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Everything posted by virgigirlie

  1. Is there a way to mute ads on the site? I'm really tired of the Wings Tandem ad. I don't want some chick's tits all up in my face for half an hour. Can I close this ad (the way users of, say, Facebook can close a certain ad and something else'll pop up instead)? "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  2. I need help choosing a full-face helmet. I bought a medium G3, which fit mostly great, but made me feel as if I were being choked when I looked down. I exchanged it for a large, which is too big. I can tighten it all the way and still pull it off my head pretty easily. Plus, at least when they're new, the visors require nearly super human strength to open. (Or I'm super weak, which, I suppose, is a possibility.) So I'm here looking for recommendations. Good field of vision, durable, other important things. I'd like my mouth to be visible to other jumpers. I'm currently considering a Phantom X. Gracias. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  3. Awesome! Thanks!!! "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  4. Perhaps this post belongs in the General Skydiving Discussions area, but it's really just a question. I'm likely moving to MD in August for work and I don't know where to jump. I'll be just less than an hour south of the PA border (if you go due north to the border), in the Joppa area (30 mile radius, perhaps closer to Baltimore). So where's a good place to jump? "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  5. Also, I just remembered a story told to me by another skydiver. One of his friends was making homemade salsa. Everything was chopped and on the stove in water. She figured she'd masturbate to kill some time waiting for the salsa to get cooking. Evidently you need to wash your hands several times and wear gloves after handling peppers before you touch your personal area. She said the burning was unlike anything she'd ever felt and she couldn't get it to stop! I think she ended up dousing her honey pot with milk or something, though I don't really remember. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  6. In high school, I was doing it in a car (shocking) and had one leg up over my head. Apparently, that leg was too close to the seat belt (where it rests, waiting for you to put it on) and because of the back and forth motion, I ended up with a nice cut and scar on my leg just under my knee on my shin. My freshman year of college, I was doing it too close to a texture-painted wall. Of course it didn't hurt until we were finished, so I didn't notice that a large patch of skin was rubbing off my knee until it was too late. Later in college, I was on top and we sort of shifted. My ass hit the corner of a window air conditioning unit. That one hurt! What started as a tiny bruise turned into a tiny scar. I've always been clumsy, but I never realized how many unintentional sex-related injuries I've sustained. I'd lay even money that I'll remember one or two more before the night's over. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  7. Really? I consider my wife to be quite the lady and she allows me that honor even if she has to hold a step for me to get there. To me, tacky would be if she forgot that she was a lady and should be afforded certain courtesies. I really feel sorry for women who have determined that they are not, or been convinced that they are not deserving of that respect. But your wife knows that you want to open the door for her. I think it's different to expect just any man (or woman) to open the door for you and to stop so they can go ahead and get it. And I don't think that women in general (and certainly speaking for myself) don't feel deserving of respect, we just don't necessarily associate door opening with respect (but do view it as thoughtful and appreciate it). I don't expect that someone owes me anything just because of my gender. I don't think I owe anyone anything because of their gender. I typically hold doors (restaurant, gas station, etc.) for the person behind me just because I think it's a nice thing to do - it's not a respect thing and I don't feel disrespected if someone doesn't open a door for me (although my boyfriend always does, and I always thank him). "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  8. From this and the original post, it sounds more to me like she misses the attention she used to get. And I think that the fact that she no longer gets chocolates or as many compliments may be the changing times in general (or her aging ) more than any sexual harassment laws. Just my opinion and you know her better than I do, obviously. Every office I've worked in has had its share of mild flirtations and "Hey, nice shirt" or "New tie?" but it's still probably inappropriate to be hugging people at work (as opposed to after work at the bar or something) unless something particular warrants it. One of the women I worked with once came in after having found out her husband had colon cancer. She needed a hug. And no one said anything when I hugged her or when one of our male coworkers did. Well, your perspective on what keeps women from getting ahead is skewed because you've never been a woman. Being harassed and/or diminished and/or discriminated against because you have boobies (and clearly can't take care of yourself - you need a man for that) certainly kept many women down. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  9. Do you mean used skydiving to get laid, or do you mean used a skydiving skill while doing it? That will determine my answer. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  10. I like the black better because I think it looks sharper. But I agree with Wendy about the usability of the site. From experience, if I'm on a site with a black background and light text for a while, it starts to get hard on the eyes. I think you'll be fine either way, though. Good luck! "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  11. So, I need anti virus stuff for my laptop (Norton trial just ended). I don't do any banking or anything, just e-mail checking, paper-typing, and general time-wasting. I'm not downloading porn or anything (I watch it free on redtube). I'm mostly just worried about viruses that will slow my shit down or steal e-mail and forum passwords, etc. I want to download free anti virus/spyware stuff. I want it to be legitimate and I want it to work. I have no idea what of the free stuff is reputable and effective. Again, I don't use my laptop (P.C.) for any sensitive information, so I don't want to spend a lot of money protecting it. Suggestions? Please? "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  12. This may seem like a dumb question, but have you spoken to a doctor about this? Both the risks of trying to just gain weight and why you don't gain weight. Perhaps it's just how you're built, but perhaps you have an overactive thyroid or something... Just something to think about.
