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Everything posted by Mark24688m

  1. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! He even makes a little snort noise near the end.
  2. Whats the best way to go about buying a new jumpsuit? Im assuming ordering online and having it custom made, etc, but anybody know any good sites?
  3. I dont understand that game. Could sombody please explain?
  4. point break 2 because the first one was sooo good right.
  5. I came across this site today It talks about becoming a skydiving instructor, so it caught my attention. The last sentece is what I thought was a little odd. "You can make anywhere from $25,000 to $80,000 per year as a professional sky-diving instructor." Hmmm. From what Ive read around here that statment is completly false. Any thoughts?
  6. Mark24688m


    Be careful guys that is one substance you need to be sure you want its definetly not a party drug and way too intense for most people. peace.
  7. What the fuck is wrong with people these days.
  8. I think he could have landed that without the parachute. ;)
  9. I love facebook. Its not full of 14 year old girls saying their theyre 22 like myspace.
  10. Hey everybody. Lately Ive been getting fed up with all the global warming crap that has taken the media by storm. I dont know how many of you have actually studied it or researched it, other than watching Gore's scam of a movie, but the video I linked is excellent and really takes a look at the whole topic instead of stating that "global warming IS a problem" Its long, but if you ever get the free time definetly watch it because its an excellent movie and really makes you aware of whats happing with "global warming". Is global warming real? The truth is, NOBODY KNOWS. There are theories, but nothing more. Is the Earth really permenantly warming, or is this somthing that has been happening since the begining of time? Throughout the billions of years that the Earth has existed, it has gone through warming and cooling periods. It has happened long before we existed, and it will continue to happen long after weve gone. As for the current spike in temperatues over the past few decades, It happens all the time! Al Gore is the biggest hippocrit to ever live. He begs people to conserve energy and stop the pollution and green house gasses, yet his electricity bills are in the tens of thousands every month, and the plane he flys in burns more fuel than the average family uses in a year! Politicians cant get funding unless there is a problem. Whats theyre solution? Take somthing that has existed for billions of years and make it the problem. The biggest problem with global warming is people only listen to the media and what theyre told. They never take the time to research the actual facts for themselves and investigate. Which is my reason for this post. Please take the time to watch at least some of this video and get an understanding for yourself. You deserve to hear the other side of the story. Thank you.
  11. I'm jobless. Thats what college does to you.
  12. Pretty cool! What did you study?
  13. ummm dont know if this helps but heres some info. good luck man.
  14. Im not paying $400 to take a stretching class when it has nothing to do with my major. Bullshit.
  15. well...8, how are the laddies supposed to measure again? This game seems a little homosexual to me.. ***shift eyes***
  16. I wonder whats gona happen when it collapses and everyone inside dies...
  17. ya well it has its ups and downs. europeans are assholes a lot of the time.
  18. Thanks for all the info guys. I think im going to do it. I just hope its not as anti-american as some of you have said.
  19. You should probably engage in some unprotected sex.
  20. Hey, I live in SOUTH JERSEY. Separate state
  21. Interesting...Ive never heard of this. No offense or anything but do you have any proof of this? If so I would really like to read about it and investigate it. I only plan on going to school there. After I graduate I plan on moving back to the United States. As for the french thing i alreadly looked into that the entire area is basically 100% english and the school is actaully pretty hardcore with speaking english well just to be accepted.
  22. Haha thanks for the advice I do a lot of thinking and i honestly think i want to do this. Its going to be a big change thats for sure. I hope if I decide to do this that I can adjust to it ok.