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Everything posted by Royd

  1. I recently met a kid, who moved in, across the street, and have gotten to know him. His dad is on govt. subsistance, due to medical problems, so the kid, pretty much, has the 'gimme' attitude, ingrained in him. He wanted to borrow my mower, to make some money, but thought that I should lend it to him, for free, since he considers me a friend. I told him that I get 30% of the gross, because it's not a cheap mower.... He has to pay for the gas. I caught him lying about how much money he had made, and told him that he had three choices. Pay me the money, which he owed me, mow my yard or never use my mower, again. Which attitude, do you think, taught him the greatest life lesson? Sure, here's my mower. Go, tear it up, or this is how the real world works, economically?
  2. It's really no different than throwing around numbers like 1 billion years, or 150 million years, when the truth is, you haven't got a clue.
  3. What's this over, under thing, you speak of... I thought it was flat on both ends, so that you could set it on the floor.
  4. You mean, with private contributions?
  5. I went on an 8 month trip, about 10 years ago. About 2 months, before I got home, I got a call from the neighbors, that the right of way contractors, hired by the electric co-op had cut down two of my pear trees. When I got home, I saw that they had just taken them off, at the ground, and they reverted to their wild stock, which was totally useless.. They barely touched the neighbor's large bushes, in the same vicinity. They also put their bucket over my fence, and butchered one of the most beautiful Magnolia trees, I've ever seen, just because the power line ran through it. No discretion, no respect.
  6. In the spirit of bipartisanship, he should have offered up two apologies.[1] I'm sorry to have offended you. [2] I'm sorry, you were offended.
  7. All I've been hearing for a couple of years, now, is 47 million uninsured... In one fell swoop, Obama misplaced 17 million of them. Now, that he is coming to reality, let's discount the self insured, and the young invincibles,and the number would be knocked in half, again. It seems that health care reform is not such a big deal, any longer.
  8. What ever happened to, Question authority"? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you let someone, who had all of the markers, of a pedophile, give a speech, to your children, on sexual responsibility, even if you could read the speech, ahead of time? Obama loves the whole concept of a cultist, authoritarian leader. Like the pedophile, seduction is one small step, at a time.
  9. Obama is like the coach, who doesn't mind having a cheater on his team, and actually encourages it. The problem is, those watching the game, and the referees, saw some elbows being thrown, without being accounted for..Now, that he has been found out, the coach is going to act incensed, in order to cover his own butt.
  10. from someone, who claims to be a Harvard educated lawyer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point being, all the certifcates in the world, don't mean squat, if, in the end, you sign and approve a 1.000 page document, without ever cracking the cover. BTW. why would such an outstanding scholar of law, hide everything he has ever done, from public view.....If I were top of my class, in anything, I'd at least have patch, a bumper sticker, or something.
  11. No solution needed as there is no problem. The Prez is to give a short pep talk on staying in school and getting an education. Some who dislike him consider that indoctrination. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not so easy to have a captive audience, of malleable minds, with those evil parents, sitting there, critiquing every word.
  12. What ever happened to, Question authority"?
  13. Seems, they must have missed the lesson, on getting their ears tickled, with smooth words.
  14. This, from someone, who claims to be a Harvard educated lawyer, but can't even open a thousand page document, before signing it..... Yeah, that's an example, I would want my kids to follow.
  15. It's really all about following the bouncing ball. Did you not hear him say that he wants a civilian army, as powerful as the national army? Where would he get such recruits? He already seems to have labor unions and ACORN on board. Anyone who has studied cults, and Obama has way too many markers, as a leader, to ignore, knows that cajoling works better than coercion, to get into someone's head. Jim Jones surely didn't start out with a pitcher of cyanide laced Kool Aid. Obama's problem is that his end agenda, can only be achieved, through deceit, and many of the adults, who bought the original charisma, are starting to wise up. He would love to take all of the glory for radical political change in this country, but in his greed, he has moved too hard and too fast...His next move is instill his ideaology into young heads, full of mush.[Limbaugh] And, yes, I believe that Obama does nothing, without a subversive, agenda driven purpose.
  16. I guess you see no problem, with shoving legislation through, unread and undebated, on a premise that the world will end, if it's not done, or doing everything, through the backdoor, hoping that no one will notice...Isn't it amazing, that words,conveniently, got changed, as soon as the speech came to light? There seems to be a pattern here. Mommy, I was just checking, to be sure no one stole any of your cookies.
  17. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently met a 12 yr. old boy, in the neighborhood, who rattles off his mental disorders, like a badge of honor; says he makes A's, B's and C's, yet, can't do a simple run up of the times tables. Who's bullshitting who? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not to worry. He's working on his Master's in panhandling..... He'll do OK, in life.
  18. Yes, and it probably wouldn't take more than a few weeks. Sort of like the State Troopers decide to make it Wolfpack Wed. or Seatbelt Sunday, the Border Control could have Dead Mexican Monday, once or twice a month, without designating the day.
  19. Your assertion: The FACT is that the literacy rate is far worse than it has ever been in the last 50 years in this country. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently met a 12 yr. old boy, in the neighborhood, who rattles off his mental disorders, like a badge of honor; says he makes A's, B's and C's, yet, can't do a simple run up of the times tables. Who's bullshitting who?
  20. Because Christians have caused you and this country so much harm or just because you don't agree with their beliefs? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort of like those promoting cap and trade, via the global warming myth?
  21. Let's not forget Stalin and Lenin, and any number of other godless thinkers.
  22. You must believe in eternity.... Jesus Christ, it took forever, to read that post.
  23. Why does Obama need a plant, in the audience, if he's truly up on what's in the bill? Let alone, an 11 yr. old girl, throwing underhand softballs. Is this the height of Obama's mental capacity, to answer a question, or is it just part of his, blatantly obvious;obviously, not to him; attempt to present those, who oppose his bill, as neandrethals?
  24. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You mean, free home, free car, free gas? Yeah, a whole lot of dumbasses bought that, or maybe just thought he'd do 'em a solid, because he's black, too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we go. Another Cracker, playing the race card.