I told them that I have abstained from voting on an occasion they claimed I was unAmerican and it was my responsability to vote. Really? I thought voting was a RIGHT? Thats the great thing about a RIGHT, it means you have a choice, and neither choice is wrong. I also have a right to bear arms but I do not own a firearm. Does that also make me unAmerican? People are always yelling about making sure you exercise your right to vote, but honestly, as long as you are registered and you make a well thought out decision about who you vote for or even decide not to vote you are still exercising that right. Telling people they HAVE to do something is the beginning of a long slippery slope that many other countries have fallen victim to. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  22. What else would there be to report? I'm kind of surprised it was even news worthy to make it here in the first place. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  23. Just make sure you are soberish to have a few more at my place. I was gonna pick up some Dogfish Head IPA 90 min after work today...but after reading this thread I think i better get the 60 min for your sake "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  24. Anyone have any experience freeflying in these googles? I want to have the surgery as well, but i have to clear up my GPC first which means at least 3 months of glasses "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  25. Huh? I don't understand the question, why don't you get rid of that silly accent and use "real" English And it's not our fault you only drink American piss! I've brought you good American beer before, local in fact! "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero