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Everything posted by txhoss

  1. Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. Now thier just called The Islands. Chuck Norris can devide by zero. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity, Twice. Have Rig will travel ...
  2. For all of the hype I would have thought that it would not have gotten boring as quickly as it did. One question though, who was the skydiving chick in the second round? Anyone know? Have Rig will travel ...
  3. txhoss


    Watched the same program. Really makes you want to give it a go. We live a very short plane ride from the Big Island and are going to try to get over there to stand on the side lines next year. That will be cool. Especially the 11pm-12pm block that they were talking about. Have Rig will travel ...
  4. I dont mean one of those "wash it before you put it in to get washed" dishwashers. I want one that will clean day old Velveeta off a plate. Anyone have a great dishwasher? Oh, and for the record I am talking about one that plugs in the wall, not one with two legs and a nice ass. Have Rig will travel ...
  5. That about says it all ... Have Rig will travel ...
  6. txhoss

    Desktop Images

    This is what I have had as a background since I saw it posted on Skydiveradio.com. Fantastic shot. Have Rig will travel ...
  7. The last 3 years that I have served on a Navy ship I have had the same pair of Doc's. Nothing special just 10 eyed steel toe docs. Look great, polish exceptionally easily and have stood up to the anti slip deck coating (non-skid) that we have on the weather decks. They are comfortable and I ahve not been able to kill them yet. Not for lack of try. Have Rig will travel ...
  8. Oh, and they had discovered that I had found GOATLOCKER.ORG I do not know what I stumbled on but by the way they were prodding at me I would think that the Holy Grail was in there somewhere. Have Rig will travel ...
  9. I am in Hawaii. For now I am looking forward to getting "played" with. That will soon end, I would guess. I had talked alot of smack before the results came out. Was not like I was that sure, I just talk smack pretty much all of the time so it worked. You talk about a BAD ASS feeling when they told me. WOW. Have Rig will travel ...
  10. I will give you that but Rum sure gets to me. Might have to run tomorrow morning. Have Rig will travel ...
  11. Today is a HUGE day. Today I found out that I was selected to Chief Petty Officer in the navy (E-7). Transition (initiation) starts tomorrow and I am doing what any good sailor would do when an important thing is on the horizon, Drink scotch. Anyone else here either in the Navy, was in the navy or ... is a Chief ? Have Rig will travel ...
  12. txhoss

    The Liar Poll

    I do not normally lie on polls, however, I intended to lie on this poll. How should I have answered? That should keep my brain busy for a while. Have Rig will travel ...
  13. At the base of the Bell Tower on the campus of Texas A&M University. That was a scary night because there is a hell of alot of traffic around there. Have Rig will travel ...
  14. What would you do if fear was not in the least bit a factor? Have Rig will travel ...
  15. Then I would say do not read the thread. Just a thought. Have Rig will travel ...
  16. Guess that this is an interesting way to get the message to build a wall on the border. http://www.send-a-brick.com (Sorry do not know how to make a clicky) Have Rig will travel ...
  17. I couldnt stop laughing, had to pass it on ... http://thatvideosite.com/view/2449.html Have Rig will travel ...
  18. Billvon you being pro-"guest" worker I have a question to shoot past you. What of the "guest workers" in about 20 years when they have worked thier way into the American culture and start to refuse the jobs that we needed them to fill in the first place as thier justification for getting citizenship? Certainly they are not going to be paid next to nothing forever. It is crazy to think that this is any more than a very very temp bandaid on a substantially problem. What about in 30-40 year when we have these millions of extra people drawing social benifits. I can see this as good in the very very short term but what about some long term effects? Have Rig will travel ...
  19. Even worse here in Hawaii Have Rig will travel ...
  20. That is strange, as I understood (and confirmed on the net) you have to start your third year in any ROTC program to have any military obligation or owe any money back to them. What happened if you do not mind me asking? Have Rig will travel ...
  21. First off it is MEPS, Military Entrance Processing Center. Second, I spent the better part of the last 3 years as a recruiter (Navy) and I am here to tell you that once someone has it in thier mind (be it from direct contact or perhaps through an interested friend or commercials or video games or a million other reasons) that they are going to join then you would be amazed at what sorts of stuff that they will tell you to get in. That is right, I said that some kids want in badly enough to completely hide something like autisim. Thirdly, I have seen enough ASVAB score sheets to tell you that if the kid scored a 43 he did alot better than some Jr college grads that I have tested. National average for the test is a 50. I can not begin to guess how many people I turned away for not being able to pass the test, 80% of those had a H.S. diploma. He is for sure not super low fuctioning like he is made out to be in the article. Fourth, The doctors at the MEPS station's entire job in the world is to find out if people are disclosing everything, and they are damn good. Am I saying that the kid was not told what to say to the Dr.'s, hell no, those chances there are quite good I would guess if the recruiter knew. But the several doctors that interacted with the kid ALL COMPLETELY missed the fact that he was AUTISTIC? Come on now ... I actually had a case somewhat like this, a chick came in and was actually very smart but she looked odd and spoke with a wierd slur. No matter how many times my partners and I asked she kept saying that she had no medical issues at all. Too our surprise she cleared physical and was given the stamp of approval by the docs. She ended up getting kicked out of bootcamp. Fifth, as far as I know all services require a certified H.S. transcript to be submitted with each applicants "kit" that goes up for processing. Are you telling me that the education rep completely missed the fact that he was in all/mostly special ed classes? Something seems a bit fishy to me on that one. Those people's work is QA'ed by the high brass very often (read: they do not "let things slide"). That is another issue. Even if he went to bootcamp, would he pass? I would think bootcamp to be a reasonable representation (I am not in the Army but I would imagine) of thier service. Its task, to weed out those that do not belong. Am I saying that the kid is a big fat lier, no. Am I saying that the recruiter was a slimey bastard, wouldnt buy that one either. I would guess somewhere in the middle, with a mom who is pissed and wants to stop her kid from going. Fine. If the kid didn't disclose everything to the recruiter then stop the witch hunt (seems all to common in the liberal media). BTW they lie more reguarly than you would think. If he did disclose it to his recruiter then by god, take the appropriate actions. I understand one lie, or perhaps even two making it by all those QA people but if this kid is as low functioning as the article made him out to be, he did alot of interesting things (43 AFQT, fooled/lied to several doctors, special Ed transcripts, ect) for a "slow" kid. Final thought then I am out, I promise. The article hints that he still wants to go despite all of this mess. That seems pretty motivated to me. Motivated ... to get out of the house? Motivated ... to try to not be that "autistic" kid the rest of his life? Motivated ... to get away from mom? Motivated enough to ... perhaps fail to disclose something like a barley noticeable case of autisim ... ? Let the fire storm begin. Have Rig will travel ...
  22. That dude is great. He does his "stunts"' to try to better understand what his mother went through when she was dying of cancer. As far as "magic" I would say that he is pretty well versed. The best, perhaps not, never-the-less, at least he knows what he is doing (if you do not know what I am talking about please referance his book about the magic). You Have Rig will travel ...
  23. If you got the video Ipod, Just like I just ordered, then how about the videos? Have Rig will travel ...
  24. Chuck Norris once challanged Lance Armstrong to a "who has more testicles" contest. Chuck won by 5. Have Rig will travel ...
  25. I just had the same problem. I spent $40 and got a external hard drive case that turns the old drive into a external drive so that I can take it to work with me. Have Rig will travel ...