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Everything posted by DougH

  1. DougH


    That would be awesome, but it doesn't sound like they have moved far enough along to test effectiveness. Maybe I need to reread the protocols for the accelerated testing for vaccines, but it sort of seems like funny reporting going on here. Phase 1 of human trials, which tested the vaccine against Omicron and the other variants, wrapped up this month, again with positive results that are undergoing final review, Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad, director of Walter Reed’s infectious diseases branch, said in an exclusive interview with Defense One. The new vaccine will still need to undergo phase 2 and phase 3 trials. In general phase 1 trials are focused on safety of a drug, not effectiveness. Phase one is normally escalating dose based to prove that there aren't any unacceptable safety risks. Phase 2 is safety and efficacy. It isn't until phase 3 that you really get down to proving effectiveness, risk reduction, etc. But maybe they designed the study that they had enough participants in phase one to actually get solid statistical results.
  2. DougH


    They are politicians, their clinical diagnosis of sociopathy long predated any viral infection. They did the math, and they realized that a large percentage of their base is under educated, suspicious, and angry. Maybe they care on some level that they are killing constituents, probably not, but that is a loss of a relatively small amount of votes, compared to the loss of the greater base if they don't pander to the stupidity.
  3. DougH


    It is virtue signaling to make sure everyone knows that you are a full fledged member of the death cult.
  4. DougH


    That is horseshit, a big pile of it too. The problem is that these ineffective cures are being supported by fucktards to the exclusion of actual effective medical treatments that limit severe sickness and death. It does hurt when you support quack cures and refuse legit ones. I personal believe scotch and cigars treats covid, because I like them, but that can't hurt anyone else in an acute sense because I also advocate for vaccines, and I am fully vaccinated and recently boosted.
  5. That is going to go over the heads of people that haven't been jumping for more than 10 years at least.
  6. DougH


    Your concern should be allowing the world to get back to a somewhat normal way of life, which is what would happen if a larger percentage of people were vaccinated. ICU admissions would be down massively, deaths would be down massively, and the rest of us would benefit from no longer being held hostage by fucktards who are either misinformed or disingenuous. For the general population at large the available vaccines have a major impact on reducing deaths and serious outcomes from covid, that is the whole point. There is a viable way to largely eliminate most of the death and serious illness, and people are refusing it, and they are fucking over the whole of society with the consequences of their actions. We care about transmission and lethality, do you think we would have had to live the last two years if this was less harmful than the common cold?
  7. Doesn't that cut both ways? That could also mean 8 less folks who could counter the actions of other directors with conflicts of interests.
  8. Could you explain what you think are the pro's and con's of this suggested change. I would appreciate your thoughts, because I never really gave much thought to the composition of the current board.
  9. Because it is a speakers corner thread about how we all suck, and you keep bringing up a technical analysis of skydiving? You didn't understand the assignment, please address the fact that we suck, and take skydiving to the subject matter forums.
  10. We sure love muddying the water around and going of on tangents. May I remind you that the post that was exhibit A for the claims of our collective douche baggery was a question about ass padding, so he could land on his ass. He wasn't asking about hip pads so he could slide the safer way on his femur, so why are we going in circles about this.
  11. It wasn't a dig, and I wasn't implying that, I was simply unable to find the post you just linked to when I looked at your posts from your profile. By my account you actually received plenty of constructive feedback in that thread, and important discussion amount the potential risks of landing butt first. Here was one from PChapman that was spot on: That post got more responses than most do in the Gear and Rigging forum typically get nowadays. I think my initial analysis still stands, you got replies, they just weren't what you wanted to hear. I didn't anticipate that you were also upset over a few jokes about butts, how were we to know that your feelings were as fragile as your ankle.
  12. Better question. Why does this only seem to happen to Icons, in France, at this specific loft? That would lead me to believe that someone needs to have their packing investigated.
  13. Why would you have no comment. Was the reserve and main within Aerodyne's sizing recommendations? Was the reserve loop the appropriate length? This video with no comment is less than helpful, unless the purposes is mud slinging.
  14. This period will be an interesting chapter in future economic and business text books. On the supply side you have constrained supply thanks to supply chain problems and other COVID impacts like labor imbalances and the initial industry shutdowns. On the demand side you have increased demand across many sectors thanks to both the direct stimulus measures that made consumers flush with cash and behavioral changes. Lots of different levers getting pushed and pulled in ways that are out of the norm.
  15. Healthcare expert by day, central banker extraordinaire by night. We are in the presence of greatness.
  16. I am assuming that this post wasn't under this user name. Why don't you provide a link if you are going to reference it as exhibit A for why we are collectively unhelpful. I will go out on a limb here and make the statement that you probably received some very constructive feedback, but it wasn't what you wanted to hear. You were a less experience jumper that already had a plan figured out, and you didn't like that it didn't receive the affirmation that you expected. It was probably pointed out that tandem style slide landings, a butt slide, carries a much greater risk of spinal injury versus a landing that incorporates your legs, especially for a newer jumper who needed to work up some "confidence" in their landings.
  17. DougH


    Am I to imply that you are claiming that vaccinations are ineffective, because a fully vaccinated individual with a compromised immune system was infected with COVID, most likely from a non-vaccinated individual, and that person died from that infection? That is like making the claim that speed limits and seat belts don't improve safety, because a family of 4 belted in and driving the speed limit dies in a head on collision with some asshole who was street racing on a public street. Both claims would only be made by someone who is either dishonest, or clueless.
  18. DougH


    In some instances TV Hollywood already has already portrayed it and moved beyond it. I was flipping through channels last Thursday and saw a caption at the start of Grey's Anatomy that the show is now set in a "Post Pandemic" world. I guess they got tired of filming with the masks.
  19. DougH


    Risk of Myocarditis from COVID-19 Infection in People Under Age 20: A Population-Based Analysis "For the 12-17-year-old male cohort, 6/6,846 (0.09%) patients developed myocarditis overall, with an adjusted rate per million of 876 cases (Wilson score interval 402 - 1,911). For the 12-15 and 16-19 male age groups, the adjusted rates per million were 601 (257 - 1,406) and 561 (240 - 1,313). For 12-17-year-old females, there were 3 (0.04%) cases of myocarditis of 7,361 patients. The adjusted rate was 213 (73 - 627) per million cases. For the 12-15- and 16-19-year-old female cohorts the adjusted rates per million cases were 235 (64 - 857) and 708 (359 - 1,397). The outcomes occurred either within 5 days (40.0%) or from 19-82 days (60.0%). Conclusions Myocarditis (or pericarditis or myopericarditis) from primary COVID19 infection occurred at a rate as high as 450 per million in young males. Young males infected with the virus are up 6 times more likely to develop myocarditis as those who have received the vaccine." This speaks for itself. As do the other studies which found similar results. The weight of the available scientific evidence doesn't support your misinterpretation (or maybe willing distortion) of the link that you shared. There are free classes on the internet that teach you how to interpret scientific research, you should take a few.
  20. DougH


    Good thing? Please articulate how so. Paused does not equal banned. In all studies so far that I am aware of the risk of myocarditis from an actual Covid infection exceeds the risk of myocarditis from any of the vaccines available in the US. Moderna has also been a winner in terms of lasting efficacy, and efficacy against variants. That could be from the dosage size, the vaccination schedule, or both. Either way I am glad I got lucky and ended up with the current front runner.
  21. DougH


    If Jesus Christ was here he would put a sandal upside many heads, and would support vaccinations. In return he would be run out of town by these wankers for not being "Christian" enough, and for being in bed with the seedy Medical Establishment Illuminati.
  22. I worked summers at a Naval Weapons Station near my home while in college. Bounced around to different departments in maintenance division as help was needed. The small vehicle maintenance department had a older mechanic who lost his hand. 20 years later I forget exactly how but I unreliably recall it being from a farming equipment accident. He may not have been happy overall about the loss of his hands, but he took much joy in thumping you in the chest with his stump. He also was amazing proficient at changing tires and doing all types of mechanic work with only one hand. We are talking about the new and improved Taliban, they may have morale in mind.
  23. DougH


    How could we pass up the chance to mirror The Expanse. I wish I could be around to see the proto molecule shake up the inner planets grip on the system.
  24. DougH


    Florida dad regrets not getting vaccinated after daughter, 15, dies of COVID-19 I also regret that her father was a selfish moron.