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Everything posted by grimmie

  1. You are a "skydiver" when... Your credit card is maxed out... You think you can fly the otter better than the pilots... You've been barfed on at a boogie... You have slept with three of your jumping buddies ex-girlfriends... You almost get killed load organizing... You think being a packer would be a cool lifestyle... You think Scotty Carbone is a good cook... You wait at the mailbox like you're waiting for an IRS return check, but really you just can't wait to open this months Parachutist to see your picture in a crowd shot of some dudes "gold wing" presentation pic... You think being on a serious 4 way team will be fun... You go to Nationals and two people tell you that you owe them money... You make 42 jumps and are ready to do a BASE jump... You show a newbie how to pack, and he has a malfunction... You land downwind on a 20 way and crash land in front of the entire DZ... You have such canopy madskillz that you have a pair of crutches in your garage... But when you really know you're a skydiver is when you don't have any of the same friends you used to, have been through two wives and $180,000 and 87 boogies... I'm just kidding, sort of! Welcome and have fun and BE SAFE!
  3. Glacier is a wonderful park and close to some really cool things to do. Kalispell and Whitefish are great small towns with good places to hang out also. Don't miss the "Montana Vortex" and Hungry Horse dam. Make sure to get a Huckleberry shake too. I also recommend a drive up to Fernie, BC and a trip into the Crow's Nest Pass to see the Frank slide. Bring warm clothes!
  4. Even his own guys really don't want him to come back to DC.
  5. San Diego will be a 1hr and 5 minute drive with very little traffic. Call me if you need a ride.
  6. Take a look at McCain's advisors. They are some of the same bunch that got us into Iraq for profit. I don't think Palin is smart enough to know what these guys are up to, and wouldn't want her relying on their 'advice" if she became president. McCain's advisors Robert Kagan and Randy Schuenemann helped make the Iraq war happen and make; Bruce Jackson and Dick Cheney... Very wealthy.
  7. McCain is dodging the debates and Palin isn't allowed to speak with anyone. Their campaign is toast.
  8. Ayers is a left wing terrorist now reformed. But getting nearly 50 million dollars for Chicago area children isn't leftist nor liberal.
  9. Each county in the US has an entire different EMS protocol to be followed by trained responders. In some locations only a paramedic can start an IV and in others an EMT with special training can start one. Some places only allow RN's to start IV's. Doctors sort of get to do anything they want in any jurisdiction, if their malpractice insurance is paid up(just kidding). The only thing an IV will do is replace fluids if someone is bleeding out internally. An external bleed can be stopped. I have used more IV bags for a sterile flush on road rash, open fractures than fluid replacement. IMHO I think the ABC's of first aid, proper gear removal/packaging and a rapid transport saves most severe cases at the DZ.
  10. He gave Gerald Ford a house on his Palm Springs country club, fairway view. Damn liberal!
  11. A lot of the defaults have come on the sub prime and balloon payment loans. If all of the mortgage companies lowered their interest rates to 2%, they would still make some money, forclosures would slow and bad loans would be good ones because the borrowers could make their payments. A $550,000 loan 30yr. fixed would be a $2,090 monthly payment. I think it would be a way better overall fix. But I only have a 12th grade education from a really lousy public skool so no one wants my idea!
  12. We can bail out and have the dollar devalue or not bail out and have Wall Street devalue. Why can't we lower mortgage rates to 2% until folks can figure out just what needs to be done. We rushed into Iraq and we are rushing into socialism now.
  13. Financial companies usually operate things based on percentages. What friend of GWB's is going to get the contract to oversee and disperse nearly a TRILLION dollars for a mere 5% fee?
  14. Glad we cleared that up! How do I get to be a "the guy who pays the guy'!?
  15. So I'm watching all of this bail out talk on all of the news channels and start thinking... 1. How is the bail out money distributed to the corporations? 2. Who determines how much each corporation needs, and will receive. 3. Will the Federal Reserve, or Treasury dept. just write direct checks to AIG, Lehman etc? 4. What department of the goverment will track all of these and do the record keeping? Which leads me to believe there will be companies acting as 'middle men" and make millions off of our taxpayers dollars consulting, distributing funds, managing the bail out, etc. Because it doesn't seem like anyone in DC has it figured out. Anyone have the answers?
  16. Next project, I promise! Send your resume!
  17. Are any of you in the television or film production industry. I need some post production assistance. Thanks! pm me (and no, it's skydiving, not a porn!)
  18. We had better buy more paper and green ink if McCain wins. The PNAC bunch are guiding him also. Four more wars!
  19. grimmie

    What boogie?

    or here with us...
  20. The right wingers always chide the left on welfare and entitlement programs. The Republicans are worried Obama wants to turn our country into Socialism. A talking head on cable news said a few months ago, "How can we elect a Democrat, they will just spend, spend, spend." News flash folks. The Republicans have just given out the biggest welfare check in the history of America and turned us into a Socialist economy. And they wanted Wall Street to run Social Security and retirement funds. Some folks need to be in jail.
  21. McCain was so clueless this week it was painful to watch. His advisors even know the ticket doesn't have a clue.
  22. The middle men brokering these deals will have millions in their accounts.
  23. The US Dollar will be worth about 28 cents Euro soon.