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Everything posted by chicagoskydiver

  1. How about "whip it" by devo? I saw monkey claw use if for a freefly video and it was really cool! Hackey
  2. Born in Jacksonville, Illinois , went to high school and college in Chicago and currently live in the north suburbs of Chicago (imagine that!) Hackey
  3. Why hasn't anyone called the anti-cruelty society on her? That is outright cruelty to animals plain and simple! Hackey
  4. Before your level one jump you normally have to take a ground school class which takes around six hours or so. You probably need to make a reservation for that class after which you can do your level one jump at any time (within certain time limits). For future student jumps after that you can just show up at the dz and they'll get you up when an instructor becomes available. Hope this helps. Hackey
  5. I've seen that movie and the one thing that kept going through my mind was that these people must be total morons if they need to dirt dive a speed star dozens of times. Also, notice the drougeless tandem? And there was no separation on exit! It was kinda cool though how Stephen Baldwin was doing head downs with a space ball during his student progression! That's pretty realistic! NOT! Also, I heard that Army Golden Knights seargent call 8 way speed star "the premier competetive event in skydiving"....HUH? I could go on and in the beginning when Stephen Baldwin was watching the skysurfer from the ground! Let's just insult everyone's intelligence! Of course, most whuffos don't know the difference anyway. Hackey
  6. Sorry, Slappie, I have to agree with everything Lisa just said. However, if you don't want an A license number, or don't care about having one, that yellow card with the stamp on it serves as your A license and should be honored at any drop zone. To get higher licences than that, you'll have to pay the fee. It is a small price to pay considering everything the organization does for us. Basically, it just covers the cost of processing and record keeping. Hackey
  7. I quit smoking using the patch and it's been almost six years now. I just took it a day at a time, the days turned to weeks, the weeks into months. The patch really does help, but I think you have to be in the right place mentally to be ready to quit. I think that's the real determining factor. It sounds to me like you're there! Hackey
  8. chicagoskydiver


    welcome to Tony! Sounds like you're going to be a very welcome addition here. You'll fit right in especially if you like to talk about boobies! Of course, as you probably already realize, posting here can be quite addicting! Happy posting! Hackey
  9. Me too! What's up with that? It says...forbidden...permission denied.... Ok I tried the other link and got it...those last two looked kind of kinky Hackey
  10. I would add this one....Doesn't it hurt when you land? Of course! That's why we love it so much!! Masochism!! Hackey
  11. Is that true? Let's ask jtval...I'm sure he's an expert on silicone..LOL! Seriously, though, in my opinion I would chop a pilot chute in tow for a couple reasons. One, it may cause the main to leave promptly if the container does come open. Two, you don't have to think about which "set" of emergency procedures to use. JMHO Hackey
  12. I'm chicagoskydiver on yahoo messenger as well. Hackey
  13. The skydiving community really is much smaller than you think, and some skydivers do get around. I think there are only about...what...around 35,000 licensed skydivers in the U.S.? Hackey
  14. Thankfully it doesn't sound like a fatality and probably no paralysis either since he was feeling the pain in his back. Keep us posted! Hackey
  15. whew!! I'll have to read this when I have about an hour to kill! I hope you copied and pasted this from somewhere! I'd hate to think you actually typed all that! LOL Hackey
  16. Good job! Yeah, I saw that article in parachutist too. It's great advice for us low timers just getting started in relative work because it's something just about everyone goes through. Hackey
  17. No arguments there. It's going to be mind blowing! Hackey
  18. My favorites are: 1. Rush Hour 2. Rush Hour 2 3. Forest Gump Not necessarily in that order. Hackey
  19. The hypoxia special!!! Hackey
  20. And who can forget the leg lamp! And the mother was so jealous of it! Someone should have told her it could be could have been a booby lamp! I bet you'd like one of those eh jtval? I can see it's going to be at the top of your Christmas wish list! LMAO!! Hackey
  21. Me too! That movie is a classic! "You'll shoot your eye out kid!" LMAO and the part where the chinese guys in the restaurant are trying to sing "Deck the Halls" "deck the hars with bars of horry farararara rararara" LMAO!!!! There are so many funny classic moments in that movie! I watch it every year! Hackey
  22. Besides the "Willing to Fly" video, he has also done work for some major motion pictures such as Dropzone, Terminal Velocity, Cliffhanger, and of course Cutaway just to name of few. When the motion picture industry needs someone for freefall or aerial photography, Norman Kent is usually the man. Joe Jenning's videos are really cool because of the stunts he sets up and organizes which he is the best at doing that. But if I was doing a skydive of any type, and wanted someone to video it, and I could have whoever I want, Norman's the guy. Joe Jennings makes great videos. Norman Kent makes videos great. Here's what I think would be really awesome....have Joe Jennings set up and perform a stunt with Norman Kent on Video! There you have the best of both worlds! JMHO Hackey
  23. I always wanted to do it, so I researched it on the internet and did a tandem at Skydive Chicago. It was supposed to be a one time thing and it was for about a year. Then I saw Ann Currey (sp?) do a tandem live on the Today Show and I thought I would like to do it again so I went and did another tandem at Skydive Chicago. I figured what the heck and bought another one that day for $99. After I did the next one I just kept going and went into Skydive Chicago's AFP program. The rest is history! Hackey
  24. Beat me! Cheat me! Make me write bad checks!!! OOOOHHH BABY!!!! LMAO Hackey
  25. Well, I would have to say Norman Kent is the best in freefall photography and video. However, I would definitely say that Joe Jennings is the best in the business at organizing and performing skydiving stunts. Hackey