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Everything posted by Royd

  1. The problem seems to be, that everyone wants to tie tort reform to healthcare, only. If an across the board, loser pays, system was enacted, it would eliminate a huge number of nusiance lawsuits...The defendant would hold out, knowing they were in the right. In the McDonald's hot coffee case, her attorney would have told her,"Lady, there's a reason cups are smaller on one end. That's so that they don't slip out of your hand." End of case.
  2. The most humid time of day is between 10 and noon, while the moisture is being lifted off the ground.
  3. I've got an old '77 Dodge truck, that I plan on putting pontoons on, and floating there, for my new job and health care.
  4. What we'd have is a bunch of do nothing socialists, who were given something worth thousands of dollars, which they saw no real value in, and graduated college, not being able to read or write, any better than when they left high school...They probably would know how to carry a protest sign, and tell the world that it was unfair, that they had to show up, to the campus, to get a worthless diploma.
  5. For the warmists, it's called a free pass.
  6. Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it takes great faith to have absolutely none. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And for those scientific types, out there, it's been freezing, in North Florida, for the last 3 1/2 months, so it must be global warming.
  7. And you, religiously, stand by that statement?
  8. It's the hill, he chooses to die on.
  9. All quiet, on the Western Front.
  10. Maybe you should ask the dog, what it considers to be abuse. Keeping a Husky or any other working dog inside of a house, at 75 degrees, is abuse.... My little Austrailian Cattle Dog insists on spending the evening, with me, but come midnight, even on the coldest nights, she wants to stay outside... And she's a short haired dog. If you want to pursue the animal abuse angle, go after obese people, who have dogs so fat, that they can't move....Now, there's a worthy cause.
  11. So, he's going to call a bunch of skaters, not just speed skaters?
  12. What's with the derogatory condecension, toward what someone had done, or does, for a living?....Says more about you, than him.
  13. When you've been riding the wave of ecstasy, from the Hope and Change crowd, and have been doing a victory jig, pointing and laughing, for the last year, then, suddenly, the slats start getting getted out from underneath you, it's no fun, knowing, that soon, you'll be laying on the ground.
  14. Geez! There's racism in everything.
  15. One wanted it seared, on both sides, another wanted it with sweet and sour, and the other, preferred curry.
  16. I thought it was an overnight melanoma, and he hadn't looked in the mirror. Yeah, I was raised, a Catholic, and we wore the ashes, with pride.
  17. He wanted to call an am boo lance, because he was leaking.
  18. Yet, you helped put Obama in the White House. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. what do you call an american with half a brain? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An '' devotee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no - lucky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Careful, there.....He'll be screaming PA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is that the same as special?
  20. As far as I can tell, disdain, for those, outside of our mindset, seems to be a universal thing.
  21. I guess you get your facts from Daily Kos, and HuffPo...Amazingly linked in Drudge.
  22. Case, in point! Have you seen the Drudge headlines, today?....Time to eat some humble pie, and wipe the egg off your face.
  23. what do you call an american with half a brain? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An '' devotee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quoteno - lucky ***Careful, there.....He'll be screaming PA.
  24. Not by the standards, with which it exists now. To put it simply, it breeds mediocrity, as does, most liberal programs.