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Everything posted by simplyputsi

  1. Are you sure Not about getting laid, just needing help. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  2. AC DC - the one with thunderstuck on it. On standy is System of a down the newest one I think. Had Weezer in on the road trip to North Carolina a few weekends ago. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  3. That is her way of telling you the food you are feeding her is CRAP!!! It's all CRAP!!!! Just kidding. My cat does the same thing, but only because she inhales the stuff. If she eats to fast it comes back up. If not it stays down. Have no idea what makes her eat so fast other times. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  4. shameless bump for this. Supposed to be on tonight 10 o'clock here, eastern. Gunnar is so dreamy... ha ha Skymama's #2 stalker -
  5. I didn't read this whole thread but here are somes of mine. South Park Lost (damn that show, damn it to hell) Family guy Aqua teen hunger force and definitely that 70's show. Last season ya'll but think it's about time it's lost alot of appeal. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  6. Paid 118,000 u.s.d. for my 2 bed 2 bath condo. Not the largest place, but I like the location. About 15 miles from downtown atlanta, but I'm right by the river which is a national forest area so it's pretty nice. 2 bed 2 baths up the hill from me are 150,000. Downtown 2 bed 2 baths, your lookin at 250,000 up to 1 million or more. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  7. You went to the hockey game and didn't invite me? Was it the Thrashers? If so you have to get a job with the Atlanta Spirit I would think. They control just about everything at phillips arena. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  8. simplyputsi


    What happens when two isobars get together? they blow each other away. ba dum dum Skymama's #2 stalker -
  9. I gots me a 5 story view for the carnage, hooray!!!! Nothing weird so far today. It's a friend of mines bday that has to suck. Got the word we get to leave at about 3:30 today so that is pretty nice. Goodbye work hello long weekend!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  10. Fine, we don't need you anyway!!!!!! p.s. that is just plain evil Skymama's #2 stalker -
  11. There could be weight issues with foam. I'm not saying air doesn't weight anything but hey. I don't know the name of the company off hand but there is a company that makes kevlar mix tires that are super light and resist punctures very very well. I believe lance used them. Yeah they ain't cheap. The inserts that go inside the tube work great, as I had them in my bike for awhile. A friend of mine hates em though, says they add weight. Blah. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  12. What a good question. I have this strange habit that if I don't even see the girl as being close to the one I don't even try and date such girl. I do think this is a good idea and not such a good idea. I mean how do you really know if you don't commit to them for a bit. I kind of tried that with the last girl I dated, at first I was not so much into her, but then when we started dating I found myself more and more attracted. She went crazy though and that was that. There is however one girl that I met about 5-6 years ago that when I first saw her I said this is the girl. We have never been together but have become good friends over the years. We even lived together for a few years as room mates and only room mates. However this feeling is still there for me. I look at her more and more these days as the one and can't help think of what I thought when I first met her. Maybe one day I'll get a shot. I think people connect with other people faster and better than others for some cosmic reason. Such is the game I suppose. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  13. How funny is that. I didn't have to drive 100 miles, it's about 65 or so. My problem was it was getting dark. I knew that if I had to drive at night with one eye I was screwed. I have ever since made sure to bring more than one spare for each eye. That has to be the key to this thread. Gonna wear contacts, BRING SPARES!!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  14. I also wear contacts. I don't even own a pair of glasses. Had one pop out in FF once and into my goggles. Knew that I'd have a problem with depth perception on landing so made sure I was ready to PLF. Lost the thing playing with it in the landing area and had to drive home with one eye. After that you can believe I make sure to brings spares. What is this about putting things in your eye. I can't even feel mine. Technology is great!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  15. Just sent you a request. I can be found here Skymama's #2 stalker -
  16. Now blimps used to take a lot of people around places back in the WWII days. The link is to a nine passenger blimp. Says it can climb max 1600ft/min. Half of that is pretty descent. Problem is you only have 9 peeps. That just as many as a porter though. Now just need the statistics on fuel consumption. Not sure what the descent rate is though, is it the same as ascent? Problems are how high can it go? Winds will knock that sucker around real nice I'd think. Uppers at 50knots sorry no jumping today. Well maybe hop and pops can use it. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  17. What kind of fuel do balloons use. And the more I think about it blimps should be the jump ship of the future. I think you could put a fair amount of people on one and I don't think they use too much fuel. Now I don't know how much a blimp costs, but it's an idea. Could have storage problems with it I guess. I am talking out of my ass again. sorry. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  18. You know you were high out of your mind half the time you were at any dz. If kitty says she steamrolled you just say yes and be proud she did. Now get you some prozac or something and get ur azz back down here!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  19. Holy Crap you have one of my uncle in there. That is friggen awesome!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  20. STREET RACE!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwww beotches!!!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  21. Amen. I've seriously thought about carrying weapons with me when I ride for the sole purpose of defending myself when I have a 6000lb SUV riding my ass in the right lane of the highway. Yeah yeah, shoot innocent people that at that moment in time are not killing people. They might have the possibility to, but are not. You should take justice into your own hands, kill away. But wait, you said something about not killing innocent people. I'm confused? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  22. pshyeah right, that is not gonna happen. Out of all the posts on here you turn on a guy that is saying some preppy fuck with a large horsepower sports car needs to get the fuck off the road because he is driving to slow. I never said I wanted to race him. I never said street racing was cool. I never said street racing was safe. Maybe our definitions are not the same, since you immediately went to the "speeding through my neighborhood" example. Crowded areas have no place for street racing, as thanatos said. I think you are just having fun arguing which I'm not gonna do with you. Your assumptions are in my opinion pretty stupid. Want to get on someone about street racing try the person that started the thread. p.s. old enough to understand that speed kills, and kills innocent people every fucking day!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  23. not sure where in here is says he needs to be exceeding the speed limit to the point he would kill people. It says nothing of the sort. I am not back peddling. Like I said before, he is going so slow and backing a row of cars up behind him that it seems pretty pointless that he owns such a car. I think I'll go buy me a lamborghini and keep err under 55 because that is the speed limit. Certain cars are made with lots of horsepower to be driven, well to be driven. If numbnuts want to peddle around and look good he could have spent less money and bought something that looked just as COOL. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  24. Wow someone is teste. I have not raced anyone for I don't know how long now, and even when I have raced someone on the street it was never in a residential area. That is pretty fucking retarded like you said. I'm just saying someone with 450 horsepower who is backing traffic up has wasted his money if he does not intend to push the gas down. I didn't say I wanted to race him, rather for him to stop impeeding the flow of traffic. Which, in some cases, can actually kill innocent people as well. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  25. Hours??? try minutes cuz I'm sure that is what it breaks down to for me. Sometimes I might break into the hour mark, but not often. I had this discussion with some friends the other day. All of us have Corporate America jobs and we are mostly not working most of the day. It's the American way I suppose. Sometimes I wish I had a job where I had to think or be busy all day. Of course I'm sure that could get old if I didn't enjoy it. One day I'll find the job for me, for now I'll get paid to sit around and ACT like I'm working. Skymama's #2 stalker -