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Everything posted by alw

  1. alw


    Might all be true, but only a Nuclear Engineer could have taken the Sun critical. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  2. Just goes to prove the adage, to a dog you're family, to a cat you're staff. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  3. You might want to check out the LZ up close and personal - cut corn can puncture tires, tilled fields can land like rocks (sharp rocks). I'd also recommend not swooping the machinery shed - but hey as long as the story ends " . . . and I got laid", what the hell. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  4. Hey Jeff - is that what it takes to get you to fly head down? Allen DS#95 --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  5. Well now, is it the air or the water in the area or maybe it's just that there's nothing better to do in the winter. KC is such a nice "family" town. I lived in the area for 8 years and still have a daughter there. I wondered why there wasn't a DZ closer in with a turbine. Glad to see one going on line. That doesn't mean I won't visit other DZ's when I visit. I live in Orlando, which seems to be a skydiving epicenter - 6 DZ's to choose from as a home DZ. Each with their own personality and charm (jeeesh - did I say "charm"?) Well yeah, charm. Something there for everyone - why should it be any different anywhere else. The challenge in KC isn't to fight for the few but to convince the rest. If they work together they could all benefit. If they don't, there's always the friendliest DZ'z in the area (in Kansas ). --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  6. In "Jumpsuits and Clothing) Subcategory "Bird-man" Article "Firebird" Manufacturer's Website Product page I'm not affiliated with Bird-Man, just have some pertinent facts that probably belong in a gear review and not on a forum. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  7. How do new products get added to the gear reviews? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  8. I'll be there to do a little flocking - maybe even a bigway birthday (55) jump Allen TDS #95 --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  9. Lens, Format, Chip Size all contribute. The old saying, "You get what you pay for." is true here. But at what point are the diminishing returns? I shoot video with a Canon XL2, Sony PC 1000, Sony TRV 27, and Canon ZR90. You can tell the difference in a $4000 camera with $1000 lense and a $1000 camera with a $150 dollar lense, but with post producing they both contribute to the content of the project. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  10. "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  11. To me the hardest part of flying (and getting licensed to do so) had very little to do with flying the plane. Fortunately I'm good at math and geometry and have a scientific mind, so navigation and theory of flight came without too much effort. Learning the law, the lingo, communications protocols, and getting the sight picture in my mind were challenges. There is a reason, several actually, that pilots learn in trainers. They are placarded for the maneuvers, inexpensive to operate, uncomplicated mechanically, and are relatively safe. There are different kinds of planes, but learning to fly in a complex aircraft isn't a good idea - like learning to jump with a high performance canopy - it comes in time and if you like it and stick with it and want to do it you'll get the chance. When I was 24 I walked into our local FBO, plopped down the $1200 they said it would cost to learn to fly, and three months later flew my wife to Rexburg for a $40 dollar hamburger to celebrate my license. If you are dealing with a small FBO/school and willing to pay up front you may be able to strike a deal with them for a flat fee for the school and instructions and minimum of flight hours required for the license and just pay for aircraft rental if you need a few extra hours of flight time. You can save a few bucks by planning the minimum duration cross country flights instead of enjoying longer ones - but then if you love to fly and have the bucks - what the hell, learning can be fun. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  12. alw

    Zoom Zoom...

