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Everything posted by indyz

  1. I'm not gonna name names, but I wanted to get the joke in first, so: I know for a fact that xxxxxx is really good with the 'ole skin flute. -- Brian Homepage
  2. The best use of the @ trick I've seen was a fake CNN report that Bill Gates was being indicted for paying employees to perform sex acts while he watched. Hi-larious. -- Brian Homepage
  3. indyz

    darwin awards

    I hate to be picky, but... those aren't Darwin Awards. The Award is for a person who kills himself or otherwise removes himself from the gene pool in some spectacular manner. -- Brian Homepage
  4. Poynter's book is "The Skydiver's Handbook." -- Brian Homepage
  5. And I yelled "Cut!" then I jumped and I was like "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" -- Brian Homepage
  6. 0:0:0. Kept down by a low ceiling. But I did get to take a peek at Archway's new student gear. And see a vicious silly string attack. And JumpinJohn got his A. -- Brian Homepage
  7. While some people might poke fun, their main intent is to keep you from hurting yourself. Wait a couple of days and check the thread again. Phreezone, Skybytch, billvon, riggerrob, and others are very knowledgeable about this kind of thing, and will probably offer their advice if they haven't already. You would be wise to listen to them, as well as experienced high-performance canopy pilots at your DZ. -- Brian Homepage
  8. indyz


    Went to the dropzone, ceiling at fifteen hundred, no planes in the air. -- Brian Homepage
  9. Researchers say chess players are thrill seekers on par with skydivers. Check out the article here. -- Brian Homepage
  10. indyz


    Olive branch of peace, No harsh feelings towards you, Going to bed now. -- Brian Homepage
  11. indyz


    I hate you people, this haiku took me twenty minutes to write down Update: And, after all of that, I misspelled "took." -- Brian Homepage
  12. Here at U of I, we are recognized as a legitimate student organization, but beyond that they won't touch us. "Too dangerous." We have had less injuries in the entire history of the club than most of the other sports related clubs have in a year, but hey. We do get discounts at the DZ, mostly I think because we bring in tons of tandems during the year. One of our grad student members went to MIT as an undergrad and they had school sponsored equipment. I guess it all depends on where you go. -- Brian Homepage
  13. Did it snow in Vandalia today? It was overcast but no snow up here. John and I are driving down tommorrow, so fingers crossed. -- Brian Homepage
  14. Well, I worked at a Best Buy. If you were hoping to make commission, Best Buy isn't for you. None of the employees are on commission. It was supposed to keep us honest . If you are in sales, chicks will hit on you because they think that you can get them a discount. You get a (substantial) personal discount after 30 days. That's about all of the pluses that I can think of. The part I liked the least was the evaluations. Your sales technique is evaluated constantly, at least in the beginning. In one 20 hour work week (4 shifts), I was given 7 sales evaluations. The other sales people were serious dicks sometimes. Mostly, it was because I was new so I didn't make as many sales, which brought our Product Service Plan ratios down (PSP ratios are a serious matter of pride among BB employees). Definitely not the worst job ever, I probably would have lasted a lot longer than I did at BB, but a former employeer made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I've also had a bunch of other jobs: -Arby's - I made $6.50 and was the highest paid non-management employee in the store. Watched a guy cut part of his finger off in a meat slicer. Still have scars from burning myself on all sorts of stuff (fryers, heat lamps, etc.). Called the fire department because one of our employees was trapped in the john. -Grocery store (bagging and carts) - Easy but mindnumbing. Ever push carts in snow so deep you could only move two at a time? -Doctors office - Fun. Easy. Shitty pay. "I gave myself an enema with a garden hose and it doesn't feel right. What should I do?" -Virtual reality company - Finally, management. Good pay, easy work. -- Brian Homepage
  15. I thought he meant GrumpySmurf, but he's north of the Cheddar Curtain. -- Brian Homepage
  16. Just pointing out a bad analogy. I wouldn't touch an ethics/morality debate with a ten foot pole. -- Brian Homepage
  17. indyz

    Skydiver Porn

    From the website: “More wet shots and ass bonings than you can count on all fingers and toes!” Thank god. I hate dropping $29.95 on a new porn only to be disappointed by the quantity of ass bonings and wet shots. -- Brian Homepage
  18. That's like saying since I can record an episode of the Sopranos for the guy next door who doesn't have HBO, I might as well just let all of the neighbors hook up splitters and leech my entire cable feed. -- Brian Homepage
  19. D'oh, I think Pammi meant a flash-bulb. I'd check with a local camera shop, or post on a digital photography/video newsgroup. -- Brian Homepage
  20. indyz


    Hehe, this came during Happy Hour last night. Say "bill von" and "porno" in the same sentence and people get interested right quick. -- Brian Homepage
  21. "The price is wrong... bitch." -- Brian Homepage
  22. That's better than having to leave the sport because you are dead. -- Brian Homepage
  23. I don't know about Japan, but I drank a beer from vending machine in Germany. Nasty . It must have been in there for months. One of the pizza places nearby would sell us beer with takeout, too. "Ich moechte zwei grosse Pizza mit... (Dude, how do you say mushrooms?) Pilz, und (How much do you think we can drink? 4 each?) 20 Bier, bitte." The chaperones did a remarkable job of pretending that they couldn't hear the bottles rattling around in our backpacks when we came back to the hotel. -- Brian Homepage
  24. indyz

    Alti Lag?

    There is a potential problem in that the Cypres' sensor is in the burble while the alti is in cleaner air on the arm. This could possibly be solved by wearing an analog altimeter and a Digitude on the same arm and just videoing them side-by-side. Of course, the true test would be comparing the readings of a mechanical altimeter with another altimeter that is not based on air pressure (GPS?). -- Brian Homepage
  25. Born and raised in Gurnee, Illinois (due north of Chicago, a few miles south of the Wisconsin border). Live in Urbana, IL during the school year; back to Gurnee in the summer. Home dz is Archway in Vandalia, IL. -- Brian Homepage