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Everything posted by alw

  1. Some finer points: Crate Training a puppy for house breaking is better done in a closed box with holes. Open crates can work, but they're really the outside with bars - not a den. Routines are great, just don't do the routine at the same time of the closk. Feed a little later, earlier etc. Setting routine by the closk can create anxiety when you miss the schedule. Variation teaches that it will happen - just not always on time. 9 weeks is a good time to start training what will become a large serious dog. Think of puppy as a toddler, don't expect olympic level performance. Puppies love food - each bite needs to be "for" something. This teaches attention and reduces the dogs feeling of entitlement - performance for reward. The basics - come (food), potty (food), off (food). Training teaches pupply that they are part of your pack. Dogs don't mind soiling another pack's area. Going outside is a treat for a house dog. Imagine that you live in a dull gray room all day and get to see color for a few minutes each day. Dogs experience the world through their nose. So puppies will signal they want to go out simply to go out. Whenever they signal, you have to let them teach you what the signal is PAY ATTENTION - LEARN YOUR LESSON. Always take them out. Reward with food only if they potty. You'll get tired of this long before they do, but recess "outsides" will pass. Please please think of puppy as a toddler. If they make a mistake that angers you - it's your fault - you put them in a position to do it. Never leave a pupply unsupervised - if you're not watching them - crate them. Tying a light line to their collar while your working around the house teaches them so many thing I can't begin to list them, but it is a good way for you to take the responsibility for supervising and teach them to pay attention to you. Socialize puppy with animals, dogs (other puppies at this point - not adult dogs), other things they have to get along with. Your puppy's next 9 months are very important to bring them into your pack and teach them the rules. Go easy and be patient and consistant. The rewards are worth the effort. P.S. Your next post will be about chewing. Remember to supervise and be forewarned - puppy goes through two teething phases. The first is annoying, the wsecond (9 months to a year old) can be destructive. What they learn in their first phase will save time and money in the second. Best advice I ca give a new dog owner - buy a book - a good book (I don't have a favorite). Use it. Dogs learn and Labs learn fast. You can make a lot of mistakes with techniques and the dog will still learn. What you cannot do is make the mistake of being inconsistant. That will confuse the dog and frustrate you both. Invest this first year in your puppy and you will have a friend, companion, protector, therapist, and entertainer for the rest of it's life. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  2. Definately not funny for whatever reason on whatever jump run with whatever outs. Traffic, weather, spot or gear issues could cause an injury or worse. The plane can go around and you can all fight about it on the ground, but that one in a million chance that something goes wrong is too critical to take the chance. I was on four loads that weekend where the first jumper/group held in the door waiting for the spot and on each one they were urged by people in the back of the bus. In each case they were right to hold and by the time everyone was on the ground it had been forgotten. Not cool, not funny, and never the right thing to do. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  3. I've found that staring them in the eyes "Meaningfully" and saying calmly, "You really don't know, do you?" seems to work. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  4. There may also be innovations that are variations in the sport. One that comes to mind it the PARIS system currently available for the military that deploys a paraglider for a high (relatively) glide ratio. We seem to innovate constrained by conventional wisdom, so a rag in a bag governs our thoughts of a parachute system. Thinking outside the box, or bag as it were, may lead us in entirely new directions for manned flight, or more appropriately flying man. Why not a lighter than air rigid inflatable wing that reduces fall rate and is navagable? Parabolic deployment of jumpers has been done, but is not accepted nor the norm, but it could add variation to the sport. The air bags that deploy gear on Mars missions represents an interesting consideration to freefall termination. For now I think I'll stick with my rag in a bag - strings attached. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  5. Who's showing up Friday? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  6. Well young lady, I'll answer that question. For the first few years of my life I jumped out of airplanes, swam under water, and occasionally risked my life for the freedoms you so luxuriously exercise. Later I built energy efficient modern power plants for company's that were thought to support the local economy and fostered an effort to improve the environment. I now am an executive of that company - the one that supplied the equipment to the "Peculiar" power station. I stay close to the politics in your area and in your state. In my spare time I've searched for missing and endangered people, one of which (a resident of your general locale) owes her life to the efforts of this "brain dead" old man. I've been married to the same women for 35 years. We've raise two wonderful, intelligent children and lived