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Everything posted by Shark

  1. I wanna be your "patch" and be "slapped" on ASAP when things get hairy.
  2. Oooh, I love it when you talk dirty and drop F-Bombs...
  3. I liked ya better when you were "aggressive" etc.... Can't we start some shit again??
  4. Dude, Thought you were the one! 6 months, huh?! Hoo Ya! (BTW, you know it's a round reserve, right?) Late
  5. Great info. In another related matter, when does a reserve become unairworthy? Or rather, how. If the number of times it has been re-packed affects it as much as it has jumps, then older/used wouldn't have to long of a "shelf" life, right? I've got an old Raven that had one jump when I got it, and I put on another.
  6. So, no Basic this summer then. Guess that leaves time for jumping! Hey, did you borrow Rich Fischer's rig after he went out on the boat? Ooo-rah
  7. Yep, 36 degrees at 4pm. Snow in our hood. Can you believe it?? Looked like I just missed the downpour and 3 to 4 inches of hail. A winter wonderland off of Winchester. Looked like snow as thick as it was. Made driving really fun, too. Snow in the desert. Who sez we don't get four seasons out here?!
  8. Chuck, Great quote.... The gift that keeps on giving. Guess I also forgot to mention that I had the benefit of "free" coaching as well. M
  9. Uh, I think you guys are missing the point... If you are not yet licensed and are progressing towards your a license, you need to complete the TLOs in Cat G/H. This requires jumping with a rated coach or instructor. I guess it is possible to get signed off in these catagories by completing the objectives "around" the "system" and still jump with a rated instructor. In SoCal it is unprobable since the big 3 follow the ISP. After one has earned the A license, your options are wide open. Pay for coaching by Sky U or a similar program at your dz, or, like my dz, enter into a FREE 2-way RW skills camp every weekend. Some even offer free 4 way camps monthly. So if you want to debate, here's another topic: Should I pay for a re-currency dive and/or re-training?
  10. Bill, Great perspective!
  11. How to stop one? Prevention. Pull at the proper altitude. Otherwise, cut it away when encountered. There was a good article on "two out" a few months ago in the Parachutist. It covers the different scenarios, etc.
  12. Paul, Funny you should ask.... No, I don't use mine. I use Grasshopper's knife! (Packers always keep em' around.)
  13. At my dropzone "grad" students can only jump with skydivers who are rated or jump solo. We have been following the ISP nearly since its inception. I feel that it adds structure to the student's learning and is goal oriented. Some students I've been with have good flying skills with such few jumps, while others are barely adequate and "should" be supervised by an experienced jumper; one who typically holds an instructional rating. We cannot over stress safety when educating the less experienced skydivers. Sure, there are many experienced jumpers at the dz more qualified than the instructional staff. But many of them choose not to be instructors and would rather do an LO or a hot 4 way. They would rather leave it to those who are rated and enjoy teaching the newbies how to fly and eventually get invited on the hot skydive. When I look around our dz it seems that half the dropzone has some kind of instructional rating. Or staff includes JMs with AFF and Tandem ratings. Often they are called away to do a revenue producing tandem, while their graduate student has to wait. This is where our "coach" comes in. As one that is rated, do I deserve to get paid? Yes, but I'd also do it for free. We spend a lot of time on the ground breifing, and dirt diving the skydive. We take the time to quiz, share experiences, and answer questions. Also, there are a lot of "rock stars" roaming around willing to help you "gratis" as time permits. Remember, most of us only get paid when we jump, the hours of ground instruction and dirt dive are not paid, in most circumstances. I can go a full day going over quizzes, TLOs, dirt dives, etc., and probably only get to make one jump! Some days I may not even get to jump. But you know what? I love it. Heck, I'm still learning! As far as rw coaching, we have a free, 2 way skills camp were all of the coaches are paying their own slot and donating their time. I tell all my students to find me after they get licensed and I'll do some rw skills jumps with them and I'll pay my own slot. Yeah, it sucks to drop some bucks to learn "group" freefall skills, but it'll pay off in time. Mark USPA Coach '02 D-24499
  14. when I I break a line stow packing, I use it to cut the old stuff off....
  15. Congrats! I'll be up in June to do the HALO jumps, etc... You are on your way to Air Superiority! Mark D-24499 (My first 13 jumps were at Davis.)
  16. Ha ha ha! I guess your experience is complete. Musta been a slow night at the dz; or really cold out doors.
  17. Hey FfPm, When can ya take me flyin in yer Cherokee??
  18. That reminds me.... I need to return that tape I rented.
  19. It is, and I believe the "visuals" will reinforce the book. M
  20. smurfette jumps at elsinore and grasshopper packs for her
  21. tanks. i may mosey on over later, though.
  22. 'snore... Ya know, the 10 way thing is going on Saturday.
  23. you know I'm there! did you save my shot gl-ass?
  24. The shark was lurking of the coastal waters of San Diego. And if it was on a Sunday I was occupied with the NFL. Missed the Hawaiian party at the Coyote Grill. It might be because I'm probably banned from there.