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Everything posted by chicagoskydiver

  1. Hey Paula, I couldn't be happier for you. You're a very sweet person and you deserve the best. As long as you're happy, that's what counts. Hackey
  2. LMAO!! You are to blame for not doing a good gear check! It's a pretty neat trick to be able to open the main container with the cutaway handle...haven't figured that one out yet! You can tell that commercial was made by whuffos! Hackey
  3. I think you have to go to the homepage and click on "skydivers". From there you can do a search and get the full profile. Hackey
  4. You! Yes you! Out of the gene pool! LOL!! Too bad he wasn't wearing a rig! Hackey
  5. 1. My family 2. My health 3. My job 4. Good friends 5. Skydiving 6. Being able to spell thankful Hackey
  6. chicagoskydiver


    Women reach their sexual peak in their thirties. Plus they're more mature and experienced by that time. I'd say go for the older woman! Hackey
  7. I'm game for it! It's not like I have far to travel. It used to be my home dz and actually I'm thinking about making it my home dz again. Hackey
  8. I have a different song dubbed on my tape. It's pretty cool too but I never heard it before...something about living on the edge. Hackey
  9. Hey Merrick, check your email. I sent you something about this. Hackey
  10. Hey Merrick, I like your new pic! Awesome, DUDE! Hackey
  11. You're right about that...actually for me it was lower than that - the lowest pull I've ever had. I checked my alti after I was in the saddle and it read about 1,200 (YIKES!!). That was cutting it just a bit close! I'm normally not a low puller, actually I've been a lot more prone to pulling too high. Time to get that audible! But even if we had been at 3500 we would have never made it back. Hackey
  12. Here's a link to a page which will give you the complete story. Hackey
  13. That's what happened here too...but in the reverse. That little piece of film reel graphic is what I got with Pammi's SCR video. Are they in different formats perhaps? I'm at a loss about this one. Hackey
  14. Sorry to hear about your injury, bro. It's funny how I talk to some jumpers who tell me about all the injuries they've had and then add " but none of them came from skydiving". LOL. I'm glad you're not hurt worse. Hackey
  15. Very cool writeup Zennie!! You did a great job of summarizing the weekend. Many kudos!! One thing I can mention about the off landing...we were in a holding pattern because there was another aircraft in the area and I think that made our spot a lot longer because we didn't do a go around or anything....we just waited until the aircraft was clear of the area. Hackey
  16. Sweet! Thanks Merrick! I was able to view the record video but for some reason Pammi's SCR video didn't work for me. I have no idea why. Did anyone else have a problem with Pammi's SCR video? Hackey
  17. I've been taught how to spot, but haven't practiced it much and usually check the spot only if I'm first out, which I really should briefly check it while waiting for separation on each exit. I was taught that to spot properly, you need to know these things ahead of time - direction and location of jump run, and speed and direction of the upper winds. It's not as simple as getting out over the airport. Depending on what the upper winds are doing, getting out directly over the airport could cause you to land out! Hackey
  18. I've had a couple "oh shit!" moments but nothing like what you described. The important thing is that you reacted to it quickly and that you have learned some valuable lessons from it. You are now a more experienced jumper for it. By the way, we have a few things in common! We both went to UIC, we both have under 100 jumps and I used to be a medic in the army (ambulance driver)! Hackey
  19. That is too funny! Especially the part about grandpa flirting with her and giving her mouth to mouth! Hackey
  20. I almost had my B license before my A license appeared in parachutist. Got my B license in August and it was just printed in last month's issue. Congrats on that license, it's no small accomplishment as any skydiver will tell you! Hackey
  21. I agree with that. But there are already laws on the books to do that. We need to do a better job enforcing the laws that are in place. Making new laws won't help if we're not enforcing the ones that already exist. Make new laws and then not enforce them like we don't enforce the ones we have now? I hardly see how that helps. Hackey
  22. I spent three years in the army, and I remember when I was in basic training letters from home were my lifeline. I would send something that really says "home". In other words, something that has personal meaning and you can't get it anywhere else. For example, a really nice one for me would have been a couple jars of my grandma's elderberry jelly. Maybe even a local newspaper. If you send food, it would be preferable for it to be homemade. You get the idea. Hackey
  23. Yeah, you can milk pretty much anything with nipples. LOL Hackey
  24. I agree with numbers 2,4,6,7,11,13,14,16,18 and 24. And I DEFINITELY agree with numbers 8 and 20. I totally disagree with the one about the cat, I'm a cat person, and Sunday means sports only when the weather is crappy and we can't jump. Hackey