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Everything posted by txhoss

  1. txhoss

    Rig stand

    That is an awesome piece of work. Thanks. Have Rig will travel ...
  2. txhoss

    Rig stand

    Gear bags are alright but it is a matter of the limited storage space that I have and footprint that it takes up on the floor. Have Rig will travel ...
  3. txhoss

    Rig stand

    I have seen several rig stands and I am thinking about making one now that I have two rigs. I am wondering: A: Does anyone have any pictures of thiers that I can model mine off of? B: Is there any problems that arise from the rig being hung up consistently as far as stress that should not be placed on the rig for those prolonged periods of time? Thanks in advance for your input. Have Rig will travel ...
  4. I have no problem jumping the main packed by my rigger. I think that if I would want to Re-do the work of a particular rigger in dealing with my main that I certainly would not trust him to pack the reserve. Have Rig will travel ...
  5. Does anyone have a picture of the bridal extension that has been completed to make Psyco packing easier? I currently Psyco pack my main but have a new rig that will be put together Tuesday and would like to see if I can get my rigger to do it during the rig setup. The problem is that no one at me DZ Psyco packs so he is unsure of what I am talking about with the extention. A picture certainly would be worth a thousand words I am sure. Thanks in advance. Have Rig will travel ...
  6. If you are military or law enforcement and wear Oakley glasses or gear this thread will save you some cash. www.usstandardissue.com is Oakleys official military and government sales site. You can browse the site but can not see prices without a login. To get a username and password you have to send them a copy of your ID card. They got back to me in about 4 hours when I sent mine. To give you an idea of how cheap it is I just bought a pair of Flak Jackets for $70, retail is $140. The basic assault goggle is $15. They have some stuff that is not available to the civilian sector like the ballistic fan goggles that have a fan inside. The only bad thing is that all of the gear is tactical in nature so you are not able to order the crazy frame colors for your glasses. If you like black frames you are in luck though. Have Rig will travel ...
  7. That is the case, i do have one of the new Macbooks with no fire wire port. I tried the USB and as you guys have said, no luck. I have no special software on it yet as i am having a hard time figuring out what to get. Have Rig will travel ...
  8. I just purchased a new Macbook and am having the time of my life trying to figure out how to get the thing to recognize my PC109 so that i can download some video. Is there a special program that I need to run or a secret that someone can pass along? I am new to the Mac thing and am still trying to figure this thing out. Thanks. Have Rig will travel ...
  9. I just sent back my Saber 2 170 demo that I got from PD. I have been flying the 190 for about 250 jumps with an exit weight of around 210 and don't have any problems with it at all. My first jump on the 170 was a no wind landing. I was moving so much faster that I am used to that I braced for a PLF and preformed a pretty impressive ass over tea-kettle maneuver if i do say so myself. It was snappier in the air and faster on the landing. It was fast enough to make me think about my flaring technique. If you have your own rig I would recommend calling the manufacturer of your choice and getting a demo. It was very helpful. Have Rig will travel ...
  10. I will be selling my PC1000 soon and am wondering what a fair value for it is? I have not been able to find something comparable (virtually new). What are PC1000's going for these days? Have Rig will travel ...
  11. I mirror what everyone else has said. I have not ever had a problem. I put mine in a carry on suitcase (the only think in the case) had the paperwork ready. I put a big sign on the inside of the case written huge letters that said basically that this is lifesaving equipment to please to contact my cell phone before any intrusive inspections took place, just in case I was forced to check it for some reason. I read somewhere that someone checked thier rig and at the destination thought nothing of it and jumped it. At the regular reserve repack the rigger found some insane amount of holes in the reserve from the TSA folks using the probe that the use to inspect. As a side note after I got it through security I took it out to put other stuff in the case and someone looked at me, looked at the rig, looked back at me and said "You dont know something that we dont, do you?" that was funny as hell. Have Rig will travel ...
  12. I bought out someone who was getting out of the sport and spent about 2500 for a rig, Jumpsuit, altimeter, AAD (just needed a 4 year check), helmet. Have Rig will travel ...
  13. I am getting a new set of gear. I have spent alot of time hemming and hawing about the color of everything the a thought came, how much color coordination is too much. What do you think? Matching helmet, jump suit, rig, main ... I am starting to think that everything being blue and orange is going to look a little TOO coordinated. Thoughts? Have Rig will travel ...
  14. txhoss

