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Everything posted by HydroGuy

  1. I try to read all of Booth's posts. From them, I'd bet you ten minutes of tunnel time Bill jumps some form of D ring... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  2. Done it... Also been hit with a stun gun powered by a nine volt...ouch!!! I had an invisible fence dog collar thing for a Rhodesian Ridgeback and for an English Bull Terrier. I found my Bully LAYING on the invisible fence wire on cement one day...I could see the collar shocking her from the way her neck muscles were flexing, but she obviously had learned to tune it out. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  3. Never figured out the whole spit or swallow thing with guys. If she lets me finish in her mouth (which feels better to me), what the hell do I care what she does with evidence? Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  4. Marc Procos - RWS Sales and Marketing Director - jumps a Skyhook. I believe he has over 13,000 jumps. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  5. Thats how the ones I've been around are run. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  6. Some of the people involved in this thread aren't even aware that the Skyhook is an RSL...so I doubt they are aware of your RSL-direct reserve pin connection. Individual Emergency Procedures may vary. You should always discuss your Emergency Procedures with a currently rated Instructor or S&TA. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  7. People don't sleep in in Eloy.. load 7 takes off at 9 AM.... instead of load 1 at 10:30 AM... maybe he wants to push it at least it sounds like it.. If you want to learn fast.. make a lot of jumps in a short amount of time.. and it sounds like that is the plan here.. Eloy has the tunnel for those night hours as well... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  8. [email protected] Kim is Vigil's USA rep. I sent her an email regarding the release date of a waterproof version...she responded within a day or two. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  9. HEY! I resemble that remark No way dude...I have one instructor in mind who walks around the DZ loosely spouting negative comments towards newer jumpers faults...without ever countering with anything constructive. I personally have never been the target of the individuals bs, but having witnessed it time and time again I have lost repect for them for the most part. On the other hand, I've recommended you to people: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1833239#1833239 Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  10. I have a couple of whuffo friends who have done tandems...but they viewed the tandem experience as more of a ride, not realizing the flying skills that were involved in the jump by the TM and vidiot. They just can't figure out what I'm doing over and over and over on all these skydives. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  11. When I said some instructors are better than others, JP is on the better list... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  12. From a legal standpoint, if you are going to stay behind with a fallen jumper, you would be better off not to make a false statement to authorites. If you blatently lie in a report about a serious injury or fatality, you are probably likely to get in more trouble than they could ever have truely pinned on you from the original incident. You should(I would) tell the authorities the fallen jumpers name and specifics, but tell them you(I) will make no statement about the incident without your(my) attorney present. Then you(I) can exercise your 5th Amm. right against self incrimination during your (my)statement. Editted out the I's since I've yet to BASE... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  13. It was explained to me by an S&TA that the USPA frowns upon this now. Apparently they want the requirements fulfilled before the exam be administered. The only requirement I have yet to fulfill for my C is the jump numbers, but I have to wait to take the test till then...I unfortunately couldn't take it at the same time as my B (@145 jumps). Maybe some instructors will still let you do it the old way though. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  14. At what stage does an object become a B.? If it is just steel framework is it a B.? Or does it need to be further along in construction first? Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  15. I was being a smart ass. All the good freeflyers I know are fired up on the VRW scene. And I know Eloy and Betsie are doing their best to push this scene...especially since their tunnel can do 4way VRW work no sweat. I just don't want Betsie to lure Chisholm to AZ...he's the closest thing I have to a mentor in this sport. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  16. Not that I have...They did the same dive flow for the succesfull attemp though. Exit in 4 way star + two hangers. Star splits in half with each side having a hanger. Both do 360's. Reform 4 way star. Open the whole thing up on one side. Reform 4 way star. Open the whole thing up on the other side. Reform 4 way star. At 5k hangers let go in a stand while the belly fliers turn a couple more 4 way points for seperation from freeflyers before breaking off themselves. Pardon my lack of correct RW terminology. Hope I made some kind of sense. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  17. Just release the non-native mongoose in the everglades... Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  18. I don't blame anyone for my mistakes but myself. And I had good instructors, not some of the bad ones. But apparently you are one of THOSE people who thinks everyone with an AFF rating is a good instructor...hate to burst your bubble, but you are WRONG!!! Nice try, especially when I clearly stated for you and the whole world to see that I am a newer jumper. And heaven forbid a newer jumper could actually observe many different instructors and come to the conclusion that not all instructors are good instructors. Actually, you must be the expert...other than knowing what a Skyhook is. Yeah, thank god. And you don't come rushing over here...we have enough pompous, egotistical instructors floating around...certainly don't need another. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  19. I sent an email to [email protected] in your support. Could the airport defense fund be used against the NPS? Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  20. 1. A Skyhook IS an RSL...might be the new and improved version, but it is none-the-less an RSL. 2. I have a brand new Vector 3 getting rigged up at the Perris Loft as we speak...complete with a Skyhook that I paid 185 bucks as an option for. Wherever you got the notion that I had a "bitch" with the Skyhook is beyond me. I might be a newer jumper (~8 months/~170 jumps), but jumping at busy assed Perris I have had the oppurtunity to view/observe/learn/listen from many different people. In this time, I have witnessed probably 25 (or more) different instructors on hundreds of Tandems and AFF's. This includes their dirt dives, in plane briefings etc. The conclusion I have come to is NOT ALL INSTRUCTORS ARE MADE EQUAL. It appears to me that you indeed are defending his instructors based upon blind faith...since admittedly you were not his instructor, nor did you sit through AFF courses, jumps, and debriefs as an observer. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  21. New and groovey? You mean an RSL? Isn't a Skyhook an RSL? Doesn't EVERY student rig have an RSL? My instructors made it quite clear to me to always pull silver on an RSL equipt rig. I can hear Mark Hornig right now telling me, "If you have a cutaway and the RSL deploys the reserve, I still better not catch you with the D-ring in its pocket." Were you this individuals instructor? Or are you defending their instructors based upon blind faith? Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  22. LOL...that attachment of the pocket knife reads, "Keep Out Of Children"...does that mean don't stab little kids? Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  23. This thread reeks of litigation attorney mentality...and it stinks. Yeah, maybe RW should put an asterick and disclaimer at the bottom of the ad. It would be just like a Valtrex ad, or a car ad. Or a radio commercial where the attorney speaks as fast as he can with the BS specifics at the end. And if a newer jumper buying gear (which is what I am) thinks from that ad he/she no longer needs to pull silver, HIS/HER INSTRUCTORS FAILED...either by failing to teach him/her proper EP's, or passing him/her off student status when he/she has an improper grasp of EP's. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary
  24. Joined in on my first hybrid...a six way. I was to be a hanger. The exit went well, but our star became unlinked. As we linked back up, I had the great idea to "add" a little forward movement of my own to speed things along. Was alright till I applied the brakes in the form of a little backward movement...and went to my belly. Was able to get back on level with a stand and went for plan B...a leg strap hold to a stand again. But I got excited and "reached" for both peoples leg straps at once...you can visualize the rest. The next load the jump was repeated...but my 165 jump butt was replaced Fabian and his 10,000 jumps. So I sit/backflew on the outside and observed. Needless to say they turned several points and it looked really cool. Was explained to me afterwards that my only task was to adjust fall rate...live and learn. Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary