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Everything posted by HELLvetic

  1. Too slow SUCKA!!! _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  2. Clicky _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  3. With the above mention parameters, I would say it's absolutely doable and a low risk jump. I have done a few and they are quite fun. If you jump at 1800m AGL you will have plenty of time to recover if you screw up the exit (which you most likely will the first time). It will take about 4 to 5 seconds to get enough relative wind to get stable but you will have plenty of time and altitude to recover. Make sure you have the logistic on how you will unhook yourself from the paraglider worked out. Easiest way is to take off in the passager seat and when you are ready to jump, unhook everything, pull yourself up with the line groups and stand up in your seat. This gives a chance for the pilot behind you to give you a visual gear check of your rig. Then just take a step and off you go!! Have fun! _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  4. Wowww Dude! It takes a man very confident in his sexual orientation to be flying a canopy like yours... Or is this thread your coming out attempt? _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  5. I ,personally, am extremely proud that I have accomplished BASE. But I do not see the relation between the pride felt for being a BASE jumper and the BASE numbers. I am not about numbers and I am not competitive. I have never been, and never will be. For example, I can not tell you how many skydives I have... I can tell you it's more than 200 and less than 300. I can not tell you how many base jumps I have... It's more than 100 and less than 130. I DON'T care! I am partaking in the activity for the human adventures and the human bonds created by the activity, the amazing views, the experiences ect... I don't care how many jumps I have/make!!! To paraphrase NDG: "10 jumps or 500 jumps we are all one jump away from a major plaster incident or worse"! This sort of equalizes everybody! To me BASE is about freedom, respect, tolerance and incredible human bonds... Not about numbers, quantity, rank or condescending seniority ect... I deal with this crap in everyday's life already so I try to escape this as much as I can... One can be extremely proud to be a BASE jumpers but not externalize/show it to the world with a number. Just my take on it. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  6. Fly free man... Condolences to the family. My sympathy goes out to the UK crew. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  7. Man!!! That does seem like a crap load of fun! Got to try something like that soon!!
  8. I made one jump in the conditions you are describing and that was only a few weeks back with the London UK crew. We climbed this free standing object which is not a solid structure (so for all intents and purposes it very well could have been an antenna) And once at the top, the winds were hauling... At least to my little Swiss standards. I guess the wind must have been in the 20 to 30 mph range... But since the winds were constant and blowing in the optimal direction, we went ahead and jumped. Good thing with these kind of conditions is there is virtually no chance to hit the object, even with the crappiest opening imaginable. But I wouldn't do that on a structure with guy wires or on a solid smoke stack for example which would create bad rotors around it's structure. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  9. Hey guys! I arrived in London yesterday and I am staying near the great portland tube station. If anyone available for a jump, a drink... or a shag (valid only for hot base sista's...), I am pretty much available all day today and everynight of this week.
  10. hey we got to see Douggs naked instead... what are you complaining about?? _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  11. Hey Reiner!! Yeah Man, you ARE a jump whore!
  12. I totally agree with the patience thing. Why do you want to base after 75 skydives??? Are you already bored with skydiving?! Take you time my friend... enjoy the journey! At that rate, you might find yourself bored of Base after 20 jumps also. What will you do next? huh? Shark fu... ? Enjoy the journey, Base is not going anywhere. If anything, it's becoming more and more popular! (for the best or the worst... I won't get into that). You will get a piece of it too in due time. Don't rush into it and bust yourself up because of lack of experience. Base is not a pioneer thing anymore. It's not the "cool thing to do" anymore. Lots of people are doing it and it' s not rocket science... (but it does require a few fundamental skills). So don't worry, it's going to be around in a year. Regarding the experience level of your mentor you should not solely choose him based on jump numbers. To me, numbers of jumps is only a small reflection of someone's experience. IMO a jumper with a hundred jumps from 45 different objects of all types is way more knowledgeable than a jumper with 200 jumps with 180 jumps from the Perrine for example. But in the end, it's up to you to make all the decisions... it's your life! _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  13. Thanks for the info. Will be sure to check out the Pub you are talking about. It's funny that you mention it, but my course is taking place in the indoor climbing center in in the park... so i guess I won't have problems locating the Pub. Thanks to all of you who have PM'ed me already. I am feeling the Love!
  14. HELLvetic


