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Everything posted by alw

  1. Not bad on your debating skills, inviting me to prove you wrong. However, you were the one that suggested she has no skills. On what do you base that considering her present and past positions. Bear in mind that it is much easier to debate on the floor of the senate and then go to a party cocktail party than it is to debate in a community and go home and live with your neighbors. But if you must quench your desire to see her debate, just google Palin gubernatorial debate. BTW Palin's silence has pushed Biden out of the media. In a word, strategy. What Biden did say on MTP Sunday was that his personal belief is that life begins at conception. This presents his opponents with two arguments. First, that his personal beliefs contradict his political stance. Two, that if that is when life begins he has the audacity to allow life to be ended without representation. Without saying a word on a weekend show Palin now becomes a person who has the strength of conviction. That will automatically distance her from the "Politician" mantle. Debating is strategy and the winning strategy in any debate is to remain on the offense. Biggest mistake for the Democrats so far has been underestimating their opponent. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  2. And who did you "learn" this from? Does she have some extensive debate experience that has somehow gone completely unnoticed by the rest of the world? Quote Not the rest of the world. Just those that haven't done their homework. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  3. As a director of projects for one the the worlds largest technology companies I feel qualified to opine. The first point to make is that this is a complex issue which is why not many are interested. Most would just like to turn the switch and go, which is fine cause I don't particularly care to do many things myself and so do not have a great deal of interest in those things (growing vegetables for instance). Multinational corporations use the visa statues to concentrate talent. Most of these corporations do the heavy lifting for routine R&D and they pay for it with their profits. We, for instance, spent more last year on R&D than the GDP of many small nations. You could argue that that is a bad thing but there will be millions of people that are better of because we do. Pure research is usually done by a partnership between business and government. My experience (30 years plus) suggests to me that when it is left to business to direct the effort more people benefit. Here in lies the difference. It isn't the specific legislation, but the general approach that makes the difference. Lets say that you are a dangerously over-educated (reformed?) mad-scientist and want to develop a death ray for leukemia. If you can convince your boss and he can get funding you set to start R&D on it. But, the best minds are residing in Kobatnu. Either you go there or they come here and away you go. Now let's say that you're on the select senate subcommitee on Leukemia Zappers. You write a bill, it gets kicked around in committee for a while, tabled over the break, discussed some more, kicked up to the committee and by a stroke of luck gets out of committee for a vote. If it passes the House takes a look at it, tacks it on to a housing bill which gets vetoed etc. etc. but eventually you get it passed. the money goes to the most worthy recipient, which is perhaps not the best recipient and they don't have an agenda for it. You can say that I'm exaggerating, but I'd counter with CERN vs Superconducting Supercollider. Generally speaking if you give the private sector the incentive (spelled tax incentive) they will get the job done faster and better. Right now there are 100's of super secret alternative biofuel startups working on proprietary technology. They are doing it because the price of oil is over $70 a barrel not because they are getting big grants ( although some grant money is there - partnership). If only one makes it to commercialization we win. Take that seed grant money and put it in a fund that is targeted by legislation and the motivation becomes getting the grants. I've seen that happen in the power generation industry with wind three times and solar twice. Wind failed under Carter, got started again under Reagon and died under Clinton, and has started up again under Bush, but the past two years have been touch and go with the Democratic congress. If it can hold in there for a few more years it will reach critical mass and then congress won't matter but it has to get to critical mass and it isn't there yet. We've seen this in the medical industry. My company does a lot of work with hospitals and there are billions of dollars thrown away chasing politically focused grants that would be better spent on targeted research. So, it's not simple and it's not just technology based legislation. It's about what it is usually about - money. I land on the side that wants it to be in the hands of the private sector. I believe that scientists and engineers f do a better job than politicians. My corporation employs over 60000 people worldwide and many of them are scientists and engineers. Most of them only think about politics every two or four years. Their basis is more based on logic than emotion. The ones I discuss these issues with aren't buying the pitch that you can legislate innovation. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  4. I would expect Palin to challenge him to quit being condescending and "bring it on" if he doesn't. Things to watch for: Biden stated on MTP this week that he believes that life begins at conception, opening himself up to governing outside his beliefs or sanctioning personally the taking of life by another. While you can argue records on Palin's foreign policy, you can also argue records on Biden's domestic policy. Both are going to enter the debate with ample ammmunition on the other, but don't expect the attacks to come there, they will both focus on their running mates with advantage to Palin on McCain's experience and advantage to Biden on McCain's party affiliation. either way it becomes a debate about McCain. In the end, Biden has a tall hill to climb to win the debate where as Palin only has to avoid looking unprepared. What not to look for: Experience, Palin will want to discuss it, Biden will not. Bush, Biden will want to discuss it Palin will not. Roe v. Wade, Biden will avoid this subject because McCain's position is not what most people think and Biden will not want to make that known. (Note this is Roe v. Wade, not the more general topic of abortion). In any event, the VP debate is entertainment and the star will be Palin, win lose or draw. The meat and potatoes is in the Pres debates and they will likely be a draw. Obama has the star power, McCain is the better debater with more experience. Barring any huge gaffs (the likely outcome is that they will all be even) advantage goes to the underdog. You run harder when the bear is chasing you. BTW big bump for the GOP this morning. The acid in the blogs is aparently turning people off. In the media MSNBC is starting to understand that Obermann is hurting their ratings. What seem to be forgotten is that after elections the majority of people don't wear party labels on their foreheads. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  5. For a side by side comparison: --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  6. ". . . never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." however, when the pork'er is siphoning off the life blood of your family, neighbors, community, or nation you may be inclined to dive into the wallow. If you do you will most certainly get dirty. Like many, I have a voracious appetite for information and Sarah Palin has fed that appetite. I tend not to think in terms of politics but motivation. Those two factors have led me to gorge myself on the words being written and spoken in this election campaign. Being informed is a continuum, a journey towards a decision. I’ve taken this opportunity to pull in to the rest area on that journey and assess what I’ve consumed to date. On Sarah Palin, I see that she went after funding for her community while mayor. If I had been living in Wasilla at the time I would have supported her. What comes from others I don’t have to pay for. I like the idea of an advocate that works for my interests. I doubt that Mrs. Palin’s mayoral motivation was to show her support for earmarks. In fact at the time this occurred I doubt that Mrs. Palin’s political level of sophistication included an opinion on earmarks. The instances in judgment that are being cited as reasons Mrs. Palin should be labeled as just another conservative insider may have been misread by those who judge by their own standards. Take for instance the infamous bridge to nowhere. I again see a people’s advocate. Taking the money and rejecting the bridge – ok by me if I’m an Alaskan. Likely most Alaskan’s don’t need the bridge but do need or at least will benefit from the projects that will get the money. I don’t know if she would have opposed the earmark or not, but at least she used it to benefit her constituents. In my search for information on the Governor and the woman I could see a pattern emerging, one of a successful politician to be sure, but a politician that basis that success on giving the people what they want. This is pure politics not propaganda politics. This is politics to garner votes, not campaign financing. And how does one succeed with this tactic in a cut throat political climate? I guess we’ll have to watch the Vice Presidential candidate and find out, there isn’t much modern history to navigate by. Perhaps there is another quote that applies. “All politics are local.” Sarah Palin is taking a local political approach to a national campaign and her running mate is benefitting from it. This is going to be an interesting race, one of stark differences. Americans can sense this as witnessed by the enormous interest in the party conventions. Local small town politics versus big city machine politics, advocacy versus idealism, and issues versus issues all will be tested. I think I’ve seen the tipping point. It’s the point where voters see a kindred spirit in the race. Someone who will be at the president’s elbow that can whisper in the president’s ear what we might if we were there. Sarah Palin’s attraction to me is not one of an astute politician, but that of the slave that road on the chariot with Caesar whispering “ sic transit gloria mundi" meant to remind him that, despite the grandeur of the ceremony and the office, he is a mortal man. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  7. Religious extremism is there and hard to neutralize and in my opinion is a hurdle to societal harmony. Having said that the extreme socialism on the left is to them a religion and balances the social scales but probably does not get the same media attention. Finally, to say that religion has no place in government fails to observe the reality of the global socio-political situation. Here in the USA,one nation under God, in God we Trust, so help me God. we would not be the country we are without it (good or bad). Shia law is the law of the land in some countries. I wonder how the Vatican responds to questions about religion in government. Take religion out of politics and you take humanity out of politics. Take extremism out of politics and you improve society. I won't see either in my lifetime. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  8. Want change? Unhappy with your government? Don't count on the president to do your job for you. Either way the election for president goes there will be a change in the office of president. The bigger election this year is for congress. I tend to take a very non-partisan approach to that election. Simply put I will vote for the person no presently in office. I look at the body as a whole. If there is an incumbent that has views I agree with and nothing is getting done, they aren't working in a fashion that gets it done. Congress is doing a lousy job - not all senators are up for re-election but all representatives are. The 2006 election was not an anomaly it was a message, but only a repeat this year will convince congress that the electorate is serious. We can't vote out the speaker of the house nationally and that's a shame. America is not a parliamentary democracy, we do not have a prime minister and the speaker should not aspire to be one. The speaker controls the agenda and the past two years have not indicated that there is an agenda for progress. This November don't forget the part of the ballot that really affect your standard of living. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  9. Digging into their positions, there are two salient points. First they have beliefs as do we all, they both believe that life begins at conception and they both believe that abortion to save the live of the mother should be a choice. Second, they have a legislative position regarding abortion. That position is that the states should control the laws regarding abortion, not the federal government. This is a practical and desirable position. Why? Because this is a contentious issue and a one size fits all approach will devide people on an emotional issue. Allowing the states to make the laws on the issue some will fall on one side and some on the other, in essence giving people a choice. Disclosure: I support McCain-Palin. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  10. alw

