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Everything posted by Aviatrr

  1. Aviatrr

    How to get men

    Your doing something in aviation? Mike
  2. Make sure the golf course has nice, big water hazards...and plenty of clear landing space around the water hazards.. Mike
  3. Me too......and I'm SO CLOSE! Mike
  4. How do you save the screen image from IE like that? The "Save" and "Save As" are not available for me on that game.. Mike
  5. I'm a "fake" freeflyer cause i don't have a camera. I'm such a poser. Yep...everybody knows you can't be a REAL freeflyer until you jump a camera and a sub-100sqft canopy.. Mike
  6. Aviatrr

    How to get men

    No...you're definitely not the only one..we were just hoping that if nobody said anything about it, she'd post a more revealing shot...like a frontal...but...NNnnnNOooooooOOOoo...YOU had to go and ruin THOSE chances! Mike
  7. I wasn't implying THAT....I just meant that they couldn't have edumacated you too well if you didn't move to Florida immediately upon finishing school.. Mike
  8. SWEET....i rock!! Dude...she said camera FLYERS...not guys that their body just happens to follow the camera since it's secured to their head.. Mike
  9. He likes a change of pace now and then.. Mike
  10. You need to hook me up there...I could go for retirement in 5 years.. As long as it's not illegal....dangerous.....ah, fuck it...my standards go way down when the money goes way up.. Mike
  11. Apparently not a very good one...since you're NOT in Florida.. Mike
  12. I think it would be wrong NOT to.. Mike
  13. You better run....Clay chases anything that makes THAT noise! Mike
  14. Aviatrr

    How to get men

    You must be using the wrong type of restraints.. Mike
  15. Aviatrr

    How to get men

    You've got it summed up..works for me! Mike
  16. I may have a 14 day trip to Capetown(actually sitting there for 10 days) in June. I plan on doing some scuba diving out there, and if I could swing it I may hop over to do some skydiving one weekend....unfortunately, the boss won't let me just take the airplane over there...something about it costing too much... Are there flights that go directly between the two cities? Mike
  17. You think you have it bad with an hour and a half drive?! Shit....it's 14 hours for me! Mike
  18. The other night I had large plate of asparagus and a bowl of refried beans with sliced hotdogs mixed in, accompanied by a glass of Shiraz. Probably one of the strangest meals I've ever eaten.... Weird.... I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you are single? I'm gonna guess that he's single....and doesn't know how to cook REAL food.. Mike
  19. Yep...on my work phone, you can turn ALL GPS tracking on, or just 911 tracking. Mike
  20. Damn dude....does she know you're calling her that? Mike
  21. DAMMIT! The chicks always want the MARRIED GUYS! Mike
  23. So if they allow citizens to carry on board aircraft...now we have to have somebody to check their ammo as they go through security to make sure they're using the right stuff....well, at least it will give the other half of the TSA(the half that's always standing around doing nothing) something to do. Yes, the windows have a good chance of not shattering or giving out completely after time...but have tests been done on this? I wouldn't bet my life on it. Hell, I wouldn't bet that the windows would stand up to the birds they are tested to stand up to. I sure as hell HOPE they will...but won't bank on it. I took a birdstrike on the co-pilots windshield a couple years ago. We were climbing out of 9,000' doing 300KIAS(coming out of IAH). The windshield visibly flexed on impact, and then continued to vibrate the remainder of the short flight(at 150kias). We thought for sure it was gonna give at any time. The FO had his head well below the windscreen level for the rest of the flight just in case. That scared me more than losing an engine did....we know the airplane will fly without one engine...but how well will it fly with a big gaping hole in the front? Mike
  24. Aviatrr

    XM Radio

    There is a "Line Out" volume adjustment on the Delphi(I'm assuming that's what it was since it was in an office). It comes pre-set to about 40%...way low. I cranked it to 100%, so the volume is the same whether I'm on radio, XM, or CD. I have my XM piped into the Aux channel on my trucks CD player. The Aux channel is mainly for remote CD changers, but there are adapters to go from that type of plug to RCA. I have absolutely no background noise in mine...sounds just as if I were playing a CD. The RF modulators have some background noise issues in some types of cars...usually associated with engine RPM. Mike