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Everything posted by JENNR8R

  1. I found out just recently that some places don't do actual water training. They just go over the procedures and sign off for the B license. QuoteBUT, But, but... that's against the rules! People don't really pencil pass something that important do they? I failed my first water training in a pool because of a phobia I have about getting my head under water. I ended up forcing myself to hold my head under water several times a week for six weeks before I could try again. This time I passed in a stinky river... with sushi floating around. It was the most frightening skydiving-related experience I have had yet. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  2. These lyrics are pure country and it was even No. 1 on the country charts for a while. What country girl could resist an offer like this? Ticks by Brad Paisley Everytime you take a sip in this smoky atmosphere. You press that bottle to your lips, and I wish I was your beer. And in the small there of your back, your jeans are playing peek a boo. I'd like to see the other half of your butterfly tattoo. Hey that gives me an idea. Let's get out of this bar and drive out into the country and find a place to park. Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight. I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks. I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers, and I'd like to check you for ticks. I know the perfect little path out in these woods I used to hunt. Don't worry babe I've got your back, and I've also got your front. I'd hate to waste a night like this. I'll keep you safe you wait and see. The only thing allowed to crawl all over you when we get there is me. You know every guy in here tonight would like to take you home, but I've got way more class than them. And that ain't what I want... Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight. I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks. I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers, and I'd like to check you for ticks. Oooh you never know where one might be, and oooh there's lots of places that are hard to reach. I'd like to see you out in the moonlight. I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks. I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers, and I'd like to check you for ticks. Oh, I'd sure like to check you for ticks! What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  3. Did the conditions change from the time you boarded the plane? QuoteYes, it wasn't windy before we boarded the airplane. The pilot didn't tell us about the wind gust until about 9,000 feet. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  4. Did you land safely (in the airplane)? You made the right choice. QuoteI'm comfortable with the choice that I made. I'm not second guessing myself. I started this thread in order to find out how others would react in the same scenario. I find the reasoning of others to be educational.
  5. 19 mph is still in my comfort zone, but very close to the edge. QuoteIt's not the 19 mph that had me concerned. It was the 4 to 19 mph. A 15 mph spread. I'll jump in winds over 20 if it's steadier. What is the spread that you are comfortable with? It was Load 2 and had been cloudy all morning. The first load didn't get up until 10:30 a.m. so there wasn't a lot of history to judge by. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  6. Ok now I'm jealous. Well, if you just showed up at my DZ unannounced, I'd jump with you too. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  7. Eat your hearts out boys, I got to meet and do two jumps with BlueSkiesKel this weekend. She is just as much of an awesome athlete and beautiful woman in person as she is on line. Thanks for the jumps Kelly. I hope you come back often.
  8. The time I have trouble making that decision is when I make it for other people who are OK with the winds. If I'm training and I decide to not jump, that's 7 other people who can't jump. If I'm on a bigway it could be 399 other people who can't jump (or who won't get the record and potentially see a breakoff problem) so I'm a lot more hesitant to stand down. QuoteYou're right. I said "yes" on the poll, but the truth is, I should have picked "It would depend on how important the jump was." I didn't have any problem at all with staying on the airplane on this particular jump. The 5-way became a 4-way without anyone getting their panties in a wad. I took some good-natured razzing on the ground, and it didn't bother me a bit. But I can think of other skydives that I have made that I would have risked it. You brought up two excellent examples. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  9. On the ride to altitude today, the pilot informed us of a wind gust from 4 to 19 mph. That is waaaaaaay beyond my comfort level. I rode the airplane down with a student and her instructor. Everyone else on the airplane decided to jump out. Some of them had far fewer jumps than I, and they all landed safely. This was just a fun jump. I would have had a harder time in deciding to stay on the airplane if it were a more meaningful jump and everyone else in my group decided to go. What would you do? How much of a wind gust would convince you to ride the airplane down? What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  10. I can just see her now giving her instructors hand signals. I'll bet there hasn't been a better freefall student since Sartre and Troy! What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  11. Yet the study finds that unreported abuse victims comprise an alarming... 99.6 percent of males. QuoteI wasn't aware that .4% of males had their hands amputated. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  12. This is from the 2005 SIM, Section 3-1, p. 12 C. Logging Jumps for Licenses and Ratings 1. Skydives offered as evidence of qualification must have been: a. made in accordance with the USPA requirements in effect at the time of the jump b. legibly recorded in chronological order in an appropriate log that contains the following information: (1) jump number (2) date (3) location (4) exit altitude (5) freefall length (time) (6) type of jump (formation skydiving, freeflying, canopy formation, style, etc. (7) landing distance from the target (8) equipment used (9) verifying signature 2. Jumps for license and rating qualifications must be signed by another licensed skydiver, a pilot, or a USPA National or FAI Judge who witnessed the jump. 3. Jumps to meet skill requirements must be signed by a USPA Instructor, Instructor Examiner, Safety & Training Advisor, or a member of the USPA Board of Directors. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  13. I'm still wearin' my white Keds. I've never heard of Vans. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  14. Oh, okay... I'll share my Dinosaur Award with you. But my name is Pterodactyl. You'll have to find your own name! What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  15. He looks naked without his black cowboy hat. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  16. Phew!!!... I'm sure glad that I have my "Tony Hathaway" on the wall before you made this decision. God speed on your new endeavors...
  17. Sorry... I was out drinking with a bunch of rowdy skydivers when you started. Have one for me.
  18. Geesh... you guys are geeky. I remember where I was when President Kennedy was shot, but not the first time I was on the internet. Guess that says something about my age, huh? What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  19. JENNR8R


    I don't like to air my dirty laundry in the Bonfire... What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  20. Was it the "bellhop that insists on guiding you to your room after you have repeatedly told him no" that Muenkel was talking about? What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.
  21. That's very informative, thank you!
  22. Jen: Why not? Not arguing, just want to learn. I had a photographer submit a picture of me doing my first wingsuit jump. He was kind enough to forward the e-mail that he received from Parachutist to let me know that it was under consideration. That e-mail said that it couldn't be sold anywhere else. What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday.