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Everything posted by PWScottIV

  1. holy crap people... Is this still or iz it Gravity Waits for No One.
  2. PWScottIV


    lol, that's hilarious. Either that or space-cadets. Those stupid helmets make them look beyond idiotic. If they tried wear those here, they'd get laughed off the DZ faster than they could say "JP is our god". lol Gravity Waits for No One.
  3. PWScottIV


    Did you notice that they locked in "Furnarimonauti" and "much of the Atmonauti community credits JP Furnari for discovering Relative Gravitational Wind, which is what makes Atmonauti much safer than any other skydiving discipline" I have no idea who would have put that there Gravity Waits for No One.
  4. PWScottIV


    No, it could be even more informative than that... Maybe something along the lines of: "Don't believe the hype. Atmonauti is just another method of freeflying. It is fun, no!?!" Gravity Waits for No One.
  5. PWScottIV


    Actually, the Wiki mods did a bit of research (probably on and realized that these guys are full of crap... They deleted the atmonauti page completely. Which is actually too bad, because it's not a bad idea to have a wiki on atmonauti as long as it is just presents the facts. I wonder if these guys will ever realize how far they've set themselves back by promoting it the way they did. Gravity Waits for No One.
  6. I feel for ya brother... I dealt with that crap for well over a year. Gravity Waits for No One.
  7. Photons exhibit the characteristics of both particles and waves (known as the duality of light), so I assume they increase in mass when their velocity increases... However, things that do not have mass, like radio waves, do not increase in mass, as they don't have any to begin with. You think photons and radio waves are two separate things??? LOL, well apparently I was asleep in class that day. I actually didn't think that photons were associated with other types of radiation than light, but then again my last physics class was a long time ago. Gravity Waits for No One.
  8. This almost ALWAYS works: Gravity Waits for No One.
  9. 423-265-2271 - Tell them to come quick! Gravity Waits for No One.
  10. So this is probably a little off track, but bear with me. I think it's VERY likely (and at least to me, obvious) that the universe (mass, energy, space, and even time itself), did not exist prior to the big bang. Although there is no proof of how it came to exist, if we examine the most fundamental laws that govern our existence in this universe, NOTHING should be here. Not even nothing itself. Ergo, there must be something else out there that has existed forever, that is not bound by the laws that govern our universe. If it were to be bound by time, then time would have never had a beginning, which as we know it, is fundamentally impossible. Also, we know that mass and energy can neither be created or destroyed, yet we have multitudes of it here. I tend to visualize our universe as a bubble. Inside this bubble we are governed by laws and outside they do not apply. While we're alive in here, there's no way to ever know what's outside the bubble. Try thinking again about the concept of something having existed forever. If you really think deeply about it, you may come to the realization (as I have) that there are somethings, possibly infinite things that exist outside of this universe that our brains cannot comprehend, even if we know that they are true - I know something HAS existed forever, or I would not exist... The whole "I think, therefore I am" thing really began to have more power for me when I realized this. I also began to realize that the only definite truth I have about something existing outside the bubble is that little scrap of knowledge. Basically, trying to theorize exactly what created the big bang is like trying to theorize how whatever created it has existed forever, which is impossible for anyone to ever know... Until, possibly, after we die. Gravity Waits for No One.
  11. I read somewhere that you can slow light down even more with Relative Gravitational Wind. Yeah, well, I wouldn't mention anything more about RGW... The CIA took down the RGW wiki to hide the truth from the rest of the world... I think they plan to use it as the basis for a free energy generator. Oh my god, I've been shot, dsadnnwq help! dsssssa ughhh Gravity Waits for No One.
  12. Photons exhibit the characteristics of both particles and waves (known as the duality of light), so I assume they increase in mass when their velocity increases... However, things that do not have mass, like radio waves, do not increase in mass, as they don't have any to begin with. Gravity Waits for No One.
  13. Yeah, duh. Gravity Waits for No One.
  14. You AND all them fancy physicists are wrong! Gravity Waits for No One.
  15. PWScottIV


    The fact is that it's NOT a new discipline... If you read the previous posts and/or search around a bit, you would find that Atmonauti has been performed for quite some time. It's nothing new, nor is it anything that's ever been considered by the skydiving community as a whole, to be revolutionary. Gravity Waits for No One.
  16. PWScottIV


    Wow, that seems like such a valid theory... That really deserves a place in the wiki. "Another emerging theory is that atmonauts are flying parallel to the lines of magnetic flux that flow between the north and south pole of the earth. Flying parallel to these lines, the atmonaut surfs the magnetic field much like a radio wave rides a carrier wave. This could also explain why various experimental instruments have been unable to record the correct data due to the electromagnetic interference. An atmonaut could conceivably become indefinitely suspended within the field due to the harmonic resonance induced by the oscillation of the parallel waves. [5]" Gravity Waits for No One.
  17. If you just did it occasionally, then it wouldn't matter... However, if you made it your primary source of drinking water, then you'd have problems. Deionized or distilled water actually removes nutrients from your body, causes damage to your intestines, does not provide you with several important minerals that are found in regular drinking water, and can cause increased absorption of potentially toxic metals. Gravity Waits for No One.
  18. That's no fair... I love both. I also grew up next to the ocean where I sailed, swam, surfed, etc. But I love rock climbing the most, so the mountains win I guess. However, I don't think I'd like to live far enough away from the ocean to where I couldn't at least make a day-trip out of it. Gravity Waits for No One.
  19. Add me to the new list if that's the case. Gravity Waits for No One.
  20. PWScottIV


    He wasn't at all specific about what sort of "pain" he was talking about. Pain is definitely dependent on perspective... In my case, not doing anything but staying indoors all weekend studying for school IS pretty depressing and from my perspective "painful". Therefore, like I recommended, when I feel like that I get out and do something outdoors that makes me feel alive. In my opinion, it's a much more effective method of therapy than any drug or counseling could ever accomplish. I wasn't making a complete joke out of it. Gravity Waits for No One.
  21. PWScottIV


    Try taking 16units of Mechanical Engineering school and working at the same time... That's pain. I typically throw myself out of airplanes when I can't cope anymore... I guess I do it regardless though, so that's a bad example. I'm planning to start hurling myself off cliffs and other random objects soon... Maybe that's a better example. Gravity Waits for No One.
  22. $4.12 to $4.63 for regular where I live. This sucks. Gravity Waits for No One.
  23. PWScottIV


    Yeah, apparently you didn't read the Wiki close enough: "Through numerous attempts to prove the effects of relative gravitational wind, it appears that the high density energy field generated disrupts most electronic devices, including all logging altimeters and GPS devices." Right now we're developing a special EMF shielded GPS unit. Because the GPS antenna won't work behind the shielding material, we are planning to setup antenna relay transmitters on an array of 100 spaceballs that will float around the test astronaut. Obviously, there will also need to be 100 ball catchers, so if you're interested in being one of them, let JP know. Gravity Waits for No One.
  24. PWScottIV


    JP already proved that Relative Gravitational Wind is real... Gravity Waits for No One.
  25. You should name it "Mmmkay". That way, when you're calling it home, people would either think you're nuts or really like South Park. Mmmkay? Gravity Waits for No One.