  13. you mean everything he's been in since (and including) Arrested Development? "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  14. Awesome pictures and story! "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  15. Is Austin Michael's son? And are you the father of both Michael and Robert? If so, then M & R are brothers and R is A's uncle. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  16. So this is my reply to a question from ZZM in the original thread and to the first post of this thread: 1. They were actually together for several years after I was born. He was abusive (to her), they never married, and he never paid any support. Though she was entitled to it, I don't think my mom would've taken his money anyway. She never asked him for support (although when they were dating he wanted her to pay him to "babysit" me so she could go to work). She didn't even put his name on my birth certificate. 2. Why should child support be forfeited just because the kid doesn't have his last name? He is still the parent. If the mother does give his last name to the kid does that mean she doesn't have to contribute financially (or otherwise?) to the kid's up-bringing? Or if the father is raising the kid and it has his last name, does that mean the mother shouldn't pay support? Parenthood is parenthood regardless of name. Unless the child has been legally adopted away from you, you're legally (and morally) responsible for your children. That said, I'm also all for visitation/shared custody rights provided there isn't an abuse/substance abuse/dangerous or detrimental situation going on. But even then I think the offending parent has a responsibility to help ensure that their child is taken care of, which can be somewhat accomplished through monetary support. Bottom line: Regardless of whose choice it is to abort, adopt, or keep, both genetic donors are responsible for the kid if one results and is kept. If you can't be or choose not to be in the kid's life, then you have to help support it somehow. As for support from both parties, what's the custodial parent gonna do, write her/himself a check? The custodial parent is already paying fiscally and emotionally and physically tons to raise that kid. Child support laws are not designed to punish people who do not act responsibly. It's not like the government's taking and keeping that money - it goes to your kid. Why should the custodial parent's wages be garnished? Even if you're married, plan out when you'll have kids, have them, then get divorced, someone's likely gonna have to pay support. Child support is meant to support the child(ren). Clothes, food, school supplies, tuition, things the custodial parent pays for. No woman gets a free pass just for carrying the kid - she either gets custody (which costs heaps of money/emotion/etc.) or has to pay support. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  17. How do you break a dildo?? Please are always helpful
  18. Do you really have dildos? My favorite one just broke... "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  19. Gay marriage (depending on your position, I can link you to a superb article). Sin taxes (on alcohol, cigarettes, and gas guzzlers, now the government's considering certain foods). Medical marijuana: good or bad? Full legalization of marijuana (compare it to prohibition and current alcohol and tobacco laws, tax revenue, etc.). Don't ask, don't tell: keep it or repeal it? Education: fire the teachers? Make parents share the responsibility (make your kids do their homework), funding issues, curriculum (how and what we teach), discrimination in schools, dropout rates... The Palestine/Israel conflict (I've also got some great resources on this that I could send your way). "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  20. There must be something wrong with my perception...all I see is blue background with nothing on it! Must be work computer's fault. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  21. Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters is also good. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  22. Rooftops of Tehran by Mahbod Seraji One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris The World Without Us by Alan Weisman Ghost Story by Peter Straub A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn (text or graphic) "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  23. Doesn't sound like a cat fight to me, sounds like a beat-down. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird
  24. One more thumbs up. "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." ~Catherine Aird