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Everything posted by indyz

  1. I've seen her when I was checking who's online a few times recently. Haven't seen any new posts though. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  2. Not so! Take Demotivators to heart: I was thinking about buying this one: -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  3. I checked eBay and two tickets, tenth row, just off center ice for the gold medal game went to $5000 for the pair. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  4. indyz

    DZ proximity

    D'oh, yeah I guess 2.5 would be more like Peotone. I live in the Gurnee/Waukegan area during the summer so I'm 4.5 from my home DZ, 1.5 during the school year. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  5. indyz

    DZ proximity

    And don't forget, only 2.5 hrs from Archway. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  6. As a student I'm loading a Skymaster at around .6, and I can't get anything with the front risers. In order to get a solid grip I have to hold on up the connector link. I'm pulling waaaaay down and holding for 5+ seconds without any noticible turn. It can pretty easily get a turn or strong flare out of the rear risers. I've been meaning to ask what I'll have to load at to get a turn out of it. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  7. I have a blue Swingline stapler. "...we aren't going to a white collar resort prison, no, we are going to a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison!!" -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  8. I don't get the ending. Is that supposed to be a cigarette? -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  9. Slashdot still has good articles (unless it's Katz, who seems to have disappeared as of late), but I have to browse the comments at +3 to cut out the static. Unfortunately, it seems like just about all public message boards end up that way eventually. I found Fark in the good 'ole days when there were less than 4000 users. Now there are 22000+ and I can't even read the comments anymore, it just isn't worth it. seems to be holding out pretty well, I can only hope signal:noise ratio stays as high as it is. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  10. He isn't going. It has already been denied by everybody involved. But still, if he has the cash, he can do what he wants with it. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  11. "PC Load Letter!? What the hell does that mean!?" I just spent a week setting up a whole bunch of printers. I feel Michael's pain. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  12. 17:0:0. I'm lying about one of those numbers. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  13. 0:0:0 I kept checking Saturday's forecast during the week and it looked like bad jumping weather. I didn't even bother seeing if anybody else from the club was going down. D'oh. Maybe next weekend to celebrate the end of midterms. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  14. When you go to jump you have to sign a waiver saying that the dropzone and it's employees aren't responsible for anything that might happen to you, and surrendering your right to sue, among other things. In most cases an adult can't legally sign away the rights of a minor and a minor can't sign a contract on their own, so you are pretty much out of luck. That isn't saying that it isn't possible, it has been done before, but most places won't do it for fear of litigation or because their insurance won't cover an underage jumper. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  15. indyz

    its tweety bird

    No, but it's a good start. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  16. Whenever I think 3-way, I think Office Space: "Hey Lawerence, what would you do with a millions dollars?" "I'll tell you what I'd do man...two chicks at the same time." "That's what you'd do with a millions dollars, two chicks at the same time?" "Damn right always wanted to do that and with a million dollars, I think I could hook that up cause chicks dig guys with money." "Well not all chicks." "Well, the kind that would double up on guy like me would." -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  17. You could also fly into Champaign. It's really, really close, so finding a ride to Rantoul should be pretty easy. Of course, the rental car thing still applies. "You want to rent a car? Sorry, we gave it to another guy about an hour ago." -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  18. indyz

    A gift idea

    Just in case y'all were thinking of getting me something: The only purse I would consider owning. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  19. SPOON! -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  20. Invader Zim got cancelled. Those bastards. It's also looking like Futurama is done. Fox hasn't ordered any episodes beyind what is already in production (just enough to carry the show through the fall). Family Guy is also on the rocks, but it has been in trouble before and always pulled through ok. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  21. I was just trying to point out that spyware (not trojans, let's get out definitions on the same page) is legit because when the software that the user is installing asks them to agree to the licensing terms they just click "Accept" instead of reading it. I can't feel sorry for somebody who agrees to what basically amounts to a contract without reading it first. Trojans are different; they are installed without the users knowledge and are illegal. Zone Alarm or a similar product combined with a good antivirus package will work wonders for stopping those. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  22. It's actually pretty tough to stop outgoing connections with ipchains. I can shutdown all outbound connections to any port that I don't plan on connecting to, but some programs connect on port 80 (http) to send back their data. Of course, this all assumes that you are using linux or a linux firewall/router. If you have Windows, Zone Alarm works pretty good because you can block any network traffic from programs that you haven't specifically approved. As for Rhino's comments: The software is Ad-Aware, not Adware. Spyware isn't attached to just any .exe file. Spyware is attached to legitimate software and is mentioned in the EULA . If you read Morpheus' license agreement closely, you will see that you are allowing them and certain third-party companies to collect data on you. Using software to block the spyware actually violates the license agreement, so if you do block the spyware, you are illegally running Morpheus (or any other software with similar licensing). "Spyware" attached to exe files are more properly called trojans and they allow unauthorized access to your computer. BackOrifice used to be a popular trojan "back in the day" and I still see it in my users antivirus logs on occasion. There are tons of other ones out there, including mutations of the old ones to get past antivirus software, and original work coming out everyday. The best way to protect yourself from these is to install something like Zone Alarm as well as a good antivirus package, and to update your virus definitions as often as possible. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  23. Faster than light my 2100. Of course, we'll all have been eliminated by our robot masters, assimilated by borg-like creatures, or absorbed into the net (all from the article). Futurists are wacky. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  24. indyz

    I'd be rich!

    Whoa, I was way wrong. It's a beer, literally "Yeast Wheat." Mmmmm. Appetizing. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath
  25. indyz

    I'd be rich!

    Sounds vaguely like "cow whitening." Whatever it means, he spelled it wrong. That word just don't look German. -- Brian Homepage AIM: suprmath