    Random rant

    First off, completely agree with the kid bit. There should be a place that we can not hear kids screaming. Maybe a little rum would also help. You know, if we just made the overhead compartments a little bigger ... and sound proof ..........) As for the extra seat bit. From my experiences they are not that good at enforcing that little rule. Then again there is not that much room in those seats. There should be a sliding BMI calculator and associated scale that you have to step on to check in. Hell we could have the floor right in front of the check-in counter be one of those "Biggest Loser" type scales. BTW, on a plane for 10 hours tomorrow. Please hope with me that I am not sitting next to that fat ass someone who doesn't particularly like to wash himself as payback for this rant. Have Rig will travel ...
  15. txhoss

    Random rant

    So I have been packing bags for a airline trip. I have been jockeying around with the one bag @ 50lbs rule trying to fit everything in that I have to take home. One more bag will cost $25. After cutting down to the bare minimums to take home (Before everyone gets on me about traveling so heavy, I just got done with my wedding reception with all of the associated gifts) I am over by about 10lbs. I have packed another bag but it got me thinking. I go through all of this trouble for the fuel savings that 10lbs creates. If it is that big of a deal then I say that we charge those fat ass businessmen who hang over into my area a premium just for being huge. What is the amount of fuel that they dont pay a surcharge for when they weigh 300LBS with a 50lb bag that i do because my 180lb ass is 10lbs over on my bag. Let the fun begin. Have Rig will travel ...
  16. That is what i am worried about. I told the insurance guy that came over that I did not trust the stiches, espically since there was corrosion on the hardware. I am pretty sure that they will buy a new rig. Hell, confidence in your gear is half it. Is anyone jumping perviously water damaged gear? Have Rig will travel ...
  17. Walking around the house the other night I noticed that there was a puddle next to the closet that my gear back and rig are stored in. After I opened up the main and started inspecting it I noticed there was some slight mold damage. Almost all of the metal hardware in the legstraps has corroded so that tells me that it was there for a lot plenty of time to damage stitching. I’ve got renters insurance but was just wondering if this is no longer jumpable. My inclination is to claim it and get a new system. Has anyone had experience with this sort of problem? Have Rig will travel ...
  18. Now you have me wondering ... how many kids are we talking about here? Have Rig will travel ...
  19. Actually they have a really nice water park there call Wild Wadi. I do no think that I climbed a set of stairs more than 5 times while I was there. Most of the major rides are at the top of a uphill waterslide that pushes you all the way up then branches off to the various slide entrances . The only one that is better that I have been to in the states is Schlitterbaun (sp?) in Texas. Have Rig will travel ...
  20. Thank you for signing AOPA's petition against user fees. Your voice has been added to the 51,063 others who have already signed this petition. Have Rig will travel ...
  21. I think that you just may have lost these winnings. Would posting on DZ.com be considered as a "breach in confidentiality"? Have Rig will travel ...
  22. If you have a GPS then you can download the data to Motionbased.com and get the google map with your run overlayed. I tell my girlfriend that I got it so that I could keep track of the run info but really it is just a toy. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/kml/episode.kml?episodePkValues=2247526 Have Rig will travel ...
  23. Alright, alright alright. They have been sent. This is a great way to get a lurker out of the shadows. Have Rig will travel ...
  24. Good point, however after watching 17 people get sprayed, then going through the 5 station combatant "fight through" drill that we had to perform and finally observing everyone in the decon/recovery area I am confident that it would at the very least give a significant advantage in a situation where a lethal weapon would be unjustified or difficult to get to. Have Rig will travel ...
  25. I am all for the weapons aproach but I will take a stand for pepper spray. I was sprayed for the first time last week and I am here to tell you that was far and away the most miserable that I have ever been, EVER (for about 20 min). Due to the experience I will getting one of the jumbo sized OC cans for the house. Hell, Deadly force is not always appropriate but "nuking them" is easier to justify. Have Rig will travel ...