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Everything posted by niu

  1. Never jumped a BT-50,just a -40 for some 500 jumps. It either opened hard with the small slider or regularly off heading/in a turn with the large one,which was a pity since it was a real blast to zoom around with. Compared to it a Sabre 135 was a Ferguson tractor,reliable and easy to use but not very entertaining or responsive. Cannot compare it to modern canopies,since I havent made a jump since 1998.
  2. tbrown,the "pretty strange" part was a comment to the fact that in the picture the jumper pulled his reserve belly down which is a good thing with a piggyback but far from ideal with a chestmounted reserve.
  3. The artillery baloon spotters during ww1 was equipped with parachutes,afaik.
  4. After going through the incident reports on this very website,would that really be a bad thing?
  5. SFF (Svenska Fallskärmsförbundet)-Sweden
  6. One good thing, they won't go into a down plane. Sparky No,but one turned ME upside down,when the Sentinel fired while under canopy after a slightly low pull. Looked down to check the ground and saw the last line stows release but was too slow in getting the legs out of the way,wich resulted in some interesting acrobatics before cutting away.
  7. 2 in somewhere in between 1700-2000 jumps.
  8. This is what one looked like deploying. When thinking about the amount of buckles,hooks and other nasty stuff a chest mounted reserve had to clear if opened belly-down it`s pretty strange that anyone lived through it.
  9. Just for low-speed malfunctions with reserves that was not equipped with pilotchutes,if my memory does not fail me totally. We were supposed to throw the top of the canopy in the direction of an eventual rotation(or was it the other way?) while holding on to the bottom seam to be able to "shake air into" the canopy. The piggyback system with it`s simplified ep`s was a great relief. Chop,pop,ready.
  10. Everything fall at the same rate in a vacuum. Luckily air is present on this ball,which makes objects with a lot of mass and a relatively small frontal area fall faster than ojects with a lot of frontal area and less mass. That`s why slicksuits and lead are bad ideas for beer bellied men,besides the estetic aspects of course.
  11. Quick release AND disconnected rsl is the only good option. In case one does many video jumps,my personal opinion is that the rsl should be permanently removed from the rig to avoid the risk of leaving it connected by mistake.
  12. "AN-2: 65kts / 75mph / 120kmh" Must be very near full throttle,then.
  13. "24. 10/16/2005 Skydive the Rockies, CO. 4000+ Low Pull, CYPRES fire with two canopies out resulting in an un-survivable landing. " Does anyone know why this person pulled low?Was it just a fuckup or was there a bad separation or such?
  14. Mixing up the dummy-and reserve handles on jump 4 was pretty embarassing.
  15. A little late for that since you`ve obviously already started.
  16. If you have anything that poses a snag hazard on your helmet then disconnect the RSL if you normally use one and make sure you can get rid of the helmet in a hurry.
  17. The rigs I started jumping in 1982 had Sentinels.The calibration was made on the ground ,and the only times I remember we were supposed to disconnect the cable to the actuator was in case of:A Landing with the plane B:water landings. But they would for sure activate if used with todays canopies.
  18. Tell that person to find another hobby.
  19. Once upon a time I went to an interwiew and told my employer-to-be that the Herc boogie was sacred. A year later he argued when I was about to go there. Simply told him that there were two options:I go there and come back afterwards. Or I don`t come back.
  20. I take it you`re falling head first,otherwise the graphics is upside down.
  21. If you need it and don't have it you'll have about 4 seconds to say 'oh shit'... You mean instead of pulling the reserve? Save the swearing until afterwards.
  22. If you need it and don`t have it,you won`t be able to say shit.
  23. The only time I ever listened to music in a jump aircraft was when riding in Mr.D.
  24. Hanging upside down under canopy used to be a favorite pastime of mine during the slow ride down in the days before the real hot canopies. This seemed to work well until the day I found myself suspended by the right release and my left hand at an altitude of about 800 feet,simply because the Classiflyer I jumped at the time did not have any housing on the left release cable. Add to that a very short part protruding through the loop and a thumb in the wrong place,and a one sided cutaway is a fact. Hanging on until landing was not an option,cut away and pulled the reserve just to have nothing much happen. Check the ripcord,both pins out. Elbow work and tilting over to the left fixed it,but the grass sure grows fast at such low altitudes,the reserve ride lasted 10 seconds or so. Reserve pilots that are fixed in place by the loops are a great invention. Same goes for cable housings.
  25. First jumped:T10. First owned:Papillon. First square:Heavyweight Strato Cloud.