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Everything posted by HydroGuy

  1. That video is awesome. Seeing that guying learning and how much friggin fun he's having while doing it has me all anxious at my desk right now. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  2. My last jump, while very simplistic for some, was epic for me. Did a three way linked HU exit. Broke apart. I then flew forward to the base and touched his hand, dropped down and took a dock on his foot. Flew it for a couple of seconds, let go, did a 180 and took a dock on his foot with my other hand. It was the first time FF'ing that I ever took the dock, as opposed to being docked on. This was also the first time I ever flew formations where I wasn't the base, but an actual slot flyer. Funny thing was is that I came out of my last tunnel session kind of frustrated that I felt like I didn't learn a lot. But when I got in the sky I had the most control I'd EVER had on a head up jump...especially my forward/backward movement. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  3. A kitten might need a vented 42...I hear they are sensitive to the effects of oscillation. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  4. I started pulling lower for one reason...I started jumping with other people. If you are initiating your deployment procedures at anything higher than 3000 to 3500, you need to be getting out of the plane last...which means you'll probably be solo. Solos get boring after a while. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  5. The weather knew I had Tues and Wed off last week...it doesn't just screw people on the weekends Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  6. Yep, Bikrams Yoga seems to be custom made for skydiving...flexibility, endurance, body awareness, being IN the moment, lots of hot chicks in the classes, etc etc Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  7. i can't resist.... i've seen quite a few girlies running round with the thong straps showing on their hips, oh my....little slutty, yes, but damn... Can't find anything wrong with it myself. I like those little "dimples" on the small of a chicks back as well. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  8. A cartwheel is the only transition which will allow you to maintain eye contact with your base or a point of reference on the horizon. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  9. That guy was backflying on his first jump...that's what I call progression! On my AFF1 in 1996, I did three practice rip cord touches. At pull time, I reached for and located the cut away handle. Stewie, the main side JM, had to grab my hand and put it on the rip cord. My AFF1 VHS tape looks real similiar to that video...instructors, jumpsuits, the whole nine yards. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  10. Agreed, I show whuffos awesome freeflying videos and they have no grasp of the skills required to accomplish those feets. Sometimes when the camera flyer changes from head up to head down, someone will go "Neat!, he's upside down." But that's about it. As much as I am not into skysurfing, I think it's the easiest for an outsider to grasp...as you can really tell when those guys are spinning like a ceiling fan. Plus it brings in the familiarization of a boardsport. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  11. HydroGuy

    Dianese Armor

    I went to the Dainese store this morning. Checked out every set of armor they had. A couple of sets were pretty nice...very protective...but would severely limit arms over the head type of movements. I tried on like 4 different ones. Tested them for arching, reaching over my head from in front of me as well as from the sides, twisting, bending over. The one I liked the best was a Safety Jacket Next. It had composite and padded shoulders-elbows/forearms-chest, the newest backprotector, and some additional softpads between the shoulder and back protector. It also had a lumbar belt that kept the back protector and chest plates in better position when reaching overhead or whatever. They were out of the Safety Jacket Next Racecut...which supposedly offers even greater manuverability... Taking a cue from a previous Tom A post, I just told my Dad what I want for Christmas...Thanks Tom Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  12. So am I. I've been going over some things with my accountant. I am going to sponsor a boogie or event somewhere...I wish I had done it for JFTC. Get a banner or two up with my business name. Going to get the 3 ring cover custom done on my container with company name. I am then going to write off the cost of my new container/main/reserve and Cypress as marketing expenditures. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  13. Those drawings look like 4 way VRW. But anyones art is better than mine. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  14. HydroGuy

    Dianese Armor

    You just hit on a point I was going to search and possibly post a question about in the future... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  15. Well, I jump at Perris...so I guess the all-white with red or black cell dividers idea will have to change. Back to the canopy coloring programs...going to have to try some red, grey, black combos Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  16. HydroGuy

    Dianese Armor

    I've been spelling Dainese wrong in the search box, in the title of this thread, etc. I just found a ton more stuff to read when I spelled it correctly. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  17. HydroGuy

    Dianese Armor

    I have been reading threads (searched and what not) relating to body armor for a while. Those using Dianese...are you using the Motor bike or Mountain bike armor? Anyone have specific model numbers of equipment they are using? There is a D shop about 2 minutes from my business, just want to have a better idea of what I am looking for before I walk in their door. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  18. HydroGuy

    Watch TRACE

    Ask my girlfriend about that DVD, she'll give you a dirty look. I've watched that DVD countless times. I've watched the entire "learning" part in 1/8 and 1/4 speed at least 20 x's each. Have you checked out Joao's SDU Backfly DVD? Very cool, very informative. I checked out Joao's not yet edited Sitfly DVD a couple of weeks ago...it's will be as good as the Backfly one. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  19. From the Guiness World Record Book Highest Fall Survived Without A Parachute Vesna Vulovic, a flight attendant from Yugoslavia, survived a fall from 10,160 m (33,330 ft) when the DC-9 airplane she was traveling in blew up over Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), on January 26, 1972. A terrorist bomb was thought to be the cause, and no other passengers survived. Vesna broke both legs and was temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  20. Getting ready to purchase my main...trying to pick out the colors. Assuming I'm landing on grass and packing on packing mats, how long will the white stay white? If manufacturer makes a difference, Icarus. Can canopies be washed? Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  21. Zebra finch- cheap, not noisy, not dirty, they are very social with one another... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  22. It's just taking a little longer than anticipated...like a lot of things in life. Jeb was @ Perris on Wed working on a Otter-to-Cessna wingsuit transfer. He's been playing around with a new wingsuit that has toe and heel cups to adjust the top and bottom tension of the rear wing. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  23. That dude is SO lucky he missed that building... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  24. You could drink a beer while diving. But you'd get drunk fast and belch like crazy on your ascent. Cave and wreck divers can be submerged for up to 12 hours at a time...they have to drink bottled water and eat candy bars during that time. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  25. That's awesome!!! I totally remember you. Glad you made home safely to the UK. I spoke with JP (diablopilot) yesterday at the dz. He is tossing around ideas for a hybrid workshop...like every sunday for 6 or 8 weeks with the goal of building up to some really cool stuff. I can't think of a better way to satisfy my final C license requirement than some 8 way+ Hybrid RW jumps Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary