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Everything posted by Royd

  1. As is, taking my money, against my will, in order to purchase votes, to keep someone in office. Obama is showing his generosity toward the poor, and the lazy, by robbing the prosperous.
  2. Redistribution is when I walk over to your table, pick up your tip money, without your permission, and give it to my waitress, and then tell everyone how generous I am.
  3. He'll probably be killed by a stray bullet from a drive by shooting, of two carloads of expectant idiots, arguing about who gets the first handout.
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All those rights can and should be extended to same sex couples without corrupting a word with a long established meaning that doesn't include same sex couples. Just choose a different noun/verb/adjective than marriage/marry/married. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then, why not just make up some funny sounding word to describe the legal union of any group of people, outside of one man and one woman? Let's just call it, "Legal Hook Up." Then, if they want to break up the relationship, we can call it, getting legally unhooked. That way, they could have their own special word, that no one else could corrupt. The truth is, the homosexual community is about being radical, and destroying what has been the natural process for centuries. If two good old boys, who live in a trailer, get drunk on Friday night, and beat each other half to death, once a week, decide to make a contract to give each other their belongings, visit each other in the hospital, etc. etc. I say, go for it, but it is not a marriage. Pick a word, any word, but leave the definition of marriage alone. I'm a minority of one. If I disagree with something that stands in my way, do I really have a right to demand that all of society change the procedure and principal, just to accomidate my peccadillo? Would they be happy if the law allowed all of the benefits, but told them to pick their own word for the situation. Somehow, I think not. It's more about destroying the norms of society.
  5. Royd

    Obamas speech

    He doesn't compel me. I see him for exactly what he is; a slick, used car salesman, sans bright plaid coat and ten dollar cigar. Of course, if you are used to getting your hoopde from the No money down, $50 a week, til the day you die, car lot, I'm sure it would be easy to buy into his message.
  6. Do ya think we can lose the stupid, racist, segregationist, hyphenated titles?
  7. And what does it matter? The fact is, that everyone sitting at the poker table is a liar...The gallery, who has such admiration for Mr. Slick, with his three piece suit, Zircon pinky ring, and gold plated watch fob, are just pissed because the guy who only plays a couple times a year, pulled a bluff on Mr. Slick, and caused him to tip his hand.
  8. Apparently Barack wasn't doing a proper job as a community organizer... They shoulda fired his ass.
  9. I guess you'd give that same advice to your girlfriend who planned on marrying someone who had a serious criminal past, and nearly beat his last wife to death... After all, It happened 10 years ago. He's not the same man that he was in the past... The past is past...... Riiiight.
  10. I don't feel like chasing a specific post or thread, so this one will do..What we have here, is the liberal's chickens are coming home to roost, far sooner than they hoped. They have stood against increasing our supply of fuel by blocking any possible drilling, under the guise of protecting the environment. They just forgot the the old, 'Stone in the pond' analogy. They are now seeing the beginning of the results that they so desired. Guess what? Nobody is buying fuel because it's now too expensive to run to the beach for the weekend, or any other extra curricular activity. But, Damn, the air is clean, and the interstate is great for a weekend motorcycle ride. They wanted to draw the economically challenged, to their party, i.e. 'those who didn't win life's lottery' to have an even shot at the 'American Dream'. By law, they forced the hand of lending institutions to go against the natural laws of economics... And Voila..... A housing crash... Of course, some people saw an opportunity for a windfall, and hired millions of illegal aliens, at cheap prices, to build these million dollar shacks, instead of depending on solid, knowledgeable, local labor to build. Suddenly, the local construction worker has two choices. Find a different job, or take a hit, and start working for the same price that is being paid to the illegals...Only problem is, he bought into the hype about the American Dream, and also took the bait.... I love it..... Nobody's building or buying houses, nobody's driving anywhere, the money is going to be redistibuted, and nobody will have money to hire anyone.... On the upside, all of those damned illegals will get hungry, and head home... Let's wait for a couple of years to build that fence.
  11. You should ask your friend why he's comfortable with his fiancee chatting up strange men on the internet.. Sounds like she's not much into him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's true righteousness dealing up justice..
  12. You should ask your friend why he's comfortable with his fiancee chatting up strange men on the internet.. Sounds like she's not much into him.
  13. Abortion should be allowed REGARDLESS of whether the pregnancy resulted from rape. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suppose you don't find the option of killing a child, ten seconds before it is able to take its first breath, exteme?
  14. It prevented him from packing a rifle, but not enough to be second in command...Shouldn't he be filing for another deferment?
  15. He's just had an opportunity to throw down the sensitive, PC card that the left seems so deft at.
  16. You really seem to be hung up on the 'cokehead' thing... Does that opinion apply across the board? Or is it just a partisan thing?
  17. As opposed to bitching about never getting a fair shake in life, because you are a woman...I'd take Palin over Clinton, any day, and any situation. I'll bet she could even get my ass back to the cabin, in a blizzard.
  18. The lack of experience thing is killing me too. I think Illinois is a far more diverse and complicated state to represent than Arizona and Alaska combined. Compare While he was in the state senate, he only represented his district, which he pandered to, by attending a church with a radical preacher. As a US Senator, how much representing can you do in a 100some days? He be repasentin'
  19. I was allergic to homework, but do you think anyone cared.
  20. Sort of like the difference between socialism/ communism and capitalism. NO?
  21. Did you listen to his speech? It was entirely about world unity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's when India sends work back here for us to do, and when we sneak south of the border to get a job, picking hot peppers.
  22. If I have to explain it to you, you won't understand.
  23. Nothing to worry about. The shame will eventually be upon any woman who has an abortion without serious reason. And not by man.
  24. What bugs me is the 8 yr. old kid with a head the size of a halloween pumpkin, and thighs so fat, he has to stand splay legged, with his feet 2ft apart. Then there's the blubberbutt parent, who wants validation for their own lardassedness, encouraging the kid to stuff more food in his face. Now, that pisses me off.
  25. If the concrete is slick, be sure it's clean, and then use a bonding agent. I once had to go back and apply metal lathe, after the whole plaster job just turned loose. No profit on that job.