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Everything posted by grimmie

  1. Franklin Roosevelt wasn't in the military. he worked out OK.
  2. here comes another trillion $$$$$ in debt.
  3. My wife is a Deputy DA. One of our best friends is a Superior Court judge. We were discussing the arrests made at Yosemite. They both can't believe they throw you in jail for "Aerial delivery with out a permit' trumped up charges. Also the gear confiscation is ridiculous. But after 42 years of courtroom time between the two of them, it came down to "The Feds do what they want, when they want, and no BASE jumper is gonna have a chance." Our judge friend was so pissed she wrote a letter to the Feds about it. No reply of course. They must have thousands of dollars in BASE gear stored somewhere.
  4. Which is a good place to start. GWB is now known as "defendant #1". Congress won't have the balls to look into the PNAC bunch, the lies, the nation building and the fleecing of the American public under the guise of keeping us safe. The "Pro Life" bunch has been responsible for more death than any of us can imagine. Criminal. But the morons in this country are going to vote in four more years of hell because of a cute little new face on the scene. Back to the job search for the outgoing administration...
  5. Nick, I have heard the story over and over but no names go with it. Statute of Limitations is up in the skydive world! Names! PM me of course!
  6. So let's get some predictions for next year. Who is going to hire... GWB-he would be a good clown at kids parties. But probably an oil company. Or Tony Blair's limo driver. Cheney-NRA or Haliburton or even the UN! Condi-Stanford or piloting her oil tanker around. Chertoff-"Reno 911" All kidding aside, where are these folks going to work? Let's hear your best guess.
  7. I read the San Diego Union -Tribune here in the heart of Republicanville. Shouldn't you be watching Bill O' reruns on Fox News this late at night?
  8. But you can't hit what you can't catch!
  9. So who were the "flat bed bums"? And what DZ's did they frequent?
  10. I read a lot. He's a flip flopping, no clue fool and she's an election away from going back to Alaskan trailer trash.
  11. A goal every 44 seconds! I hope they bought their goalie a manicure and a pedicure and a few dirty martinis!
  12. With McCain and Palin being tutored by the Bushies I doubt we'll be percieved in any way other than how we are currently. Weakened and broke.
  13. caress, you forgot "Flip Wilson"! I forgot to mention "Boston Legal"."Beverly Hillbillys" and "Get Smart"! Nothing was funnier than the Dean Martin roasts also!
  14. The EMS/paramedic integration has both helped and hurt the American fire service. Lot's of "bed pan commandos" (paramedics) get hired because of their medic cert. As the fire service has moved towards EMS as it's bread and butter the fire training has taken a back seat. Some departments like Cal Fire still do widland and structure with minimal EMS. Earn Money Sleeping! Good job! The more EMS folks in skydiving the better! signed, bitter old fireman
  15. But you aren't pissed that Reagan trained and funded him???
  16. And yet Cindy Sheehan gets arrested...
  17. Iraq "went down" due to PNAC policy and their puppet GWB.
  18. 911 procedures differ from each agency a bit. 911 call takers are not usually the dispatchers. The call takers send the call to PD or FD or both sometimes. And a lot of 911 calls are BS and get terminated.
  19. Visit both DZ's and Elsinore too. You'll have a great vacation.
  20. It doesn't matter. The Steelers are going to crush evry AFC team in their path this year!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. So why is it so many have issues with BASE? I don't think too many skydivers have issues with BASE. I have heard this tired old crap for years. I think BASE jumpers have issues with skydivers because they aren't cool enough to BASE, in a BASE jumpers view. But all BASE jumpers started as skydivers. I think BASE jumpers have issues with other BASE jumpers. A lot. I think every poster here on these forums believes in doing your own thing is cool. Just don't screw up my cool thing by breaking the rules doing your cool thing. In the old days the BASE jumpers were usually the experienced, rigger/instructor type of guys and gals that knew how to fly their body and a canopy. They also didn't spout off to others the cool BASE jumps they did on the weekend. They were incognito. To get one to mentor you was a process in proving you wanted to BASE jump so bad you would ground crew first. (Someone shoot me. I'm starting to sound like Nick DG!!) But now it's all about "look at me, I'm a BASE jumper and you don't get it, you old uncool dude!" So now a tragedy occurs involving breaking FAA rules. Now you have crossed BASE with skydiving and are treading on thin ice with the skydivers because you are involving their cool thing with yours. No one has any issues with BASE, just BASE out of an aircraft in the US. Against the rules. I'm truly sorry for your experience and loss.