in the KC Metro area for a number of years. When I return I like to pursue my interests. My maternal Grandfather raised American Purebreds and was the owner trainer of a Reserve Grand Champion at the American Royale right there in KCMO. A pillar of his community he supported it through bad times with his generosity and business and contributed to expanding understanding and business throughout. My paternal Grandfather was also a businessman, pilot veteran and landowner who purchased foreclosed farms and leased them back to the families that had lost them during the depression, only to sell them back to those families at the original price when they were back on their feet. I like to think I'm following in their footsteps, but only time and other people's opinion will tell. That's why I feel slighted by comments from people who don't know me. My name is Allen L. Wilson (ALW), and I'm proud of it, have no need to hide behind a moniker, and endeavor to limit my representations to my own opinion rather than suggesting I speak for others. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  7. Any Z-hillers willing to pick up a Z-1 face shield for me at the "pro-shop" and bring it to the boogie? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  8. Interested in working on a Boogie DVD? I'll be there probably the whole deal. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  9. . . . you are absolutely convinced that the sole purpose for which your co-workers were placed on the earth was to produce CO2 for plants? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  10. If you don't make WFFC but want to experience a boogie in God's Country (that would be Iowa, ref "Field of Dreams" Kevin Cosner) Give a look at Couch Freaks in Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Long weekend, lots of loads, Chick Pooper, polyester, and a Muni airport you can fly into and be already on the DZ. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  11. Remember when 7MPH winds kept you on the ground? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  12. Stay in school, work hard, increase your earnings potential. Pack, clean the DZ, wash the plane, bring tandems to the DZ. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  13. Things to do in the Titusville/Cocoa area: (in no particular order) Airboat rides Kennedy Space Center Ron Jon Surf Shop NASCAR Fan? Daytona USA (an hour up I 95) Disney/EPCOT/Universal Studios/Sea World (come on, ya gotta go at least one day - we need the money) Jungle Adventures in Christmas (that's the name of the town) The Tunnel - sure, good family fun - then the Slingshot, Universal City Walk, and Ripley's Believe It or Not (all within a mile or two of eachother. There's a short track in Biflo if you like - might be a race on. Eat rock shrimp at Dixie Crossroads one evening after the sunset load. If you don't go home broke, we haven't done our job. Call Ben in manifest during the week to find out what's going on, and check with Jeremy on what you should expect on your jump progression. Bring video if you have it - it couldn't hurt. Don't forget to say Hi. Allen --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  14. I hunt, scuba, fly, boat, skydive (way too much). She doesn't, and doesn't squawk cause I do. She'll get tired of it one day, but so far the honeymoon isn't over. In June it will be 35 years. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  15. Depends on what you are wanting to do. Production pro video with fast turnaround vs. personal short clips. I'm just saying there are alternatives to laptops. You don't mind the weight while it sets on the bench. You do mind the wait while it sets on the bench! --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  16. So far you've gotten some good advice. At least a 2.8 GHz processor - 2 gig mem, You ar going to be disapointed with the external hard drive and the on board hard drive, which is just a fact of the state of the art. Consider an alternative. I'm guessing that you are more interested in portability than battery operation. If that is correct, consider a 2U rack mount chasis and 3U rack mount case used for music electronics - rugged and portable. With that kind of set up you can load up with 2 or 3 200 GIG SATA hard Drives, a kick ass dual core processor, plenty of RAM, and a top of the line video card. Even an accelerator card like an RTX 100. But what about the keyboard and monitor? you ask. You can purchase a combo 1U and put it in the same case. Carry on luggage size and all the comforts of a desktop. Bigger than a latop, but for serious video an viable solution. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  17. As someone who finds the game, shoots it, cleans it, cooks it (usually), and eats it I take solice in the fact that when it all goes to hell, I'll at least be eating meat while everyone else eats berries and roots. Sure, I own a pistol or two, but that's just so that I can get a rifle or shotgun if anarchy breaks out. Now as for that incident in Texas. I mean come on people, let it go. Who among us hasn't shot a friend and fellow hunting partner on at least one occasion? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  18. Mickey had quite a reaction to seeing me in a wingsuit - now we have something in common - Bird Dog/Bird Man --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  19. Tandems go when they are there and ready. If there is a tandem ready to fly the plane will go. There can be 15 jumpers on the plane, but it will go with 10. If you want to max the loads on weekends it may be a little difficult but they will do a full fun jumper between tandem loads if it is practical. On week days you would just about go when you are all ready to jump with 10 or more. I'll look forward to seeing you there. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  20. Boy, you know if there is a topic that will get people more fired up than RSL yes or RSL no, it's talking about dogs. But, you asked. First, if she is under three years old and she destroys something, it's your fault - you let her by not watching and putting her in a position where she could. Just like a bright kid with too much time and too little superviison there will be a problem sooner or later. With that said, here are some tricks that work with gun dogs. 2 miles is nothing for a Lab, that's like walking to the mailbox and back. In the same amount of time it takes you to run 2 miles you can run her 5 and she'll be much healthier and happier (she looks both healthy and happy btw). There is a gizmo called a Springer which is about the only safe way to run her with a bicycle. You can find them in the ads in a dog magazine. No matter what you do you won't be able to calm her down with exercise. That will just tone her muscles to the point that when she gets into trouble it's going to be big trouble. To fix many of these problems you have to work with her brain - her mind. Obedience training will do two things for you. It will establish a good and healthy pack relationship and it will require her to concentrate which will tire her mentally and calm her urges. Dogs chew because they are nervous. They dig because they are occupying their prey urge. To calm the nerves and build trust (that you will come back) concentrate on the stay - don't go too fast and never let her break the stay - get professional help and do it right. The prey drive thing is easier - fetch is a good game for that, but again, do it right. Never throw a retrieving toy without the assurance that you will get it back. That means that until she is rock solid on the fetch, make sure there are strings attached - literally, tie a line to the retrieving lure and if she doesn't bring it back pull it back. Making her work by making the game precise and maintaining the rules, she'll have to think, and thinking makes her brain tired. This is just the kind of dog I'd love to train and give a job - drug dog, Search Dog, gun dog. They all have one thing in common - they use their brains and if you don't channel it your end up observing it. Consider yourself lucky, she has all the makings of a great partner. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  21. You can find just about any type of flyer at SSC including wingsuits. If you plan on jumping an 18K WS load, eat your Wheaties. It takes a long time to get down. Buy your jump tickets in 10 ticket blocks and save $20. Languages of the staff (right now) Italian, Polish, Portugese, English, Hungarian, and I think maybe Klingon and Occasionally Floridian. Tunnel trips happen. Don't have any close-ups of the bunkhouse - I live in Orlando. The picture of the packing area shows about a quarter of the hanger - it's carpeted, big, and flat. For my money the best packing area in Florida. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  22. I'll try to make it Saturday. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  23. Check with your rigger. There are shortcuts (no pun) but sidecutters aren't the best tool. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  24. Logically, there is no way that they could know how much anyone else loves you so the only reasonable, logical meaning is, "l love you more than I love anyone else". I you don't think they have thought it through that far dump them, and next time administer a MENSA exam BEFORE you date. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  25. I installed the Adobe Production Suite last weekend and have only done a few tasks so far. Here's what I know so far. 1. Matrox RTX 100 users will have to wait till later this month for the upgrade of Matrox tools befor the card will function, but the fire wire interface on the card still works OK. Device control in the capture utility works much better than previous versions for DV Decks - the Sony camera interface worked fine in 1.5, but the 2.0 interface is glitch free so far on all of my cameras plus the oft times troubling JVC BU3000 deck. The Multi display feature for the time lines in Premiere is sweet. Speeds up cuts and sync fades etc. That alone was worth the upgrade in my book. I run a The monitor set-up, 2 X 21" flat panels side by side and a 16X9 TV/PC display as an output monitor. The frame sizing and positioning functions make it much more user friendly to set-up my workspace for the two main tasks (capturing and scene binning, and project editing). The encore upgrade looks and feels like all of the other apps and works more smoothly than before. I haven't tried the timeline editing features but I'm really happy to have them available now. When importing assets you can import VOB files from an existing DVD (Hint copy it to your hard drive first), BUT ** don't expect the files to show up in the import browse window. Type *.* in the file line and they will show up, just selecting "all files" doesn't work. More to follow as I get into the After Effects and Audition apps. This weekend I hope to try out the export to DVD with menu direct from Premiere. It worked OK in 1.5 without the menu but this is a nice adder. Last word - just make sure you have lots of HD space. All the extra goodies (content) that comes with this release take up about 25 gig. You don't have to load them, but the can add to your projects if your do. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.