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Everything posted by Divadiver

  1. Nope, can't say that one's on my must see list. Diva
  2. See flapping in the wind (for the newbies) http://www.funinbc.com/skydive/Naked.htm Go about half way down the page and click on the must see!! (it's doesn't take 10 min. to download either) Clay, you guys pipe down! Not only have you been watching the Discovery Channel but apparently paying attention!! [geesh, rolling eyes] [pulling off rubber boots] Diva
  3. I believe you are correct in your assumption that wind direction plays an important part. It is after all the wind that is responsible (no matter which direction it is coming from) for the attraction between the female elephants and the male. The Indian elephant has bigger ears than the African elephant as many of you probably already know. What you may not know is the females are attracted to different elephants not so much for the size of the ears, but for the flapping of the ears in the wind. Diva
  4. [shock][shock][shock]!!!
  5. Baaaaaawwwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaa!! ROFLMAO!!! Diva
  6. Are you going to take that sh*t from a chic? Oh, wait, that was me wasn't it? Pat on back, pinch on butt, go get um! Diva
  7. Man, what the f*ck is wrong with you?? Put your sorry ass in the car and drive to the DZ!! Once you're there you'll see you're stressing over nothing.
  8. Hmmm, don't know, would have to see for ourselves!
  9. Yummm, just what I wanted to look at before leaving for lunch! Diva
  10. Have you ever gotten revenge on a co-worker for something that they did to you? What the worst thing that you've done or can think of to do? (evil, vile thoughts) Oh no, I don't need any ideas or anything . . . no, nothing like that (mumble, mumble, back stabbing, lying, bitch!). Diva
  11. OMG, LMAO!! Zippy Doodah-tush! Diva
  12. Not to high-jack Clay's original post, but has anyone tried Blue Skyy? That's not a beer, that's some kind of fru, fru mixture being sold as beer! Diva
  13. I object to those pants and short with the numbers (Gap) and Abercrombie written across the ass. I made my own that say "bite me" only backwards. So if you're looking at my ass at the gym in the mirror or while I'm doing road work and see me in your review mirror . . . well it's easy to make out anyway. (evil grin) I don't think they make these for men. We women need an excuse to look too! Diva
  14. Wait! Did I miss something . . . . Did Clay's dry spell end? Dove, you're a brave gal! Dave, I think I saw "Clay Woman" last Saturday night clubing!! [Wow] Diva
  15. Well, all I have to say is Lisa is going to need a personal assistant, so everyone get in line because I'm keeping her appointment book! (sheepish look) This is O.K., with you Lisa?(sheepish look) Oh, let's see there seems to be an opening for a Masseur . . . (hint, hint to all you good looking skydiving guys out there) A girl deserves a nice rub down after a long day of skydiving! Diva
  16. Ducky: I like the orange on you! I too wanted red about two summers ago and got orange, didn't like it much. I of course spend big bucks in a salon and got orange! DUH! I don't go to that stylist any more, after she did me with the Tweety Bird Yellow and couldn't fix it, I told her bye. ( I had ask for platinum blond) I can check to see what brand color I used on my son if you would like. It came out pretty true to the color on the swatch. Did you bleach your hair first? Did it actually come out almost white or was it more of a yellow with some orange in it? I was a little worried about the color because my son and I have a redish highlights to our hair and when you bleach it you have to use an neutralizer to tone down the orange that's still in it. But no worries, it turned out great! He still has hair (I didn't burn it off his head with the chemicals), and it's a darn nice green color. Blue is a nice color as well, but of course you know most of us have a soft spot for the sky blue.
  17. I died my son's hair green about a week ago and it turned out great. I deep conditioned it and I've never seen hair shine so much! I was impressed with myself. Note to someone with Tweety Bird Yellow . . . I may be able to fix that for you but it'll cost you!! (snicker, snicker!) (evil) Diva
  18. I used to think I just wasn't a morning person, but I've begun to rethink that . . . let's see Out until 2:30 Friday night, up at 7:00, shower, coffee, and off to the gym, put in 3 miles and then a leg, butt and gutt class. Out until 4:30 Saturday night (5:30 with time change) up at 11:00 (o.k., that may not count as morning, right?) shower and off to get something to eat. This morning roll over look at clock 5:20, pull covers over shoulders and hear this voice . . . oh, by the way that clock hasn't been set yet . . . gee, thanks any more good news?!! Haul ass out of bed and into shower. I don't think it's got anything to do with morning - it's getting up and going to work! And you don't even want to see me before my shower and coffee - Ewwwee! Diva
  19. Absolutely priceless!!! Diva
  20. Yeah, and isn't that a bag of charcoal? Congrats!! Diva
  21. I'm with Skymedic, love Hersheys!! Melt those little candy kisses in the microwave and eat it with a spoon! Diva
  22. Rhonda: Hmm, sounds like to me you need to get yourself a good looking coach with patience and tell hubby that you'll be working hard at doing your darnist to be able to freefly with him. Then don't pressure yourself about learning everything and how fast you learn it, you have fun at it girl! I've seen a lot of manipulation taking place at the DZ between bf's and gf's, ask yourself why he'd want to put you down and make you feel inferior. You're absolutely correct about trusting your feelings and watching out for your and others safety. Someone once said the stupidest thing you could every do was doing a skydive for someone else other than yourself. I'll one up you on that - the stupidest thing you could do is letting someone keep you from skydiving! Diva (just me .02 cents)
  23. Divadiver


    And we score!! Way to go Remster! I like the one in the middle - good shape! Diva