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Everything posted by simplyputsi

  1. Wearing a camera suit it looks like as well. You'd think mars had the best base jumps by far. Maybe they need air to breathe. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  2. Man I feel your pain. People think oh it's just a bumper that will cost nothing. Ha try $700 dollars moron, not to mention are you gonna drop it off, rent a car for me, and pick it up when it is done? No, then get back in your car and back up into the nearest tree and then we can talk, if you are not willing to do that then stfu give me your insurance and while I'm writing down your information call the police to come fill out the ticket. Man what a pain in the ass you now have!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  3. Someone couldn't draw might be an explanation. If I tried to draw a somewhat lifesize picture of a human it would probably end up looking like something else. 5 fingers, my stick figures have 5 fingers but I know one of those is the thumb. Whatever happened to the theory that time travel might have something to do with it? They are us, just far far from now. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  4. ok i'm seriously pissed off now. It was almost assumed that we would get to leave today at about 3ish. Well it's past that and who did I just see leave, my fuc#king boss!!!! Now discussion at a meeting earlier this month led us to believe we could leave early today, but usually the boss comes by and says we are good to go. Instead today nothing, she just leaves. So can I leave???? WTF!!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  5. This should be a caption this photo hands down!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  6. What it is is a girl named natalie who was lured up to the top of a snowy mountain and asked to take her glove off for a picture. It only went downhill for poor natalie, as of course the photographer continued with take the other glove off, now the jacket. It will look better without the pants. Come on no one can see you up here. Poor poor natalie. edited can I can't fn make sentences!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  7. Are you talking about the barstow to vegas race? It has been awhile since being out there I can't remember the dates that happened. I know they stopped the race years back but I heard they still put together some sort of ride like it. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  8. I'll be working, but not sure how much work I'll be getting done. No one is gonna be here. When the boss is away the kiddies will play!! This is one holiday that working for a bank really doesn't help you much. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  9. What the heck does that mean? Thanks for backing my point. Since you don't know me, don't know my experience other than numbers, the reality is you don't know shit about me. Good day sky gods good day!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  10. I'll comment, since it seems no one else has. A ton of jumps, but less than 70? A 1.2 wingloading at 70 jumps, plus your attitude? You may not have been hurt yet, but you are still new. Good luck, it sounds like you will need it. I kind of figured someone out there would say something. Some people just progress faster at things than others and I don't mean that in an attitude way. I sprained my ankle early on, think that was on the 170. I'm loaded at 1.2 now, not under a 170 at 170 I was loaded at 1.06. There are many others out there with just as many jumps as me with the same loading. Oh and thanks for the vote of confidence. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  11. Can i bring the porn dvd's that no longer "do it" for me?? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  12. I'm am also 5'6 150lbs. I have a sabre2 150, but I only started jumping a 150 after something like 70 jumps. I was on a 190 for awhile, then went to a 170 for a ton of jumps. I was able to land where I wanted to with the 170, did some crosswind landings, and a few slight downwinds, but there was barely any wind. I was renting so I downsized to a 150 on a good day, nice steady 5-10 mile per hour wind. There IS a big difference in 190 to 150. I know I surely would have misjudged many a landing had I done that. I think I have like 50 or so jumps on a 150 and to tell you the truth I'm still working on the speed of my landing even though I manage to stand them up. I don't have many jumps, just thought i'd give my opinion since we are the same size. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  13. I AM CRAZY!!!! But seriously it's not really that crazy. You should try it sometime. You'll totally love it, crap you might even get addicted to it or something. I think you might be able to find some information on it at this webiste. Dig deep it's there. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  14. I skydive, want to know all about it??? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  15. Well that isn't really what I want to do. Thus the reason for this thread. When the tv was too loud i'd just jack the signal up. I was going to just start trying to disrupt the signal, but after some thought and others posts I think I'll give "nice" another try. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  16. I'd do the management thing if it were an apartment, but it is a condo. The only thing I could do is complain to the Home owners association who would just send a letter saying to consider others. I'll see how the rest of this week goes, if no good, then I'll write her a note, if no improvement then I'll complain to the HOA. If it doesn't improve from there I can't be responsible for the cable being cut. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  17. Legal schmegal. I don't plan on getting caught. Hey it's not my fault the cable runs by my seriously strong magnet Well I suppose I could just ask her nicely, again, but I'm telling you it's friggen on if she doesn't do anything about it. It will be ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  18. I didn't say it was the cause of my system crash, but my computer always acted funny after playing the game. It was just one of the options I had for my crash. Yes I had to reinstall my os which is windows xp media edition. It's no big deal. I don't think the game caused it, but I haven't reinstalled it. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  19. Holy crap!!! I thought I had been banned from this site from work. It just let me back on. Ok back on topic, Why?? The beotch upstairs doesn't seem to understand that her tv is way to friggen loud and I've tried to live it for awhile now. There is some tension between us so civility is not an option anymore. I am afraid that if I ask she turn it down, mind you this is only at night, she will just make sure to turn it up. She is one of those people. So I just need to be able to knock her signal out whenever I want and since the cable runs through my wall, well sucks to be her if I can get it figured out. Oh yes I'm a sneaky bastard!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  20. How can it be done? I want to mess up a cable signal so bad that someone would turn off the tv because of it. I have access to the cable, but not the end part. Can I put something around it that will totally Fubar the signal up? Will a strong magnet work? I can't cut the wire and add something so that is not an option for anyone thinking of it. Any suggestions?? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  21. No friggen doubt. Why didn't I see that coming. If I could have made a thousand or so I'd be real happy these days. 14 hour line wait????? did you have to pee???? McRib, got to love it, too funny!!! Skymama's #2 stalker -
  22. Jesus did I start a war or what. Hmmmm I'll tell you what. I'll bring a 12 pack of rolling rock and then a 12 pack of something else. I didn't say I don't drink beer anymore so it will probably be something I like which can be guiness, amstel light, newcastle, and ummm well that is all I can think of for now. Skymama's #2 stalker -
  23. Aren't all hawks tickets free???? Skymama's #2 stalker -
  24. ummmmmm, or maybe something else???? Skymama's #2 stalker -