    Cold hands: I hate to sacrifice the touch and feel by wearing warmer (bulkier) gloves. Most gloves that jumpers wear are porous and so you loose the heat from your hands at 70 mph. I've found the same thing while hunting. Here is a suggestion you can try - wear surgical gloves inside our jump gloves. They will provide a moisture barrier reducing the evaporative cooling effect, they don't provide any insulation. That can be tested by riding a motorcylce or driving with your hand out the window to make sure that you still have dexterity after 2 minutes of exposure. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  13. Obviously a greenie --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  14. Um.. What else do you do for fun that requires dogs to track a human experiencing fear and can I come next time? An Alzheimer's patient doesn't experierience fear when they wander, a fleeing felon does. Mickey the dog refuses to track skydivers, he says they taste funny (as opposed to crack dealers that taste like chicken). --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  15. Sorry for the serious answer, but . . . Apocrine scent - whan a portion of the cell is released with secretion - occurs during flight or fight response (fear scent). I've seen my dogs behavior change when they are tracking a person that is experiencing fear - they really turn it up a notch. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  16. The part I land on doesn't show from the ground --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  17. Most programs will let you invert the image, but if you're not using a computer . . . Another reason for inverting is to get to the controls on the other side of the corder while it is in the bracket. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  18. Caveat #1: I don't know you, your skill level, or your plans. Caveat #2: I'm not an instructor, coach, or expert of any kind. I gather from your profile that you are about 215 lbs going out the door. So, just a little lighter than my exit weight. I jump a Spectre 210, started by demoing a 230 in my own G4 at about 50 jumps, put 15 on the 230 then loaded the 210 in the rig. Worked out alright, and after about 100 jumps on the 210 I was comfortable with it. I did a lot of canopy practice - I should have taken a canopy course. You might mention if you sized your container to downsize your main to something around a 170??? As you're downsizing keep in mind that you can demo PD reserves (as mains) too. When you and your trusted instructors agree that you are ready you might consider demoing down reserve sizes to target preparation to land your reserve. Recommendation #1: If you are in Red Deer you might want to consider coming down to Sunny Florida and training.
  19. alw

    My dog is odd...

    Some dogs eat every chance they get because they are never sure there will be anything to eat later. There are some things to try if you want to change this behavior - and there are some good reasons to want to change it. First, talk to your vet and make sure that her weight is what it should be. Like people, dogs have a range that is healthy, on the low end is usually best. The "One time one chance" method. Put her food down, leave it there for 15 minutes, pick it up. No more food till the same time next day. If she is healthy and the portion is correct, her weight will drop, she'll start eating reagularly, and her weight will stabilize. If she is not healthy or it is a food issue (mostly fillers - not enough nutrients) her weight will continue to drop. Monitor weight daily. The "eat it when you can - there may be none tomorrow" method. Skip one full day of feeding. Put the food down at a different time each day - varied by several hours. Also, vary the portion from 1/3 to 2/3. Monitor weight and feed enough to maintain at a healthy level. I've trained dogs for almost 40 years and I've seen many different eating habits. The worst is the dog that eats too much - who's fault is that? Take this simple test. Place your thumbs on your dogs spine and feel their rib cage with your finger tips. If you cannot feel their ribs, they are getting too much food. Dogfood manufacturers sell dog food and sugegested portions are based on that fact. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  20. One word - vanity. I've notice while watching jumpers in freefall that the easies colors to see on a bluebird day are flourescent pink or white. Pink wasn't an option. I just thought it would be cool to be able to see a bird from the ground. Apparently it works. Rig is Black and blue. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  21. I did. I flew out from the dropzone, and I flew back. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  22. Made three jumps this weekend. Still trying to come to terms with the grippers, but the flights were fun and long. It was an entirely different sensation to look down and see open chutes far below with 30 seconds of freeflight (can't bring myself to call it freefall) left. By #3 I started to gain the appreciation that another 2000 feet of altitude would get me another mile travel. So, as promised - the obligatory "Birdman" shot. My daughter saw it on the screen when I was resizing it and asked, "Is that and Angel?" . Never been accused of that before. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  23. - Get "D" - Jump 10 different (new) dropzones - do a balloon jump - Go to Couch Freaks again - Buy a second rig --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  24. Thanks for the info. I haven't tried helmet mounting, but have put it in the shoulder pocket of a flight suit with good results. I also have rigged a wrist mount - rollerblade wrist protector reversed and held to the GPS with tube stow large bands. Haven't jumped it yet. If L&B doesn't release the Altitrack pretty soon I'm going to have to go with the Neptune - that would force a shift to Paralog. See you in the sky. --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.
  25. Sorry HAHO high altitude high opening - AtQuote Space Center that's a long canopy ride. OPANAS Operational Parachute Navigation System. TH-D7A is an amateur radio walkie talkie that transmits both voice and data APRS - Automatic Position Reporting System - it takes the GPS position of the receiver and transmits it to other radios which can display that position on a map. HMD helmet mouted display DOQQ - digital ortho quad quad is a satellite photo that is lined up with map coordinates so that you can plot your position on a picture instead of a taditional map. Sorry. Sometimes I just go into the ACRO mode, but worry not! Phoenix Fly makes a suit and once you put it on you understand all the acronyms . --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.