    Oh those French

    So what is the message on French TV website? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  11. Badges in any service mean something (except for surface warfare badges that were created due to Dolphin envy. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  12. If her hearing is still ok just say the words she knows when you can. The one word that all dogs know is their name and it is very comforting for them to hear it. Touching is also very comforting. As pack animals wild dogs would abandon a pack member in this condition - talking to her and touching her reassures her that she is still part of your pack. It'll help you too. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  13. Knowing no matter where the DZ is or what the vibe is I'm with family. For whatever reason we want to be there we all understand there is no place else we'd really rather be. There aren't too many other places you can be and feel that. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  14. CPO-Experience, people skills, knowledge, proven track record in performance. Ensign-college degree you do the math --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  15. Yes, the Duke of York Andrew. And no I doubt they'd ever have a piss-up over who has the biggest ones. But I doubt that Andrew would ever argue the point on right seat on a Sea King vs. sitting in the dirt. I like the spares better than the heirs on this point though - at least they'll have something interesting to talk about at those family get togethers. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  16. I believe he was on the ground and in harms way. He had to be at risk with three Gurkhas assigned protection. That's not an advantage folks, more like a big neon sign flashing "shoot the guy in the middle." My complaint is US media getting ragged for breaking the story when it was all over the web in January and his own comrades in arms were sending offers to the tabloids to sell pictures and cell phone videos of Harry in Afghanistan. Good job Harry, I think that's one up on Andrew. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  17. confirmed (barring airline strikes/earthquakes/floods TDS#95 will be there! Where's the LZ for the Beach Jumps? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  18. I hope you'll have one - I'm trying to arrange the trip back for the boogie. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  19. A thought that came to mind as I watched the Iowa caucuses is now surfacing in the media. I'll just paraphrase it - unseat the incumbants in congress. That potentially replaces the House of Representatives and a portion of the Senate. It begins to break the cycle of the insiders, deconstruct long standing alliances and power broking, and forces congress to pay attention to the task at hand because they will be under pressure to get things done and may therefore have to actually focus on the issues. For the revolutionaries out there - it's a legal coup that really would put the power in the people while retaining a pretty damn good form of government. This year I'd suggest the mantra should be, "It's the Congress stupid."
  20. Just sit over there and be quiet. In the Meantime . . . How about the opening of one of the survivor series where the host gets up from the cockpit, goes to thte back of an otter and puts the idol in the main compartment of his rig then jumps out, lands and gets on a motorcycle and drives away. Or the cheese commercial where people are chasing a Baby Bel in freefall. The best most recent is the Centrum Vitamins - their seperation is way too long for them to end up in their eventual formation. Who would believe that! With all that said, I cfind I cannoect comment on the incongruities of film and video when my family is present - they all tell me to shut up and quit spoiling the show. OHHHHH! forgot one just a little off subject. This recent DB Cooper thing. The parachute (Reserve) that they said proved he most likely knoew littl about skydiving (because it was a trining reserve and sewn shut) was left on the plane. That seems like a good idea, leave a sewn reserve on the plane - who needs it in freefall? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  21. Got a note from my wife who was visitng in KC that there was a piece on TV about a new tunnel project in KC. Any info? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  22. If you get across the channel to the UK you'd have a great time at that time of the year. I've jumped at all but 3 of the DZ's in the UK and you'd be hard pressed to find one that isn't a good time, each with their own flavor. One caveat - if you're a senior citizen bring a note from your doctor. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  23. alw

    Post yourself

    Fiction-art-aesthetics --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  24. alw

    Post yourself

    --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.