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Everything posted by grimmie

  1. The US Dollar will be worth about 28 cents Euro soon.
  2. When a new mayor takes over a small town or city it is very rare for the incumbent police or fire chief to be fired. Some cities hire them as "at will " employees and others are under civil service laws, meaning you need an excellent reson to fire them.
  3. grimmie

    perris jet

    The jet is down for maintenance.
  4. I blame the CEO's of these companies that diregarded basic business rules.
  5. What the hell does our government being broke at all levels have to do with real estate? I build houses and have 2 of them for sale right now. I was pointing out that this is like Carter's era, but the republicans won't admit it. I think GWB and his henchmen should be in jail in January. What's your point again?
  6. 1. The Steelers always have the Browns #. 2. The Charger secondary would make me look like Johnny Unitas if I played against them. 3. The Chiefs are the worst team in the league. 4. A win over the Jets doesn't make Cassel Brady. 5. Carolina is good. 6. Dallas is overated.
  7. The blame for these financial meltdowns goes to the CEO's. What the hell are they teaching these MBA's? By trying to appease Wall Street and the shareholders, many of these companies have rolled the dice trying to make the big score. When a company makes a play, they better have the capital behind them. Government intervention and oversight can only prevent so many things. Enron, huge scam. GM, poor planning, investment banks, bad investing. All of the non stated income loans given out in the past 5-10 years are coming home to roost. Some of these mortgage people should be in jail. I will agree though that our waste of funds in Iraq, billions of which don't come back in taxes to the US is hurting our economy. As Russia, China, India and Mexico rise in wealth, we will continue to decline. IMHO we are slowly turning into a Third World nation. Read your local newspaper. Is the town you live in financially sound? What about your County? State you live in have $$$'s in the bank? We're broke as a nation. Quote all of the statistics you want. We can only borrow so much more money to run the US of A. This reminds me of the Carter Era a bit. Fuel was rising, home loans were astronomical, we had a hostage crisis and overall feelings about America were not good until we beat the Russians in hockey! Our economy recovers, it always does, but I think it is going to take much longer this time around.
  8. "The buck never can stop here" because they spent them all!!!!
  9. The CEO's of these corporate giants are responsible. Not one single other blame.
  10. You guys are fucking joking right? Just bring them home. That would be swell. GWB stepped into a giant pile of dog shit. Hey, why can't you democrats clean off his shoe in 2 years? GWB started a catastrophy of epic proportions based on bullshit. The Dems could try to pull out the troops. But then what. Mass fucking chaos. And then all of our brave men and women WILL have died in vain. You guys all know we just can't pull out of Iraq and go home. Stop playing that card. I hear people say to support the President and the troops. Well the troops have my UTMOST admiration and support. The President is a lying puppet that is getting some rich guys wealthier. And to those folks that think Iraq was a swell idea, I ask them why their kids aren't there. And to the parents of our brave military members, may God bless your loved ones.
  11. The "Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson. The best host in TV history. I went to a taping his last month on the air. Todays hosts wish they could be half as funny.
  12. If we didn't waste so damn much taxpayer $$$, we wouldn't have to tax anyone very much.
  13. The light is finally coming on for the Sunnis because we are paying them boatloads of money.
  14. BWAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! Coffee is all over my keyboard!!! You owe me!!!!!
  15. Am I just not seeing the "Auctioning of Virginity" selection?
  17. rhys, a LOT of Americans don't get what is happening to our great nation. India, Russia, China and Mexico will soon all have stronger economies than us. We started a war to appease some slimy think tank conservatives under false pretense. Most of the PNAC bunch are getting, or will be, amazingly wealthy. On September 12, 2001 everyone in the world was with us, except a few radicals. All Americans put away their political difference to join as one great nation. In 7 short years we have trounced on human rights and freedoms, invaded a country based on lies, tortured and detained people and put our country into a huge debt. I won't even go into Katrina and the other failures of our government. So seven years later Osama Bin Laden is still free. Afghanistan is a mess, Iraq is a mess and our economy is in the dumper. But wait! Because of the likes of Karl Rove, we get a campaign based on terrorism protection and military leadership. The media picks theri favorites and that's influencing the voters. Why wasn't a clear thinking American like Ron Paul finishing higher in the primaries? It makes me sad that if I want the war to end I'm too liberal. If I'm against abortion I'm too conservative. I'm also tired of voter's "patriotism" challenged. Sorry, but I have had almost eight long years of eating a "GOP turd sammich". We need someone to pull this great nation back together. We need to stop paying so much attention to NASCAR and the NFL and wake up to what is going on around us. Everyone in America knows Brett Farve went to the NY Jets, but how many folks know who the US Attorney General is? Or who the PM of Canada or the President of Mexico is? That's how the republicans win elections, when the candidate's brother isn't rigging a win. Fear, hate, Terror! The "Pro Life" party! They have been responsible for more death than we can imagine. If we were really tough on terror we would be putting all of the gang members here in jail. My chances of getting shot by one of them is WAY greater than getting killed by an Islamic terrorist. I'm sick of this shit. Liberals vs. Conservatives. Can't we all just become clear thinking voters that love our nation?
  18. grimmie

    Wedding Pics

    I hope you choked on the cake! signed, Ohio State and Pens fan! congrats!
  19. grimmie

    343 I'm on duty today steering the back of the hook and ladder as usual. People are waving and giving us the "thumbs up" today, way more than usual. What the FDNY went through that day was incredible. Each one of those 343 men wanted to save every single life in those towers. My heros. Fly Free men.
  20. Here is what Bush's pals have been up to. Google "PNAC". At least welfare is spent right here at home to stimulate the economy. We are loosing millions of dollar in Iraq that aren't coming back into our social security fund or tax coffers.
  21. A "couple hundred thousand"????? You haven't been jumping much the past 7 years then!!!!
  22. Not too many people I know thopught the war in Iraq was going to be a good idea. The Hurricane Katrina debacle was one of the worst displays of ineptness by our government of all time. The economy is his fault. Look at where our funds spent on the war are really going.
  23. Yea, this is some shitty judgement skills...
  24. ...and need a new 'puter keyboard! Coffee just went everywhere!!!!!
  25. Franklin Roosevelt wasn't in the military. he worked out OK.