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Everything posted by peggs82

  1. That was a great segment. Probably one of the best I've seen in a long while concerning wingsuiting. Due in part to Ed!! Great job!
  2. While I am typically a calm voice of reason on this site...I will now depart from that role and tell you what most are probably thinking... And why don't we give you a fucking clue. You've managed to come here to ask a question that is not only covered in the FAQ's but is asked EVERY GOD DAMN WEEK!! If you had any brain in your head (and you obviously don't since your asking the sub200 jump question), you would take a second and learn a little about the person you are insulting. Matt (The111) is one of THE most respected people in wingsuiting. He freely shares his knowledge and expertise on anything he can possibly help you with. He is also the man that time and time again makes us look amazing through his photography, of which he typically receives no compensation, yet he continues happily...because it makes us happy. The question you ask is an idiotic one. Not in the question itself, but the vainly veiled reasoning behind it. I've seen it a million times. You are the typical 100 jump wonder who thinks he is better than any skydiver who came before him. Let me fill you in on a little fact. As good as you think you are right are not. As much as you think you have seen so have not seen anything. And as prepared as you think you are not even close. These recomendations were not pulled out of thin air. They were formulated after careful thought by people who had/have more jumps than you probably EVER will. Make no mistake...people have died wingsuiting. People who WERE among the best skydivers in the world. Ask Bram Clement (who has over 13,000 skydives) how his 2nd wingsuit jump went LAST YEAR....Wait, I'll save you the time...He almost WENT IN. Are you more current or experienced than him? But listen...go do what you want. What does it matter what a bunch of faceless internet skydivers think. You obviously don't value our opinion anyway. But just so it does not seem I am irrationally responding to your posts, as you did to matt, I will still answer your question. 200 jumps is a recomendation built solidly around the idea that after 200 jumps, you have at least a base knowledge of skills essential to wingsuiting, of which are the following: Stable Exits, solid ability to fly your body, spacial awareness, stability while tracking, ability to hold a heading while tracking, stable deployments, awareness under canopy, mental awareness to process many new factors during the jump, navigation, emergency procedures, dealing with line twists, and canopy traffic protocols. At anything under these numbers, there simply has not been sufficient time to be exposed to all of those requisite skills. You right now have 85 jumps, take my list to heart and work on those skills. Ask experienced Wingsuiters...AND LISTEN TO THEM with an open mind. Ask them for drills you can practice BEFORE doing a wingsuit jump. Listen, its not that I don't want you to do a wingsuit jump ever...just not now. I am pissed off at you for your conduct towards Matt, as I'm sure your mad at my response, but please take the time to listen to what myself, and many other EXPERIENCED skydivers have to say. I would rather read about your first jump as a success in this forum, than to read about it in the INCIDENTS forum
  3. No takers???...come on....
  4. You must be new here! haha... Michal, I'm usually supprised if 1/3 of the people actually show up Still...if you are budgeting for any other boogie this year...scrap it...and come to this one. You will not regret it!!! And Bill K...don't worry, there will be 1,000,000,000 qualified individuals there to do some coaching. I for one would be happy to do some individual jumps with you. As a matter of fact, didn't we do some jumps at the Halloween Boogie in Atlanta last year? Drop me a PM and we'll work something out!
  5. I smell a new contest....
  6. I wrote in my response just the same. Thank you for taking a stance on this. Also, might I suggest to you and to the mods to make stickeys on issues such as these? Having a constant update on things we can comment on, and stay aware of would be pretty helpful don't you think?
  7. Id say with the inherent difficulties in spotting a High Altitude load, that this would be a bad idea...
  8. Good acvice Also Good advice Again good advice Absolute Hollywood crap. Never point a gun at anyone/anything that you don't intend to destroy. "Shooting for the leg" is not the solution. A gun is a LAST RESORT option. It is meant to be used with maximum force. If you have to use it, know the consequences, but use it to its full extent.
  9. Much like the airlines...there regrettably has been some cutbacks. We will no longer be serving oxygen on the flight. You, however, are welcome to bring your own o2 from home. I recommend an ample supply of ziplock bags...but remember, only fill them half way up or they will pop!
  10. I may have 1 or 50 of the girl by the swoop pond
  11. Michal - One note I would make to you as well, since you are flying a Tonysuit now... The typical after flight procedure on a tony suit is to reach down and pull the zipper toggles UP. In the case of a known water landing, this will SEVERELY inhibit your egress from the suit. MAKE SURE to zip the chest zippers DOWN from your neck to around mid calf. Then zip the lower zips up to mid calf to give your feet the ability to slide out of the suit. All of this is in addition to unzipping your arms and undoing your chest strap completely.
  12. If this is your first set of gear, I wouldn't concentrate so much on looking for the "perfect wingsuit rig," rather I would concentrate on finding a good deal and jumping your ass off! I think the important thing here is to get a nice modern rig, that will last you a long time. The less you have to spend on gear maintenance or modernization (service bulletins, flap mods, etc) , the more you can spend on jumping. Any rig (with the exception of a pull out) is more than adequate for the casual beginner in wingsuiting. All of the "extras" are simply that..."extras".
  13. no i think you spend quite enough time on here all ready... edit to add....last I checked, that "jet plane" you speak of was no where to be found
  14. That was an absolutely fantastic rant! I'm honored to even be mentioned!!
  15. I asked him that very question.... He said it was just to get the suit where it needed to be...not all twisted up crooked from sitting in the plane.
  16. Agree with much of Costyn said.... Also, it seems many people automatically want to jump to a legs open back flying position. It takes a lot of time, I think, to feel out just what works on each suit to give you the upper body lift to counteract the lower body. I do really agree with Costyns last point, for full on max out, leg open back flying.... my shoulders dig very deep, and my head is atleast level (ie not looking at my feet or stomach). Take it slow, gradually opening'll get it
  17. The corresponding snap should be right next to the end of the zip on the arm. The tab should (theoretically) cross over the zipped sleeve and prevent the zipper from walking open. I try to keep the toggle of the zipper out towards my hand to keep it from unlocking and unzipping. If there is no corresponding snap, then it is just a manufacturing error, that could be easily fixed by any rigger. edit to add Keep in mind there is no thumb loop or anything like that on the new arm design.
  18. Continental out of tampa was always pretty cheap. Close to zhills too
  19. Funniest post in a LOOONNNNGGGG time
  20. any thoughts, scott, as to what happens when that is [inadvertently] activated under your harness? Big bear hug? Suffocation?
  21. 001) 1) Notsane (Scott Bland) 2) Butters (Tony) 3) fmmobley (Marion... bringing my whuffo wife) 4) Supergirl (Andreea) 5) The111 (Matt Hoover) 6) stoney3434 3) yeyo (gargamel) 8) dzjnky (Rick... "I'm back!!!!") 9) Chris Gray (Booyah!!!) 10) Scott Gray 11) Brian Barnhart 12) Jeff Donohue (teh Skwrl) 13) Danny (droquette) 14) Jose (Turtle) 15) Nacho 16) Purple Mike 17) Bill K. - another fat azz, hope I can keep up 18) Tony suits 19) Phil Peggs
  22. Bummer... Wanna know what killed my Saturday?....Work!
  23. Jeff (Skwrl) wrote a very eloquent response to the letter in the comments section. Very well said jeff!!!
  24. Matt - So many fantastic pictures taken!! Even while you were the "over the top" cameraman, you still managed to take so many wonderful "artistic" shots!!! However...that is not what we hired you for....RED CARD!!! I love the sense of action in this one...