    Send me a PM when you get here. Might be able to help you out... _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  15. I will be in London England for a course between Saturday Feb 25th and Sunday March 5th. My course is taking place i believe around "Mile End" . From what I gathered, it's close to the center of London. It would be cool if some UK brotha's and sista's could show me some London loving during that week... even if it's just to get smashed one night in a Pub! First round is on me!
  16. are you talking about me ?? No no. I am not thinking about you... You are a wanna be, who "got to be" ! Congratulations by the way! _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  17. I really agree with this! Problem is that most wannbes I meet tend not to even have these two basic requirements... _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  18. Same here. I guess I have had this urge to jump off things ever since I was a kid. My dad actually told me a story not so long ago that was rather interesting. When I was 3 years old, we used to live in an appartement with a stair case. He told me that one day as he was coming home from work and climbing the stairs, i just came running like a maniac as i saw him and just launched into the stair case... luckily for me, my dad was quick enough to drop what he was carrying and catch me mid air! Otherwise I would have face planted into the turn of the stair case and probably would have eaten the window that was there. He said he was really shocked that a kid would actually do something like especially since it was totally spontaneous. I owe one to my dad for a soft landing... But eversince he told me that story, I really believe that this urge is something we are born with. Call it genetic, chemistry gone wrong in your mom's stomach or whatever, but i firmly believe that it's something you are born with or not. Base jumping is probably just the adult sport and the natural continuation of that little kid's urge to just launch himself into thin air... So I don't think you are coucou! I feel the same way. Just don't do it when dad is not ready to catch you or when you don't have your rig on... _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  19. So you'll be joining Katie and me then? Good. Hey Dexter, send me a PM when you get here in Switzerland if you want an underground tour of this beautiful country... _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  20. Congratulations to the Aiello Family!! Welcome to the Base jumping parent club Tom!!! Now you will get to hear twice as much sh%t for partaking in this sport. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  21. HELLvetic

    Hard Openings

    Believe it or not base openings are not that hard but unfortunately they are not always constant. By constant I mean "headingwise" and "speedwise". If you want an exact science take up chemistry or maths... NOT BASE! Most of the openings in the right configuration, with an appropriate sized pilot chute, an appropriate delay, a decent pack job and a decent body position will usually yield a decent result in regards to heading and deployment speed. However, if you also factor in your own f... up's and Murphy's law, the results can be "interesting" sometimes... If you jump long enough you WILL eventually get a huge spanker for no apparent reason, a 180, and less than perfect openings. So to answer your question shortly, no, base openings are not usually that hard and we are not "double hard barstewards". (at least I am not...) But if you accidentally take a 6 sec delay with a vented canopy such as a blackjack with no slider ..., you will fully enjoy the pleasure of a fast and crisp BASE opening. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  22. HELLvetic

    Zak Harness

    Well, first let me start by saying that I do not jump a Zak container but a Perigee pro. So this is from what I have seen on friend's container and from talking with Jean-No, the maker of the container. One of the main feature of this container is that it's a super comfortable harness to wear. I only made one jump with this container and the first thing that struck me, is how it fit my body. There is no "hard" parts on the container. So i was a bit scared because it felt like I had no harness on. Personally, I like to feel like I am "harnessed" into something. Everything is extremely flexible on this container and there is not as much stifening material as on other container on flaps and such. It has a bit of a "rag" (not in a bad way) feeling to it compare to the perigee pro. Another great feature is that you can now order them with no hardware ( direct risers). So this basically leaves only fabric/straps on your shoulders. No more three rings or L bars. Which also in turn brings the container to be certainly the lightest container out there. The container has dynamic corners and the pins protection design is equivalent to the perigee but maybe not as bombproof as on the gargoyle. So all in all, I would say that it's an excellent container for all the practical reasons/aspects. The only downside in my opinion is that they do not always look really sexy once all packed up. But that could certainly be remedied with packing techniques. But nonetheless some containers out there have a better "finished", "sexy" look in my opinion. I am personally thinking about getting one for a second container, because it's a very good container and the manufacturer is located nearby. If you are thinking about getting one, I am sure you will be happy with it. Jean-No has, just as Marty from Asylum design, EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE! (not that the other manufacturer don't, i just never dealt with them yet). Hope this helps. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  23. HELLvetic


    It's not the "Regina insurance" but the "Rega insurance" ... or also called "air glacier"... If you plan on base jumping in Switzerland I would say it's a mendatory insurance to have. It costs only about 25 USD for a whole year, it takes about 5 minutes to fill the form and you can get it right at the air glacier helipad located in the middle of the valley !!! Rescues made by air glacier cost a crap load because they are highly trained mountain rescuers often operating with helicopters. Believe me, you do not want to have to pay for that bill if you don't have the insurance. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  24. HELLvetic


    It could be pretty tricky to reach the exit points depending how bad the winter is... As of right now, I can tell you there is quite a bit of snow and it's flipping freezing. Best tip I have for you is to get yourself some small crampons ( the ones you can tie on to your shoes and that are tiny enough to throw in your pocket). I guarantee those will be your best friends. Those aproach walks can be pretty tricky/dangerous during this time of year. _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters
  25. Shark fu%&ing is safe too... just don't forget to wear a condom! _________________________________________ Signature Max Size: 4 lines, 200 characters