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Everything posted by Shark

  1. I thought this was the Boobies thread? or ST&A?
  2. So are you inferring that AF pilots are smarter than Navy dudes? Uhh, never mind. Anyway, th ARMY - NAVY game this weekend! Go Navy! And BTW, the GK and Leap Frogs will probably demo into the stadium....
  3. An Admin jump??? Like "administer" some adrenaline to me by taking me to jump alt.?
  4. Triple-F punched out of an A-4 in Nam....
  5. Shark

    SECDEF at Bragg

    Yeah, saw SECDEF on TV. Also tried to scan the crowd for SkymonkeyOne wearing his Tshirt......
  6. Howabout TAD? Travelling Around Drunk Nathan, You could still fly a Pig in the Navy. Just check out the EP-3. Hell, the pilot even downed a MIG!!
  7. So howacome we don't call you "Chrissy??"
  8. Did I pack for you or something?? Anyways, I think I'm working at the school Saturday. Maybe we can squeeze one in it.
  9. Well, since I have no life, etc..... Anyways, anybody gonna be at Perris on Turkey Day?? I'm planning on getting one jump in. 'Snore is closed and I need to work up an appetite for dinner which will ultimately result in a turkey induced coma; tryptophan not withstanding.
  10. Looks like fun! Also looks like a CReW record as well!
  11. Hey whiskeychick, Nice pic you took at the Burning Man. Got any good stories??
  12. yeah, right. I also need to replace my cracked windshield which will cost a medium block of jump tickets. Maybe that should be "opportunity cost." (33 tickets)
  13. I thought you were anti-AAD? Why get one now? You've already gone with one this long. Put it to a new canopy. BTW, do you still have a day job?
  14. Okay, so until you can come over to 'Snore and turn points with me, I'll just have to "dirt dive."
  15. Wow, I started to get the feeling you might've wanted to "mess" around; at least judging by your subject title.
  16. Carl, Nice pics. In fact, pic #4 "peace" should also include 1/2 a shark....
  17. But dude, did he get good video? Is it gonna make "Real TV?" BTW, good thing we didn't take the Shark-shuttle off-road on the way to Lindbergh.......
  18. Well, I'll put it this way.... my ProTrack flat-line goes off at 1600....
  19. You will first need to take the Coach Course/BIC. This will allow you to teach the generic portion of the FJC and to instruct Cat G/H in the ISP, both ground and air. You will need to be an AFF instructor for everything else. To become a USPA Coach you will need to have a C license and complete the proficiency card. Check the USPA web to download the form.
  20. Hey, I've jumped with all of them, too. When did you go through AFF? I did my first jump on 6/12/99 and did my last jump on 8/21/99. Completed 14 jumps there before moving back home to SoCal. ///Mark
  21. I believe "this" is a beerable offense........
  22. Shark

    got my d

    Anything you can get away with!
  23. Terri, I learned at Davis back in the summer of '99. I jumped with Stefano, but mostly with Neil. As I remember correctly, the student rigs had F111 canopies in them; Falcons, I think. Your landings will probably get better when you transition to a Zero-P canopy since they flare "differently" than the big falcons do. Are you jumping the big pink one with black stripes in the middle? Anyway, I think I had 15 jumps before I had a decent landing. Now I can nail the peas at night. So don't give up! Mark D-24499