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Everything posted by txhoss

  1. --- It hurts them plenty. That is the point, if you dry up the money to them the rest will work itself out. Have Rig will travel ...
  2. Do you ALWAYS drive at or below the speed limit, and come to a full stop at stop signs? Lets put it this way, I do not pull out of my driveway with the intention of driving 20MPH over the limit and rolling all the stop signs I can. Have Rig will travel ...
  3. My only question is this, WILL YOU TEACH ME? Have Rig will travel ...
  4. Here is my take, its worth at least what you paid for it. The primary function of a government is to defend its borders. That is not negotiable. WE ARE NOT If the illegal's continue to come over then eventually, in 100 years or so, the mind set and culture that they brought with them will overtake the norm that we have (trashing our economy one i law breaker at a time). If you dilute something enough it becomes what you "cut" it with. Have you people forgotten that these people's first action taken in the U.S.A is an act of crime. One word ... ILLEGAL. I would not own a pound of weed, it is illegal (not right), would you? If the problem is the business being hurt without cheap labor then the answer is to PUNISH THEM. Sounds funny ... how about if they had REASON to lobby for the inactment of new laws then we would be good for thier workers? At least the illegals would be paying into the SSI and to the general coffers. We are just letting them get away with crap we would not take from U.S. citizens. Last of all, JUST REMEMBER TO VOTE when it comes time. It is going to be a HUGE issue this coming election, pay attention to the issues. Have Rig will travel ...
  5. txhoss

    naked jumps

    Did one for 100 in Texas at the hieght of summer (hot) and it was "humbling" at altitude (masked, in my mind, well by the adriniline). Go for it. What do you have to lose? Have Rig will travel ...
  6. Must be nice! Mine was 3 months in getting here, however, that was also during the height of the Christmas pre rate increase. It seemed like forever. Everything fit just fine when it got here as far as the camera goes. What a great helmet. Have Rig will travel ...
  7. I had seen that before on the triumph comic DVD, however. it is about 10x funnier now that I live here and have seen those news people talking about the rain and bad weather we have been having for the last 3 weeks. Have Rig will travel ...
  8. I am enjoying canopy control ALOT MORE now that I understand what is going on with my main. I am reading Brian Germain's book "The parachute and its pilot" and it is making up for all that which I did not learn as a student. I recomend it to anyone, it kicks ass. THANKS BRIAN. Have Rig will travel ...
  9. txhoss


    Snow is great, for snowboarding. Keep all that I am a Texan. I did my fist night jump on this last Sat with some underarmor and no gloves. ... that was kick ass. Move to Texas. Have Rig will travel ...
  10. I love the shows and look forward to them every week. Who looks forward to them every week? BTW ... Dave and Stump you kick ass and thank you very much for doing this for everyone. Have Rig will travel ...
  11. It is nice that I live in a state where I can carry a mine with me everywhere I go, within reason. That being said ... Rifles: Marlin .22 Rugger M-77 (30.06) Pistols: Glock 27 .40 (daily carry gun) Kimber 1911 .45 Ruger P94 .40 Have Rig will travel ...
  12. One more time, then I quit also. I hang out with skydivers sometimes because I have something in common with them. Same for the guys that I work with. I dont see it as any more than a group of like minded people that like something else to do and someone else to relate to. Have Rig will travel ...
  13. Nothing, just saying that I do not see that group as helpless ralationship folks. Have Rig will travel ...
  14. Not at all. I read the web site to say that this is not for dealing with all aspects of an individuals personal relationships (ie. personal friends, work friends ect) but rather to quantify a certain segment of the individuals personality. This is simply dealing with thier attitude towards S.O. relationships. This sums it up: "generally prefers to be alone rather than dating for the sake of being in a couple." I do not see this "group" as being, lets just say, for 35 year olds with 18 cats and no hope of a love life. Have Rig will travel ...
  15. Finally got money deposited ... ... Damn bank declining internet gaming transactions. Have Rig will travel ...
  16. ... I think I will go to SD Spaceland tomorrow. In shorts. Anybody else headed out. Have Rig will travel ...
  17. Never said anything about a big check. But it is a check. Something tells me that no one here would complain about a 20k a year salary for ... well ... being alive. Have Rig will travel ...
  18. Why list soldiers and not sailors? I have 9 1/2 years in the Navy heading for the big 20 (and the check that comes with . Wait just one damn second ... If I get out at 20 then I will have to get a real job, with real work and maybe have real responisibilitys. On second thought I might be in for a long while. Have Rig will travel ...
  19. Alot of you have a whole hell of alot of posts. Just curious how much time you spend on DZ.com in an average day. I know that I don't have many posts at all and I am on for at least an hour or two a day. Have Rig will travel ...
  20. If that is the case, and assuming there was at one point, "unconditional love", My question is this; why are you still not with her? If you caught your girlfriend/wife on the bed with another guy going at it like there was no tomorrow would you still have unconditional love? I would not. My love is conditional on trust. Let me ask you this. Can unconditional love be finite? Do you all of the sudden lose unconditional love? If not then explain the gang of divorces that happen at 20+ years. Have Rig will travel ...
  21. If Unconditional love truly existed then everyone would not tell me "relationships are alot of work", they would just work. I do think that your gift of being so kind is admirable. Now if we can only find a way to sell it ... Have Rig will travel ...
  22. Devils advocate here. Does it really exist though? Think about it for a second. I am not a father so I can not speak with any degree of authority, however, I can certainly see unconditional love for a child. What about a SO though? I know if the girlfriend that I have had for almost two years starts in on a meth, crime and prostitution bender then I can assure you that I will not be around long. Where does unconditional love happen with a SO? Have Rig will travel ...
  23. I would do a serious gear check when I got my rig back to check for anything funny. Have Rig will travel ...
  24. Santa Claus: An Engineer's Perspective There are approximately two billion children (persons under 18) in the world. However, since Santa does not visit children of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or Buddhist (except maybe in Japan) religions, this reduces the workload for Christmas night to 15% of the total, or 378 million (according to the Population Reference Bureau). At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that comes to 108 million homes, presuming that there is at least one good child in each. Santa has about 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 967.7 visits per second. This is to say that for each Christian household with a good child, Santa has around 1/1000th of a second to park the sleigh, hop out, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left for him, get back up the chimney, jump into the sleigh and get on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 108 million stops is evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false, but will accept for the purposes of our calculations), we are now talking about 0.78 miles per household; a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting bathroom stops or breaks. This means Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second--3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man-made vehicle, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a Poky 27.4 miles per second, and a conventional reindeer can run (at best) 15 miles per hour. The payload of the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium sized Lego set (two pounds), the sleigh is carrying over 500 thousand tons, not counting Santa himself. On land, a conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that the "flying" reindeer could pull ten times the normal amount, the job can't be done with eight or even nine of them, Santa would need 360,000 of them. This increases the payload, not counting the weight of the sleigh, another 54,000 tons, or roughly seven times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth (the ship, not the monarch). 600,000 tons Traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance-this would heat up the reindeer in the same fashion as a spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer would absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy per second each. In short, they would burst into flames almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them and creating deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team would be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second, or right about the time Santa reached the fifth house on his trip. Not that it matters, however, since Santa, as a result of accelerating from a dead stop to 650 m.p.s. in .001 seconds, would be subjected to acceleration forces of 17,500 g's. A 250 pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of the sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force, instantly crushing his bones and organs. Merry Christmas. Have Rig will travel ...
  25. This should answer it: http://uspa.org/publications/SIM/2005SIM/section3.htm Guess I was a couple of seconds too late. Have Rig will travel ...